Popular science says oxygen is poisonous, and the whole internet scolds me for being sick

Chapter 574 Another invitation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Chapter 574 Another invitation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Ye Zhen, who was sitting in the office, was slowly getting familiar with the gravity field he had just mastered.

Now Ye Zhen can control the gravity field within a certain range around himself.

Put your body directly into a state of load.

It's like 24-hour weight training.

At first, Ye Zhen felt a little overwhelmed.

Double gravity was added to the body privately.

This is not just about carrying heavy objects on your body.

Some of our current fitness and exercises are actually weight-bearing training.

But for the ice muscle and jade bone that has now reached the realm of immortality.

Looking at the little turtle on Ye Zhen's table, "You actually still keep this little turtle?"

Now apart from work, Ye Zhen actually has very little contact with Producer Chen.

Producer Chen walked in with a smile, "Director Ye Da, long time no see."

Ye Zhen's body was surrounded by a gravity field at this time, and he struggled to speak: "If you fart, let it go."

It was quite difficult to pick up the water glass on the table.

The person who came was none other than Producer Chen.

Because almost all other matters in the show are controlled by Producer Chen.

"It seems that it still takes some time to adapt." Ye Zhen silently felt the changes in his body.

Producer Chen poured himself a cup of tea for Ye Zhen.

Producer Chen was not less involved.

Usually we want to exercise our internal organs or some special places.

Already already familiar with the road.

Many programs want to invite producer Chen to guide the business.

Ye Zhen's mind was still on himself at this time.

There was another knock on the door.

Basically impossible.

In fact, Producer Chen followed Ye Zhen during this period of time.

Now he is a world-class producer.

Now that he has mastered the gravity field, Ye Zhen can take his body to the next level.

In terms of position, Ye Zhen can now be said to be Producer Chen's boss.

There is only such omnidirectional gravity, several times the gravity.

Because of the program, Producer Chen is also a gold medal producer in the industry.

Producer Chen laughed and sat down, minding his own business and making tea for himself.

It didn't affect anyone other than myself at all.

Ordinary weight training has no effect on Ye Zhen.

Exercise will only have an effect on Ye Zhen's body.

Producer Chen looks very glamorous on the surface.

Ye Zhen felt that his body had never been so heavy.

Producer Chen has been working hard in the television industry for so many years.

Now Ye Zhen's moving speed is almost the same as the little turtle kept on Ye Zhen's table.

"No wonder Saiyans are so powerful and still train in the gravity room."

Even across the country, people in the industry have seen Producer Chen.

But now he is also the chief producer of Yangcheng TV Station.

Ye Zhen felt that all his movements were like lead.

Ye Zhen struggled to say two words, "Come in."

I usually don’t have social activities and various meetings while filming the show.

He also got a promotion and a salary increase, although not as exaggerated as Ye Zhen.

Just when Ye Zhen carefully studied the effect of the gravity field.

Because of Ye Zhen's exquisite mental power, Ye Zhen can control multiple times of gravity only on himself.

Now who doesn't call me "Supervisor Producer"?

This state of hypergravity allows every cell and muscle in Ye Zhen's body to be exercised.

Because of Ye Zhen, it can be said that one person achieved enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascended to heaven.

However, Producer Chen is still self-aware, if he leaves Ye Zhen.

He, Xiao Chen, is nothing.

What kind of bullshit big producer is just giving face to someone else.

Producer Chen has a very clear understanding of himself. He is no longer a young man who has just entered the industry.

Some people often regard the opportunities and luck of the times as their own strength.

After Producer Chen drank two cups of tea leisurely, he slowly began to talk to Ye Zhen about business.

"The Chinese Academy of Sciences said they want to invite you to assist them in their research."

"At the same time, I will give you the status of a professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and let you lead people."

When Producer Chen received the news.

I felt that I had made a mistake. Ye Zhen actually received an invitation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Directly give Ye Zhen the status of professor and let Ye Zhen do research?
This is something that Producer Chen can't imagine, but Producer Chen doesn't dare to agree to it for Ye Zhen.

As for why the Chinese Academy of Sciences didn't come directly to Ye Zhen.

Because someone from the Chinese Academy of Sciences came here once before and wanted to accept Ye Zhen as a student.

But now I find that if Ye Zhen goes in.

Who is qualified to be Ye Zhen’s mentor?
Ye Zhen's ability is no less than that of some academicians, and even surpasses it.

Ye Zhen's name has long been famous in the academic world.

It's just that after the last experience, the people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences couldn't save their dignity and came to invite Ye Zhen.

So I found a middleman, Producer Chen, to ask Ye Zhen for his opinion.

