Popular science says oxygen is poisonous, and the whole internet scolds me for being sick

Chapter 580: Cultivation of one's nature but not one's life is the first disease of spirit

Chapter 580: Cultivation of one's nature but not one's life is the first disease of spiritual cultivation.

After asking Tushan about the Yin Yang Sect.

Ye Zhen went back to her room after taking a shower.

Ever since I understood the gravity field.

Ye Zhen's physical body is now shrouded in a gravity field all the time.

Because of this, Ye Zhen's physical body undergoes new changes every day.

This greatly speeds up the cultivation of "The Immortal Body of the Great Sun".

Not long ago, Ye Zhen had just broken through to the second level of immortality, Ice Muscle and Jade Bone.

Under the all-round training of the gravity field, Ye Zhen, the second level of immortality, has reached the third stage.

That means King Kong is indestructible.

The body cannot return to its original state.

Now we all know that if humans have their fingers cut off or amputated now.

But Ye Zhen, who has reached the realm of immortality, now has his hands and feet cut off.

If you only cultivate your life but not your nature, it will be difficult for your ghost spirit to become a saint.

Although it is just four simple words, there are very few people who can achieve these four words of physical and mental health.

The density of bones and muscles is extremely exaggerated.

"Invulnerable, that's about it." Ye Zhen attached Qi to the fruit knife.

It's just that Ye Zhen's newly opened skin wound is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Da Mingzong, who is obsessed with ancestral nature, is like a mirror without a precious mirror to identify one's appearance.

If someone can dissect Ye Zhen's body, it can be seen that Ye Zhen's bones and blood are different from ordinary people.

Now Ye Zhen is no longer afraid of pistol bullets.

The bones gave off a luster of metal mixed with jade.

Not even a scar was left.

This is true physical and mental health.

"This immortal realm actually has such an effect." Ye Zhen picked up a fruit knife from the kitchen and cut it on his arm.

But when it cuts into the meat, it is like cutting into a steel bar, and it is impossible to continue cutting.

With all his strength, he managed to break through his tough skin.

For example, occupations such as pilots.

Physical and spiritual perfection, both need to reach a level of perfection.

According to folk records, this can only be accomplished by some eminent monks and the like.

This is the importance of physical and mental health.

In fact, in Taoism, there has always been the concept of dual cultivation of life and life.

In addition, Ye Zhen's resilience is now almost exaggerated.

The blood is even more filled with golden light.

Corpses can become physical relics without special treatment.

After a while, the place Ye Zhen had just cut was restored to its original state.

Now Ye Zhen's physical defense has reached an abnormal level.

But this is the second most important thing.

“Cultivation of one’s nature but not one’s life is the first disease of cultivation.

"The realm of immortality has finally been achieved." Ye Zhen clenched his fist tightly.

The so-called immortality realm is equivalent to saying that if Ye Zhen dies now.

After reaching the Immortal Realm, Ye Zhen's physical recovery ability has been greatly improved.

Even some large-caliber firearms are difficult to penetrate Ye Zhen's body.

Ye Zhen also has a clear understanding of his physical defense.

Just like in some special types of work, a psychological evaluation is required before every job.

But even though Ye Zhen tried very hard, he didn't leave any scratches on his arm.

It was the same at the beginning when Ye Zhen created the realm of health care master.

Ye Zhen saw that ordinary knives could no longer cause harm to him.

The life span of the world is the same as that of a foolish man, who holds the power and property of the family but has no control over it. "Ye Zhen suddenly understood why Taoists pay attention to the dual cultivation of life and life.

This is the most powerful place in the Immortal Realm.

With the body's strong recovery power, it can also grow back slowly.

But in our modern society, that is exhausting both physically and mentally.

We are all captured by something called money and become money slaves.

What about advance consumption, moonlighting, online loans, etc.

No wonder now is the Dharma Ending Age. It is so difficult to be a practitioner in such an environment.

Maybe the only way is to go deep into the mountains and isolate yourself from the feasting and feasting of the outside world.

Only this kind of physical isolation can calm people's minds.

"There is still one last realm left." Ye Zhen thought of the last third realm of cultivation.

