Chapter 565 The peace-loving United States


Did the Grays' empire contact him?

Although they don't understand which empire this empire refers to.

But the American military knew at the time that this empire represented the forces behind the Grays.

At the same time, the outside world was already making a lot of noise.

The military's external propaganda says there are no flying saucers, let alone aliens.

What Roswell Air Force Base said before was overturned by itself.

Some fragments of weather balloons were also sent over as cover.

"After hearing what the Grays said, everyone in Area 51 felt a little scared.

Some senior military experts on the sidelines were analyzing.

So we see that there will be many movies and novels related to this.

Normally, for positioning and other matters, we rely on the navigation on the flying saucer.

It seems that he doesn't care about the American military at all, but only cares about Aloy.

He doesn't understand the language on Blue Star, but he still understands knowledge such as mathematics.

Does he understand the mathematical words and symbols in human society?

But the gray man still answered Elroy's questions.

As for writing and drawing, he was even more unable to do it.

The map above has various patterns and lines.

Obviously the US military saw that the Grays were very wary of them.

Why did the Gray choose Elroy?
One possibility is that they think the Gray may have fallen in love with Elroy.

Because the Grays can hardly make any violent movements on the Blue Star.

The car broke down and was captured by the local cannibals.

This is not the result the U.S. military wants.

According to the gray man's answer.

Because there were so many people involved at the time, it was simply impossible to keep it completely secret.

The Grays were obviously very dissatisfied with them.

Want to skip the medium of Aloy.

It is a unified concept and belongs to the same galaxy as Blue Star.

Just like an ant, no matter how beautiful it is, would you fall in love with an ant?

The so-called empire is the country behind the Grays.

It's like you're driving to a strange place.

"The Gray Man continued to answer the questions that Elroy answered.

The leader of the cannibal tribe asks you, can you mark the outsiders on the map?

This is basically impossible to do.

At that time, Elroy was asked to ask the Grays.

The inspiration for many future science fiction films came more or less from these interviews.

Which tribe are you from? "Ye Zhen described it very vividly.

Obviously, the US military still wanted to communicate with the Grays through various methods.

It seems that the end of the world has arrived, and aliens will invade Blue Star tomorrow.

What does their empire look like, and can he draw their empire on a star map?

The funny scene made everyone laugh knowingly.

It was very difficult to even lift a finger.

This scene also comes to mind of the audience.

But after last week, the United States brought in many extraordinary beings to come into contact with the Grays.

The leader of the cannibals took out a map drawn on an animal hide.

Because he has no knowledge in this area at all.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand.

But this is no longer a cross-species concept.

As for marking it on the star map, the Grays said they couldn't do it.

In addition to spiritual communication, can Grays communicate in other ways?

Ever since I learned that the Grays can contact the Empire.

The attitude of the US military has undergone subtle changes.

They asked Elroy to ask the Grays.

How can the Grays completely trust them?
I believe that the United States is a peace-loving race and they have no malicious intentions.

He wanted the Grays to trust them and have frank and peaceful communication. "

Hear what Ye Zhen said.

Some people in the rest of the world couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha! Love peace? America?"

"That's the biggest joke I've ever heard."

"This is probably because they are afraid that the empire behind the Grays will come to Blue Star for revenge."

"It's so funny, don't you know what the virtues of the United States are?"

Anyone who has been around the world knows what a disgusting country the United States is.

Almost all wars now are instigated by the United States.

If the United States is a peace-loving country, then the world would already have world peace.

Obviously aliens will not believe such nonsense from the United States.

But the Grays still answered their questions.

"You want me to believe that you are peaceful and harmless to me.

That's all I ask.

I only communicate with her.

She can only be alone when communicating. Only she could ask questions, and no one else could be present.

Obviously this is talking about the people in the United States.

There are people responsible for taking notes, recording, and videotaping.

There are also soldiers who are always watching Aloy and the Grays.

All of this obviously made the Grays very dissatisfied.

Aloy reported the matter as it was.

This made the military very depressed and confused.

Why can't it just be Aloy? They don't understand very much.

Why do the Grays trust Elroy so much?

But there was no other way, they could only do what the Grays said.

Even Aloy himself was confused.

I'm just an ordinary military nurse.

There was nothing special about him from childhood to adulthood.

The military went to investigate the eighteenth generation of Aloy's ancestors.

But I didn't find anything special, a very ordinary white American family.

He is a devout Christian and grew up in a very good family environment.

Elroy thought he might have misinterpreted the Grays' meaning.

For this reason, I went to a linguist in the US military for help.

Because the communication between Aloy and the Grays is almost a stream of consciousness.

If you want to accurately understand what the other party means, the best way is to establish an identical language system.

Two options.

One is to let Elroy learn the language of the Grays.

Another is to let the Grays learn their language.

It is simply impossible for Aloy to learn an alien language in a short time.

The only way is to let the Grays learn English.

The Gray Man agreed to this request.

The U.S. military found many preschool education textbooks from that time.

Let the Grays start learning the alphabet.

You can take a look at the faces of the little grays. They have a pair of big dark eyes.

Unlike humans, they have no eyelids.

My eyes were always open and I couldn't close them at all.

They don't need sleep either.

In the next period of time, the gray people started learning English 24 hours a day.

If it is us humans, we go from being completely unfamiliar with a language to being familiar with it.

To the point where you can communicate, it is not required to master the ability to read and write.

If only communication is required, it will take about half a year for a general language genius.

It can be done, whereas it takes the average person three to five years to master a language.

Just like English, everyone starts learning it from childhood.

You know best what level of English you have now.

The Gray Man did it in only half a month.

I can now communicate with Aloy without any obstacles.

During this time, the U.S. military has never given up communication with the Grays.

For this reason, they created special sound-producing equipment for the Grays.

Let the Grays use this to communicate with them.

These devices were later used on a very famous scientist.

This man's name is Hawking.

At this time, the Grays can completely break away from conscious communication.

Direct dialogue with the US military.

But the Gray Man still expressed that he only needed Elroy.

She can only ask questions, and she alone can communicate.

Next, the Gray Man communicated directly with Aloy.

The Gray said he was a low-ranking officer in the Empire.

In the words and system of Blue Star, he is a master chief or something like that.

The last time he came to Blue Star, Blue Star was experiencing a huge flood.

The flood submerged all the land, and the civilization on Blue Star was destroyed in one fell swoop.

He therefore left immediately and came back to check after a while.

The U.S. military apparently heard something strange in the language of the Grays.

This is the benefit of unifying language standards.

Wait a while before coming back to see Blue Star.

Now everyone knows that the prehistoric flood occurred at least more than 10,000 years ago.

But for the Grays, it was only a short time?

This is more than ten thousand years?

So the American military asked the Grays what their concept of time was.

How long can they live.

The Gray Man's answer is that he is immortal.

According to the Blue Star people's chronology, he has lived for hundreds of millions of years. "

eternal life?

Are the Grays immortal?
(End of this chapter)

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