Chapter 571 Shocking the World
Just when Ye Zhen's show was finished and he went home from get off work to sleep and rest.

The domestic audience couldn't sleep at all.

They watched Ye Zhen's show and felt like they were on stimulants.

It's as if the veil of this world has been lifted.

Just like a stripper wearing black gauze, slowly taking off her stockings.

"Ahhh! I couldn't sleep at all after watching Teacher Ye Zhen's program!"

"Me too, my family doesn't understand! I feel like aliens are staring at me next to my bed."

"I also want to see if the aliens look like the Grays."

The domestic audience was so excited that they could not sleep, and there was a thirst for knowledge and a desire to explore in their hearts.

Has been completely inspired by Ye Zhen.

"Only the Chinese have such ability and courage."

Early the next morning.

The most caloric guy without exception!
The other stars want to be trending, announce a movie or something.

Anyway, Ye Zhen is the biggest traffic right now, and everyone wants to come and get a piece of the pie.

"Let the U.S. government disclose the existence of the Grays!" We need to know the truth."

"Also, this is the first time I've seen someone dissect an alien on a show!"

"What would we do if we encountered aliens?" 》.

"The Difference Between Aliens and Humans".

Various websites at home and abroad are slicing up the content of Ye Zhen’s program.

"My God, I really admire this Chinese named Ye Zhen."

Countries across the ocean, all their viewers can't sleep right now.

"Top Secret Video!" Brutal dissection of aliens! 》.

They have never seen such a wonderful show.

Traditional media such as TV stations and newspapers will still be more restrained.

"You may not be American, but this is how the levels of alien civilizations are divided?" 》.

There are also various comments on the Internet that are even more exaggerated.

This is the first time that foreign audiences have seen someone dare to openly talk about Area 51.

Now, as soon as Ye Zhen's show is aired, it dominates the hot searches.

After all, not everyone has time to watch Ye Zhen's show.

But those who missed Ye Zhen’s program still don’t want to give up the content.

"Alien flying saucers actually look like this?" The truth about China’s three-legged Golden Crow! 》.

"If you were in the United States, you might have been warned by the FBI above."

Foreign newspapers are even more unscrupulous.

"Shock! The whole process of alien anatomy! 》.

"Teach you in one minute how to escape the soul from the ghost trap".

"Shock! It turns out that we humans have not even reached the first level of civilization? They are actually a level seven civilization! 》

"I am the reincarnation of the Little Gray Man, and I will take you to escape from the Blue Star for 50."

They all deliberately avoid the day of Ye Zhen's show.

Although everyone is shameless, it is even more outrageous and exaggerated on the Internet.

"How to get out of Blue Star Prison, the only way is Musk's Mars plan!" 》.

Even traditional media newspapers used shocking headlines.

"Even if it's not in the United States, in other countries, it may have been killed long ago."

There is no need to wait until tomorrow, the Internet is already full of hot searches for Ye Zhen.

In addition, some people conducted secondary analysis and interpretation of the content of Ye Zhen's program.

They did have an addiction.

They will watch the reruns of Ye Zhen’s show and the recordings uploaded by others.

Nowadays, the headlines on the front pages of newspapers are all about Ye Zhen’s program.

There is no doubt that Area 51 in the United States is real.

Especially for the Americans, it's still morning.

Among the top ten, eight are hot searches for Ye Zhen.

Similar headlines appeared in newspaper headlines at home and abroad.

"Top Secret Video Leaked, Real Alien UFO I Photographed".

Everyone fell into a carnival.

Here, some state departments came out to explain and refute the rumors.

"Everyone, please calm down. Aliens and the like do not exist. Don't listen to rumors."

But now everyone is not a fool.

There are many extraterrestrial civilization enthusiasts and experts on the Internet.

Calculate it for everyone using Drake's formula and Fermi Paradox.

The probability of aliens existing is much greater than we think!
Inside, there were people from the alien cult who took the opportunity to drag people in.

"The leader of our alien cult is Ye Zhen!"

"You all come and join our alien religion. The alien God will bless you."

Don't tell me, there are really people who will join the alien cult.

What? Just be sure you have the Flying Pasta Cult.

Can't we have an alien religious cult?

Departments in various countries saw that the situation was getting out of hand.

They all set their sights on the United States, wanting to see what the United States would do.

If the past habits of the United States were followed, the United States would find various reasons.

For example, there is oil here, but there is no democracy or freedom here.

Our free and peace-loving American military needs to come and rescue you! Set you free.

