Chapter 573 New Abilities
When Ye Zhen woke up the next day, he experienced the spiritual enlightenment he had yesterday.

Ye Zhen felt that he had better control over his mental power.

Various more subtle controls can be performed.

In addition, Ye Zhen found that he had also mastered another new ability.

After getting up and washing up, Ye Zhen went to the lobby on the first floor.

In the living room is a scale that Tushan purchased online.

Girls feel this way for no reason, even though they are already very slim.

Some of them can even be said to be thin.

But I will still talk about losing weight, and I will always say that I want to lose weight.

Check how much you have lost every day.

"I have a relative who works at Yangcheng TV station, and he once met Mr. Ye." A man wearing white short-sleeves looked like he understood.

It can be said that the whole people are discussing the content of Ye Zhen's program.

At that time, in that spiritual realm, Ye Zhen gained insights and notes related to gravity.

Then the program "Liao Ye Zhen" must be right.

In the short videos, you will see slices of Ye Zhen’s program.

"Of course I saw it, and I said there are definitely aliens in the world."

Someone said it online.

100kg, 110kg, 130kg kept soaring until 250kg and then stopped.

"If only we humans existed, the entire universe would be too scary."

"But when I was watching short videos, I found that I had watched so many episodes of Mr. Ye Zhen's program without knowing it."

"Although I have never watched Teacher Ye's live show once."

"Did you watch Ye Shen's show yesterday?"

It's just that now Ye Zhen can only control his own gravity.

Everyone immediately pricked up their ears and looked at the man in white short sleeves.

Ye Zhen got off the scale and drove back to Yangcheng TV station.

Everyone in the school is discussing similar things enthusiastically.

Everyone is chatting about their opinions.

It has been reduced to 0kg, but at this moment Ye Zhen is still standing firmly on the scale.

Passers-by walking on the road, office workers eating breakfast on the street.

This is the ability Ye Zhenxin realized, to control the gravity field.

"I feel that not only are human beings not unique in the universe, but they are not special even in Blue Star's 4.6 billion-year history."

Otherwise, how could it become so big all of a sudden and then change to 0 all of a sudden?
This is completely unscientific.

The same goes for people at work.

At this time, a qualitative change finally occurred, allowing Ye Zhen to understand the gravity field.

Students in school will gather around and chat.

If you look at it from the outside, you will definitely think that the scale is broken.

Without exception, everyone is discussing Ye Zhen's program.

"I recently came into contact with a group called the Alien God Cult. Are you interested in learning more about it?"

Ye Zhen realized this ability thanks to the Newton he met in the spiritual realm before.

I saw the number on the scale began to stabilize and stopped at 80kg.

"No, no, no, what you heard is wrong."

On the road at this time, the street newspaper stalls were full of reports about Ye Zhen.

This is reflected in the fact that weight can be easily controlled.

Immediately after the above number, it began to decrease rapidly from 250kg.

"No, the version I heard is that the top leaders of the United States are all lizardmen, and they have long been controlled by the lizardmen."

"The universe is so big, how can it be possible that there is only one civilization like ours?"

"I just said that the United States has colluded with aliens for a long time, and the top leaders of the United States are all raped by human beings!"

If you and a stranger can't find anything to talk about.

Ye Zhen stood on the scale, but Ye Zhen didn't do it to see how much she weighed now.

Now it can be said that it is a nationally famous program, even if you have never watched it.

Ye Zhen stood on it motionless, and then the number increased rapidly.

"Tell me more, do you have any inside information?"

"I heard that it's hard to get into Yangcheng TV now, it's almost the same as taking the public examination."

The man in white short-sleeves stretched out his hand to call the people over, and put his face close to them with a mysterious look on his face.

"I'm telling you, this is the inside information I got."

"Teacher Ye is not a human being at all." The short-sleeved man seemed to have mastered some shocking secret.

When everyone heard this, they said, "You are not a human being."

The short-sleeved man waved his hand and said, "No, think about it, who is as powerful as Ye Shen?"

"It's so unbelievable that he doesn't look like a human being at all. My relatives who work at the Yangcheng TV station said that Ye Zhen is an alien and likes to eat his own kind."

The short-sleeved man said seriously.

"Why don't I believe it?" Everyone was questioning.

The short-sleeved man stretched out his fingers and swore to God, "I really have a relative who works at Yangcheng TV Station. She told me so. I promise I'm not lying."

At this time, Ye Zhen returned to Yangcheng TV station.

Because Ye Zhen's fame exploded.

