Chapter 566 Conservation of Soul
Eternal life is the pursuit of many people in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad.

The little gray man in front of him actually said that he was immortal.

How can this not be shocking?

Is there really any creature in the world that can live forever?

After hearing what Ye Zhen said, the audience felt a sense of unreality.

Although there are aliens and such now, it is no longer real.

"Eternal life, does this little gray man actually say that he is immortal!?"

"How is it possible? This is no longer something that living things can do."

"Just believe what the little gray man said. I also said that I am Qin Shihuang, and I am still lying in the mausoleum."

However, some viewers have a different view.

But now the little gray man himself is an immortal existence.

Old Wu took a sip of the already cold tea and said, "This little gray man should be dead long ago."

Countless chaebols have poured money into life sciences.

But some biologists do.

For humans who only have a life span of more than a hundred years, this is no different from eternal life.

They are intelligent beings, and according to the Grays themselves, they have lived for hundreds of millions of years.

How does this compare to others?
Professor Zhou in Yanshengli is also curious about the Grays.

But even so, the truth of many things still cannot be restored.

To achieve this goal, many investors will invest money regardless of the cost.

But it can be said that Professor Yan Xin has not yet started on this path.

Because human beings have always been pursuing it, they have no choice but to look for it in the biological world.

Professor Yan Xin is curious, "Is the path to genetic ascension so unnatural?"

"Is it possible to live forever at this stage?"

"If rare, there are Antarctic sponges, which are also almost immortal creatures."

In nature, there are indeed animals that are almost immortal.

"According to the Gray Man, he witnessed the great flood with his own eyes."

"Eternal life does not mean immortality."

"There is also a tardigrade, which is also a creature that is almost unnatural."

"Can you actually make them immortal?"

Let’s just talk about our current society, various records.

"It would be great if we could find him and talk to him."

These people have had all the fun in the world.

The ultimate goal is to achieve eternal life.

It is still in the research stage, and at most there will be some good breakthroughs.

"That's the possibility of knowing what happened in our part of the world at that time."

"The most common one is lobster. Theoretically, lobster can grow indefinitely without restrictions."

They are just the tip of the mountain displayed in that era.

But the problem before them now is life span.

They have wealth that ordinary people cannot earn in a hundred lifetimes.

The purpose is to extend even a little bit of life.

"The lighthouse jellyfish is theoretically a creature that can live forever."

No one can resist this temptation.

This is a life that is recognized in the biological world as theoretically immortal.

Professor Yan Xin himself imagined that the end of spiritual ascension is eternal life.

Without exception, these people are the talkers of every top financial group in the world.

They are tired of playing everything you can imagine and cannot imagine.

But the Grays are completely different from these creatures.

As a master of ancient book research, Professor Zhou is of course very interested in the things recorded in ancient books.

It’s video, voice, pictures, etc.

It’s just that history is in the past, no matter how abundant the historical data or records are.

These creatures are creatures that have been discovered by life sciences and have the potential to live forever.

Si Xiaoping also understood, "Even if he is not dead, he should be trapped in Area 51."

In Game 749, Song Xuan and Ning Xiu paid more attention to the empire behind the Grays.

"If this empire is the empire of aliens, what is their purpose of coming here?"

"To conquer us humans?" Ning Xiu was concerned about the purpose of the Grays and others coming here.

Song Xuan pondered slightly and said, "If the United States treats other people's officers like this, will it directly cause any disputes?"

"Others may directly send troops to rescue people or something like that."

In fact, many scientists have also thought about this issue.

Will treating an alien civilization in this way arouse the anger of others?
Now it seems that the other party's civilization and technology are much ahead of us humans.

I only heard Ye Zhen's eyes half-closed and he said slowly: "The little gray people said they were coming to Blue Star.

In fact, it is just to collect data on various blue stars.

It can be regarded as detecting and monitoring Blue Star.

Because Blue Star used to be the territory of the old empire.

Now belongs to the New Empire.

As for why their flying saucer crashed and malfunctioned.

They don't know either, they are just flying saucers.

I don't know much about flying saucers. It's like, we know how to drive.

But something went wrong with the vehicle and it suddenly exploded on the road.

Can we drivers know what is wrong with the car?

At that time, people in the U.S. military heard what the Grays said.

I know I'm just here to monitor and collect data.

This is why many American farms later came to be.

Many of their cattle died inexplicably.

When he died, his death was very strange.

Because it didn't look like he was attacked by a wild animal.

Because the cow carcass seemed to have been cut open by some kind of high temperature.

All the internal organs and blood inside were gone.

Some cows were even skinned.

No matter what the situation is, it is not something that animals can do.

Although many farmers went to report the crime, the local police could not find any results at all.

There are some alien abductions and things like that later on.

It should also be related to the Grays and the others.

Here the military also asked the Gray Man, were his two companions dead?

The Grays replied that they were not dead.

Here the Gray Man made an argument.

Conservation of soul theory.

There are only so many souls in the universe from the beginning to now.

It will neither increase nor decrease.

Humans and the Grays are all the same and have souls.

And the soul is immortal.

The souls of their companions have returned to the empire.

When they heard this, the US military at the time didn't understand it at all.

Why is the soul conserved? This concept is too advanced for them.

Because until now, we have not been able to confirm the existence of the soul.

The research on the soul has never reached the threshold.

The Gray Man said that the soul can exist independently or be attached to all objects.

It can be flowers, trees, or stones.

The dead companion is just a shell.

The soul is not such an inconvenient thing. "

Some viewers thought of the reincarnation that Ye Zhen mentioned a long time ago.

"Isn't this the six paths of reincarnation in Buddhism?"

"In this way, will we also be immortal?"

"Now that artificial intelligence is successful, is it the same if we digitize our brains?"

I only heard Ye Zhen continue to mutter.

“Isn’t the so-called reincarnation just the same soul reincarnating into different bodies?

But in our myths and legends, everyone who dies.

They will walk across something called Naihe Bridge and take a sip of something called Meng Po Soup.

Our memory will be washed clean and we will be reincarnated as a new soul.

In Greek mythology, there is also the concept of the River Styx.

As long as the body walks through this river and drinks the water of the Styx, the memory will be washed away.

In many myths, similar things are mentioned invariably.

This is the concept of the afterlife and this life.

It's just that every time you are reincarnated, your memory will be washed away.

But everything has loopholes.

This allows some people's souls to have some memories of previous lives.

This is what Ye Zhen mentioned before.

Ye Zhen said before that these memories exist in the Akashic Records.

It's just that we accidentally downloaded and came into contact with this type of information.

Now it seems that if the soul is conserved.

It may be that your soul has recovered some of its original information.

But there was one thing that Aloy didn't understand very much.

That's why the Grays chose her to communicate with.

The Gray Man revealed this to Elroy in the subsequent exchange.

And asked Aloy not to tell the US military.

This matter was a secret that no one in Area 51 knew at that time.

The Grays say that Aloy was once a member of their empire.

Although I don’t understand why Aloy appears here.

But Aloy's soul undoubtedly belonged to the Empire.

This is why the Grays chose Aloy. "

(End of this chapter)

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