But this time the people came from China.

What will the United States do?

It’s okay to come out and refute the rumors.

But Area 51, in 2013, the United States itself admitted that it existed.

Reporters from various American television stations gathered at the White House.

Because people from the White House held a press conference directly the next day. Many security personnel could be seen at the scene to maintain order.

The large green lawn in front is the site of the press conference.

The venue has been set up early here.

An old white man from the United States walked to the podium filled with microphones.

At the press conference, many reporters asked questions.

"What I want to ask is, is everything Mr. Ye Zhen said on the show true?"

The person in charge of the White House supported Maddie and said: "Everything is false and made up."

In addition, the reporter continued to ask, "Area 51 is real, right? Why do you deny the Roswell incident?"

The White House said, "We have said many times that Area 51 is just a normal military air base."

"The Roswell incident is a fiction and does not exist."

No matter what questions reporters asked next, the United States denied it.

This makes people feel as if they are guilty.

In the sky at the scene, someone suddenly pointed at the horizon and shouted.

"Look, what is that!" a female reporter pointed at the glowing cigar-shaped object in the sky and shouted.

Everyone looked up to the sky.

Even the head of the White House turned away and looked up at the sky.

Sure enough, there was a cigar-shaped object glowing orange floating in the horizon.

But the next second he shouted and disappeared into the horizon.

It's like it never appeared.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

"Quick, quick, did you just take the photo?"

"This is big news! A flying saucer just appeared!"

"Many people present must have seen it."

"That's not a special effect, and it's not fake!"

News of the flying saucer over the White House quickly spread throughout the world.

After people around the world saw this report.

He became more and more certain that what Ye Zhen said was true.

"The United States feels guilty when it sees this!"

"If it really doesn't exist, why don't you dare to reveal Area 51 for us to take a look at?"

"Are you stupid? That's someone else's military base. How could I let you see it?"

"But isn't it weird that everyone who takes office goes to Area 51?"

"Have you seen the shape of the flying saucer?"

"UFOs really do exist in the world!"

Later, the United States did not come out to explain what appeared in the sky above the White House that day.

Because during that period, there were no aircraft flying at all.

All routes and aircraft are unrecorded.

This is an aircraft that does not belong to the United States.

Obviously not from an enemy country.

Otherwise, how could he appear so arrogantly in the United States?

This time, people were even more convinced of what Ye Zhen said.

In Area 51.

At this time, the lieutenant general looked at the reports from around the world and the headlines on the Internet with a livid face.

"This Ye Zhen must die!" The lieutenant general tore up the newspaper in his hand.

"Lieutenant General, the people from Japan and Bangzi Country have already set off."

"And our superpower troops also followed to China."

They really wanted to put Ye Zhen to death.

in some laboratories in other countries around the world.

Some scientists are curious about what the spirit trap Ye Zhen mentioned is.

If Blue Star was really enveloped by something like this, they should have discovered something.

But until now, they haven't found anything like a ghost net.

Some scientists have said, "Could the so-called spirit trap be the legendary consciousness of Gaia?"

"It is he who controls the course and soul of our species."

"No, no, no, I feel like this is the way of heaven in our Taoist family." A Chinese scientist waved his hand and said, "It governs all things in human beings."

"It's like the Six Paths of Reincarnation." A scientist with a slightly darker complexion smiled.

Listening to their conversation, it’s hard to imagine that this is the top scientific laboratory in Europe.

Some Western scientists believe that "the ghost trap may be heaven, the paradise created by God."

"Heaven is where we belong."

Afterwards, many video special effects people analyzed the video of Ye Zhen’s anatomy.

I found that this was indeed a prop, but it was just made to look lifelike.

But later on, the gray man heals himself and moves and talks on his own.

No matter how much they thought about it, they couldn't figure out what kind of technology was used.

The Internet even suspected that Ye Zhen had mastered some black magic.

If the Gray Man is directly resurrected, then the Gray Man may be alive!
It's just that everyone laughed it off.

How could the Grays be alive?

In addition, some people in the Western occult and spiritual circles.

Ye Zhen started to pay attention.

"This person named Ye Zhen, I feel he is very spiritual."

"He is a talent worth attracting."

Some people with special powers, some of them say they have alien masters.

They claim to be able to communicate with alien masters and learn the Fa.

Everyone just laughed it off before, but now it seems that this is not impossible.

Some people with special abilities may have actually had contact with alien souls.

(End of this chapter)

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