The teams that have applied to come to Yangcheng TV Station for exchanges are already scheduled for next year.

This is still based on relationships. It can be said that this exchange quota is hard to find.

Everyone knows that you won’t learn anything at all if you come over for exchanges.

They just wanted to see Ye Zhen.

However, Yangcheng TV now controls the people who come to communicate.

It's no longer as exaggerated as before.

Ye Zhen now presides over the regular morning meetings. After all, Ye Zhen is now nominally one of the directors of Yangcheng TV Station.

No one had any objections to Ye Zhen, a newcomer who had joined the TV station less than a year ago and took the position of director.

Instead, they were talking about why Ye Zhen only became the director now?

What's more, it is said that it is more than enough for Ye Zhen to directly become the director of the station.

Ye Zhen went to the conference room and started the meeting directly.

Unlike ordinary leaders, Ye Zhen will never start with a long speech.

Say some irrelevant and false words.

"Director, please announce the ratings." Ye Zhen directly motioned to the head of the backend data department to announce the ratings.

The supervisor looked at Ye Zhen who was sitting in the first place, but it was less than a year.

Ye Zhen went from being an intern to his current position.

Even a novel would not dare to write like this.

The authority in charge coughed slightly and said, ""Into Popular Science" now ranks first in the ratings on the five continents, and has ranked first in the ratings many times."

“Now it’s No. 1 in ratings in Oceania!”

The head of the data department took the lead and began to applaud. This was a heartfelt applause.

"It is now number one in the ratings on six continents!" the supervisor said excitedly while clapping his hands vigorously.

The people in the audience also applauded enthusiastically.

This result was within Ye Zhen's expectation.

Colleagues in the audience clapped their hands and whispered: "Are you considered number one in the world now?"

"It is already number one in ratings on six continents. It should be considered number one in the world."

But some people thought, "Aren't these seven continents? There is still one place left."

Ye Zhen pressed his hands in the air, "Okay, let's break up the meeting if there's nothing else to do."

Others thought that Ye Zhenhui would be the new official with three things to do when he took office.

But now everyone feels that Ye Zhen is never sloppy in doing things.

The morning meeting is no longer so painful.

After Ye Zhen returned to his office, the system's voice rang in his mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the mission and becoming the number one viewer in Oceania! 】

[Ding, gained 1.3 million popularity points]

[Ding, new mission: Ask the host to become the most watched program in Antarctica]

Sure enough, as Ye Zhen predicted, there is only one Antarctica left.

"Including the previous popularity points, now I have a total of 2.3 million popularity points."

After Ye Zhen went through the last period of arrears in popularity, now his popularity is finally full again.

It just seems like more than 200 million people have a lot of popularity.

In fact, this is not enough for Ye Zhen to enter a high-dimensional spiritual realm.

To open a high-dimensional spiritual realm, you need 100 million popularity points. This is fixed.

It's like a ticket.

In addition, 100 million popularity points are needed to fight against the so-called way of heaven, which is the so-called Gaia consciousness, and what the gray people call the spirit trap.

Anyway, it is a kind of existence that is superior to human beings.

In addition, some popularity points need to be spared, because Ye Zhen already had experience last time.

Ye Zhen's strength is far from enough in the high-dimensional spiritual realm.

If it were not for the status of saint, Ye Zhen would have fallen long ago.

And the strange beasts encountered were not the top ones.

If you really encounter some of the most mythical beasts in the legend.

What should Ye Zhen do?
This made Ye Zhen realize that he was not strong enough and his popularity was not enough.

"You still need to improve your strength." Ye Zhen controlled a small gravity field in front of his fingertips.

Control the pen on the desktop to fly towards you.

Ye Zhen can now control gravity, not gravity in general.

Gravity is truly one of the four fundamental forces.

Now Ye Zhen can only control his own gravity field to offset or increase his attraction to objects.

Ye Zhen felt that if he practiced a little more, he could completely offset Blue Star's gravity.

Achieve aerial flight.

Then Ye Zhen will be like Superman and can fly in the sky.

But Ye Zhen thinks it will take some time.

But Ye Zhen can now control the gravity field around him and put himself in a state of super gravity.

Ye Zhen found that this could exercise his physical body.

It's like overload training in anime, except that it consumes a lot of money on Ye Zhen's body.

If you are an ordinary person, if you move in the range of hypergravity, you will be crushed into a pulp.

But for Ye Zhen, who had practiced "The Immortal Body of the Sun", it was just a little bit harder.

Ye Zhen is still exploring ways to use the gravity field.

(End of this chapter)

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