Popular science says oxygen is poisonous, and the whole internet scolds me for being sick

Chapter 570 Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs

Chapter 570 Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs

Ye Zhen returned to his villa, and all he could think about was what the alien ghost said.

This is one of the few times Ye Zhen has encountered a life form that exists as a soul.

While driving back, Ye Zhen kept thinking.

"The alien ghost sounds like the unknown sender of the letter before."

Ever since Ye Zhen came back to life, he has inevitably received various letters from viewers.

Now viewers from all over the world will send letters to Ye Zhen.

But now this method of sending letters has been banned.

Because before, when Ye Zhen was a little popular in China, the letters could still be loaded.

But now Ye Zhen has reached global level traffic.

Previously, Ye Zhen learned some key information based on the fragments of anonymous letters.

In our traditional concept, there are three souls and seven souls.

The theories about soul out-of-body experiences are actually very similar.

"Could it be that the unknown letter was also sent to me by the Gray Man?" Ye Zhen couldn't confirm.

I can't find any sender or mailing address at all.

And what about the Grays?
There is already a little bit of the rudiment of Yin Shen.

Yang Shen requires the integration of essence, Qi and Shen before it can be cultivated.

I once traveled back in time in this quantum state.

He locked himself in the room alone.

Therefore, Yangcheng TV Station decided to suspend the mail-receiving business in the future.

Now hearing the alien ghost's words before his death, Ye Zhen felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Whether this is the true state of the soul, Ye Zhen is not sure.

Millions of letters flooded the Yangcheng TV station.

I seem to understand that the so-called soul is the soul in Taoism.

It's just that very few people can cultivate to this level.

Tushan, who was clearing the table, looked at Ye Zhen's back.

I want to ask whether Ye Zhen has encountered quantum creatures entangled in quantum states and special magnetic fields before.

But every time this letter seems to be a ghost, appearing inexplicably.

When one reaches the Bodhisattva realm, the physical body has been separated from the spirit, and the spirit exists independently in the universe.

It has directly turned into a waste paper collection station.

But before, Ye Zhen also wanted to find out whether this unknown letter was addressed to him.

After cultivating to a certain level, the so-called soul leaves the body, and this is the so-called Yang Shen.

In quantum mechanics, it can be explained by quantum tunneling.

There is a similar saying in Buddhism, which is called "the mind produces the body".

Many people in the world will send letters to Ye Zhen.

It really happened, that was when Ye Zhen first came into contact with the spiritual realm.

If you are a modern person, you will definitely think that this is the legendary ghost when you see it.

Ye Zhen, who returned to his villa, finished his dinner absentmindedly.

Yin Shen put it bluntly, after Kazuto died, he cultivated his soul to an extremely deep level.

In modern medicine, everyone has seen various near-death experiences mentioned by Ye Zhen in previous programs.

The little gray man was almost in this state before.

After living together for so long, Tu Shan noticed that Ye Zhen seemed to be worried.

Just like the gods imagined in the minds of ordinary people, he takes the form of a human, but can pass through walls and fly into the clouds and mist.

But does the soul really exist in a special magnetic field quantum state?
Ye Zhen is not sure, but after coming into contact with the ghost of the gray man.

Because ghosts have a very distinctive characteristic.

Not bound by time and space, coming and going freely, changing in an instant, saving sufferings in the lower realms, and saving all sentient beings.

But Ye Zhen had a very deep memory of one of the senders.

Nowadays, the number of spiritual power crystals in Ye Zhen's mind is increasing day by day.

That is, you can walk through walls at will, and you can travel back and forth regardless of matter.

Shining brightly in Ye Zhen's spiritual sea.

Why are there such similar statements and descriptions?

Although the rate of one pill a day is already very fast.

But even now Ye Zhen's mental strength cannot achieve the same level as recorded in ancient books.

"Spirit catching net, is there really such a thing?" Ye Zhen remembered what was recorded in Taoist classics.

Whenever the soul leaves the body, it will be recorded that it is accompanied by endless brilliance.

Maybe what the ancients called immortality and ascension was to break through this spirit trap?
Ye Zhen couldn't help but think of a novel.

After the elders of the sect became immortals and ascended, a message came back from the upper world.

"Don't fly up, there's no air up there."

It turns out that the so-called ascension means going outside the atmosphere and being suffocated to death.