That is the last one, the Tathagata state.

Now Ye Zhen is becoming more and more clear about the next level of the health master's theory of equalizing things.

Understanding one's own physical body is also a kind of practice.

The most difficult thing for people is to recognize themselves.

If we talk about health maintenance, we should keep ourselves physically and mentally healthy.

The theory of equalizing things is to make a breakthrough physically and mentally, to break through the so-called perfection. Just like the Great Sun Realm and the Destruction Realm during Ye Zhen's cultivation process.

One is that Ren Rang possesses the glow of the human body, and the immortal realm allows Ye Zhen to gain abnormal recovery abilities.

Neither of these are available to ordinary people.

"Tathagata Realm." The previous two realms are all achieved naturally.

From the skin to the muscles and bones, the Tathagata state is now the internal organs of the cultivator.

It is almost impossible for ordinary people to exercise their internal organs.

For example, have you ever heard of someone specifically exercising their kidneys to make them stronger?
Almost none.

The internal organs are different from our ordinary muscles, and it is simply difficult to exercise them through external methods.

But by chance, Ye Zhen mastered the gravity field.

Having imposed gravity shackles on himself, every cell in Ye Zhen's body was in an overweight state.

Although this state is very painful, it is indeed the fastest way to exercise the body.

It's just that Ye Zhen's physical foundation was very strong before, so he could continue to practice in such a state.

If it were anyone else, he might have been crushed into a pulp long ago.

Because of the gravity field, it can be said that it is very easy for Ye Zhen to exercise his internal organs now.

As long as Ye Zhen moves with the shackles of gravity, it is equivalent to practicing throughout the whole body.

It's just that the cultivation of the physical body has always been a grinding effort, and there is no need to rush it.

There are a total of eleven stages in the cultivation of the internal organs in the Tathagata state.

Only after all the cultivation is completed can one be considered to have just entered the Tathagata realm.

Ye Zhen lay on his bed and fell asleep like this.

Early the next morning, Ye Zhen woke up and turned on his computer.

It’s time to submit the trailer again.

Ye Zhen thought about it for a while, and quickly formed a first draft in his mind.

Soon Ye Zhen pressed send and sent his trailer script.

CCTV now has a special effects team specially prepared for Ye Zhen's program.

As long as Ye Zhen's trailer script is sent over, their trailer department can start work immediately.

"It's Teacher Ye's trailer script."

"Hurry up and inform everyone that work is about to begin."

I have to say, they are working very quickly now.

The trailer will be released soon.

Now it's not just the audience who is looking forward to Ye Zhen's show.

Many countries have begun to understand the importance of Ye Zhen.

"Look, the trailer for Teacher Ye's show is out."

"Wow, I've been waiting for a long time. When will the show start?"

Some people from foreign countries quickly moved it to the external network.

Almost at the same time, CCTV had just released it.

In less than ten minutes, someone has moved the external network.

This time's preview gave everyone an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Because the entire trailer was almost shot in the sea.

I only saw the most primitive marine life in the trailer.

We all know this now as long as we have studied biology.

Life originated in the most primitive ocean.

According to textbooks, all living things on our blue star originated from a pot of soup of life.

There are only the first primitive cells in the ocean.

We start from this little cell.

In the lens, you can see the changes in the world as the environment changes.

Some creatures in the ocean have begun to move onto land.

This is the first amphibian creature.

Some amphibians have fully evolved into terrestrial animals.

Then came the birth of us humans.

Why is it said that water is the source of life? There is no life without water.

It’s time for us to search for extraterrestrial life.

Many times, the presence or absence of water is regarded as a single indicator.

If humans are looking for planets to colonize, water is a very important point.

Why do we often see news saying that water was found on a certain planet, traces of water were found, ice was found, etc.

Because for the life of our blue star, water and life are equal.

In the trailer, part of life walked onto land and began to develop.

But there is another part of life that is still in the sea.

The vastness of the sea is far greater than that of land.

Immediately afterwards, the most shocking thing in the trailer appeared.

That is, in the last scene of the trailer, a pair of eyes appeared in the depths of the sea.

The preview ends here.

(End of this chapter)

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