Upon hearing this, Ye Zhen realized that if he hadn't been too young in his previous life, he would have become an academician long ago.

No matter where you are, in China, people are all about seniority.

He was said to be a professor, but in fact, he was just an associate professor to Ye Zhen. Ye Zhen smiled and said, "Tell the people at the Chinese Academy of Sciences that I might consider giving you the title of academician."

Producer Chen couldn't help but spurt out the tea he just drank.

"Academician? Are you crazy or am I crazy?"

"If someone makes an exception and hires you as a professor, they already think highly of you."

There is never a shortage of geniuses in the world.

Not to mention foreign countries, we now have two full professors under the age of 30 in China.

One of them was specially hired as a full professor at the age of 23.

For Ye Zhen, a newly graduated undergraduate student.

Far from enough to see.

However, Producer Chen felt that Ye Zhen was the person who would say such things.

"Academician?" Producer Chen was actually thinking about Ye Zhen's words.

"Understood, I'll go back and reply to them right away." Producer Chen and Ye Zhenchen had been together for so long.

Although Ye Zhen usually looks calm and unruffled.

But Producer Chen knew that Ye Zhen had an unspeakable madness hidden deep in his heart.

That is an arrogant thing.

It's just that no one saw it.

Producer Chen just left Ye Zhen's office to reply to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

On the other side, at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, their research has fallen into a bottleneck.

Because they want to fully mature the use of Oxygen 18, but they are missing the last key link.

No matter how they read ancient books or use modern life sciences and supercomputers to calculate.

Still can't find the best way to exercise.

Many academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have lost a lot of hair.

"Impossible, why can't this succeed?"

"Obviously this is the most scientific cultivation method, why can't I retain the oxygen 18 in my body?"

"I have modified countless versions of breathing techniques."

What they want is a breathing exercise method that is stable, sustainable, and adaptable to everyone.

Like radio gymnastics, there is something for everyone.

Originally, radio gymnastics was born out of the "Guide Picture" of the Han Dynasty.

At that time, it was just to promote national fitness.

Until now, radio gymnastics has become a compulsory part of primary and secondary school students.

But now the Chinese Academy of Sciences has noticed the great changes in the times, and another era is coming soon.

Now I need a new exercise method.

This is why the Chinese Academy of Sciences conducted research based on Ye Zhen's program as inspiration and basis.

Want to create a breathing exercise that allows the human body to use oxygen 18.

But now it has reached the point of continuing to push forward.

Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences are the top and smartest people in China.

They were all at their wits' end.

At this time, someone thought of Ye Zhen.

Why not go to Ye Zhen and see if Ye Zhen can do anything?
But in the eyes of these academicians, Ye Zhen is just an undergraduate student with both degrees.

However, there are other academicians who know Ye Zhen's current reputation in the international academic community.

But it's louder than many of their old guys.

They thought it was a good choice to let Ye Zhen join the research.

The academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences smiled and said: "I believe no one can refuse our invitation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

"Being a full professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences is what many people dream of."

"Given time, it may not be impossible for him to become an academician."

At this time, Producer Chen replied to Ye Zhen of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"Hello, is this the Chinese Academy of Sciences?" Producer Chen tried his best to sound polite.

"Hello, this is Producer Chen." The person in charge of the Chinese Academy of Sciences answered Producer Chen's call.

"We, Director Ye, have responded." Producer Chen said softly.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences did not expect a reply so soon. The person in charge of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was overjoyed, thinking that Ye Zhen must have agreed immediately.

"I wonder when Comrade Ye Zhen will come over?"

Producer Chen was stunned for a moment, "No, no, no, you misunderstood me."

After hesitating for a moment, Producer Chen hesitated and said: "Director Ye said, if your Chinese Academy of Sciences is willing to give me an academician title."

"Maybe he will agree to come and help you."

The person in charge of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was also dumbfounded, "Huh? What did you say? The title of academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

The person in charge of the Chinese Academy of Sciences felt that he had heard wrongly.

But the call had been hung up at this time.

The person in charge of the Chinese Academy of Sciences told the news to the vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"He wants us to give him the title of academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences!"

"This guy is too arrogant and domineering, it's simply ridiculous!"

"Does he know what an academician is?"

"Giving him the title of full professor is already a great gift."

"You actually covet the position of academician. You really don't know how high the sky is!"

how to say.

Tu Youyou won China's first Nobel Prize in Medicine when she returned to China.

Still not elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Think about why this is?
And he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences twice.

Therefore, being an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences does not mean that you can become an academician just because you have research results.

Even in the scientific community, there is a lot of emphasis on human relations and seniority.

Otherwise, Ye Zhen wouldn't have had to live such a miserable life.

(End of this chapter)

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