So when you fly into the atmosphere, you can see the ascended bodies of the ancestors of your respective sects.

Of course, this is just a joke.

Ye Zhen closed his eyes and visualized the image of mandala flowers in his mind.

Endless complex and changing patterns are changing in Ye Zhen's sea of ​​consciousness.

When Ye Zhen opened his eyes, he let out a long breath.

The mental power is more condensed, and there are more than ten more mental power crystals in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"It's not like there's nothing gained." Ye Zhen didn't learn anything from alien ghosts. It turns out that the soul can exist in the form of special quantum states and special magnetic fields.

Ye Zhen has already mastered the electromagnetic force, but he has not explored its endless mysteries.

Now Ye Zhen understands from the alien ghost that although spiritual power is invisible and intangible, it is like a magnetic field.

Ye Zhen can use the mandala pattern as a medium to continuously polish his mental power.

The growth rate of mental power is more than ten times faster.

In the previous day, he could only condense one spiritual crystal at most.

Now Ye Zhen can condense more than ten leaves a day, which can be said to be a qualitative leap.

Ye Zhen remembered the appearance of the little gray people, "The little gray people are actually almost black."

"Black? Grays who have lived for hundreds of millions of years?"

Some things in Ye Zhen's mind suddenly connected together.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas" records that the immortal people are to the east, and they are black, long-lived, and immortal.

Are you talking about the Grays?

No, no, this is not the Gray Man.

I speculated before that this was the ancient black technology of witch doctors.

Something like zombies.

Isn't this little gray man very similar to the undead?
Or could it be said that the witch doctor's technique was imitated from the Grays? "

The bodies of the Grays are all top-notch creations of genetic engineering.

It can be said that it is almost the creation of a new species.

This is the so-called genetic ascension route.

As for the ancient witch doctor group, they seemed to have just parodied their bodies in imitation of the Grays.

Just created undead people.

“In our opinion, ancient witch doctors could resurrect gods, resurrect corpses, and create undead people.

Their technology is already very outrageous and exaggerated, and it is undoubtedly biological black technology.

However, the black technology of the Witch Doctor Group is most likely just inherited and imitated.

The witch doctor corps is not a real path to genetic ascension.

The manufactured Shebishi and Yaoyao are the products of failure.

Why do they want to live forever? "

Ye Zhen began to analyze what he had encountered before in his mind.

"Because after death, the soul will be captured by the hypothetical ghost net."

"The spirit catcher, the spirit catcher is conscious."

"In order to prevent your soul from being caught by the spirit net, the only way is to make yourself immortal."

"As long as you live forever, you can avoid your soul being captured by the spirit net."

There is a saying in Taoism.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and treat all things as stupid dogs." Ye Zhen seems to have understood the true meaning of this sentence in Laozi's "Tao Te Ching".

"It turns out that the ancestors have discovered it a long time ago."

"Only this life, don't cultivate the next life."

Ye Zhen stood up and looked at the gray sky through the window.

"Ghost trap?"

"Gaia consciousness?"

"Let's call you Blue Star Will."

"Or maybe I'll call you Heavenly Dao."

After connecting everything, Ye Zhen felt like he had a clear idea.

But the more you know, the more you don’t know.

There are still many things that are not clear yet.

Ye Zhen also understood why the alien ghost said that Blue Star was an endless hell.

According to the Grays, the soul is immortal.

It is possible to retain memories and continue to survive.

If this is the case, doesn’t it mean that everyone is a reborn person?
When everyone lives again, they carry the memories of their previous life with them.

Not to mention hundreds of millions of years, just tens of thousands of years of accumulation.

Everyone can reach unprecedented heights.

If it were such a society, how rapidly would it develop?
Where will technology reach?
To us, technology of that level is no different from magic.

Any sufficiently developed science and technology is tantamount to magic in our eyes.

But now humans only have a short lifespan of one hundred years.

Most of them don't even live to be a hundred years old.

After you die, you need to start over.

It's like starting over every time and developing from scratch.

No wonder alien ghosts say Blue Star is a prison of punishment.

If there is a chance, Ye Zhen would like to capture another alien ghost for questioning.

But such an opportunity is rare and hard to come by.

Ye Zhen still doesn't understand why the alien ghost blew himself up in the office.

"It seems that the world we live in is far more exciting than we imagined."

Ye Zhen lay on the bed and fell asleep peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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