Chapter 581 Water Monkey

As soon as the trailer came out, it sparked controversy around the world.

Any information in the program now can be said to affect everyone's nerves.

Many countries have begun to analyze the contents of CCTV trailers.

This can be said to be the end of the national team.

However, these are the contents analyzed by other countries in the world.

I saw it all by myself, there is no way it could be published.

Japan, Germany, England, the United States and other countries brought some scientists to watch Ye Zhen's preview.

Japanese scientists gathered together.

"What exactly does Ye Zhen want to say?"

Set up camp in a patch of yellow sand.

It's just that they are the same thing as before.

"I feel like the next show is going to be big."

"I feel like it's a civilization developed in another ocean!"

But many people still don't believe that the legendary mermaid is a dugong.

In Japanese mythology, there is no myth of the great flood.

Without exception, this country under the sea is called Atlantis.

"I tell you, this time it must be the real Atlantis empire."

"This is not going to be another big flood."

You can know where there are oases to replenish water during this journey.

"Besides the underground people, are there also undersea people?" Professor Yan Xin thought of the fish-men clan. "If there are undersea people, they would be the so-called mermaids."

After some scientists in Germany saw the trailer of Ye Zhen's show.

The legend of mermaids has been circulating in the Western world and still exists today.

"The forecast is a bit similar to the previous flood."

Ye Zhen also mentioned the legend of mermaid in the show before.

But some viewers remember that Ye Zhen said it before.

"Who are those eyes in the water? It must be a country in the sea!"

At this time, the victory-weary trio and Professor Zhou were about to enter the depths of the desert.

And some bloggers on the Internet have also begun to analyze it.

But in the eyes of the Sahara.

Professor Yan Xin, who was watching the preview, frowned and thought deeply.

But in the Eye of the Sahara.

"What the trailer is talking about is probably not Atlantis."

But modern science says that mermaids are actually dugongs.

In the Sahara, the signal is very weak, and whether you can get online depends on luck.

In 360p image quality that is stuck and almost mosaic.

Everyone is guessing what the next episode will be about.

"Since humans can evolve by walking on land, why are there no people under the sea?"

But Ye Zhen has already proven that Atlantis is not under the sea at all.

Si Xiaoping held up his mobile phone and said, "Professor Zhou, Mr. Wu, look at it."

Rather than saying it as a myth, it is more appropriate to say it is a fairy tale.

In the desert, water is more important than food.

Basically, food can only be carried by off-road vehicles.

Because their myths are basically created by themselves after plagiarizing and integrating with other countries.

"Mr. Ye's program trailer is out."

Mentioned in many movies and novels.

The legendary country of Atlantis is not under the sea at all.

It’s just that we in China call them sharks.

"Isn't this the aquatic theory that was very popular before?"

They believe that there must be a creature similar to humans in the deep sea.

Fortunately, the tour guide Hassan was very experienced.

Professor Zhou and the three of them finished watching the trailer.

"Could this country under the sea be Atlantis?" This is what Professor Zhou had in mind.

Because of the country under the sea, everyone will subconsciously think of Atlantis.

This is a stereotype.

Old Wu rolled his eyes at Professor Zhou and said, "You are so confused. Aren't we here in the desert just to find Atlantis?"

"How could the country under the sea be Atlantis?"

Si Xiaoping's reason told him that what Ye Zhen said was the truth.

But the education and various knowledge he had come into contact with over the years told him.

Atlantis should be a country under the sea.

This is why many people have been looking for Atlantis all their lives but never found it.

Because their efforts are in the wrong direction.

Hassan also watched the trailer of Ye Zhen's show, and it seems that Hassan is also a fan of Ye Zhen.

Professor Zhou asked Hassan on the side, "Do you think what is seen in the Eyes of the Sahara is the legendary Atlantis?"

When Hassan heard Professor Zhou's words, a smile appeared on his wheat-colored face, "I don't know about this, it's just in the legends of our ancestors."

"The content mentioned in it is basically consistent with the legend of Atlantis."

Lao Wu heard the conversation between the two on the sidelines.

Relics of super ancient civilization.

In fact, many people are staring at the Eye of Sahara now.

But this restricted area for humans does not mean that you can enter only if you have money.

In game 749, Ning Xiu didn't feel any surprise after watching the preview of Ye Zhen's show.

"It's normal to have people from the underground, people from heaven, us ordinary humans, and people from the bottom of the sea." Ning Xiu was curious about what Ye Zhen would say in the next episode of the show.

In Area 51 in the United States, the scientists inside all watched the trailer of Ye Zhen's show. "Theoretically speaking, the ratio of land to ocean on our blue star is :."

"Land only accounts for 30%, and it is this land that forms the biosphere we are now so prosperous."

"But we humans know very little about the current ocean."

As for what is in the depths of the ocean, we still know nothing.

On the contrary, we humans know much more about space than we know about the ocean.

The sea is still a huge mystery to mankind.

Soon, the day came when Ye Zhen's program was broadcast.

Ye Zhen came to Yangcheng TV Station very early as usual.

"Hello everyone, I am your host Ye Zhen." Ye Zhen stood on the stage with a sense of relaxation and intimacy.

Let everyone who watches the program feel refreshed.

Ye Zhen's smile is so contagious that people watching the show can't help but smile when they see Ye Zhen.

"Welcome everyone to watch tonight's "Into Popular Science"."

“Now we all know it as long as we have nine years of compulsory education.

Humans evolved from orangutans on land.

But now we all know that Darwin's theory of evolution is wrong.

There are historical limitations.

So in the last century, a scientist proposed a new theory of human evolution.

This is the theory of human aquatic evolution.

It is thought that we evolved from an amphibious, aquatic ape.

We actually evolved from water monkeys. "

Water monkey?
Some spectators got excited when they heard about the water monkey.

"Hurry up and call Infinite Light, there is a water monkey here!"

"Isn't the Water Monkey fictional?"

"We are originally trained by water monkeys?"

Some Japanese viewers are more familiar with the so-called water monkeys.

Because there is a similar creature in Japanese urban legends.

That's what's called a kappa.

The theory of human aquatic evolution says that our human ancestors may have lived in water.

Instead of swinging from a tree.

Ye Zhen explained at this time: "The scientist who proposed this statement is named Hardy, and he is a marine biologist.

According to his estimate, about 800 million years ago, due to changes in the earth's crust, large areas of East and North Africa were submerged by sea water.

Forcing some ancient apes to live in seawater and coasts.

These great apes feed on fish, shells and sea urchins in shallow waters.

It was these great apes that eventually evolved into humans.

Everyone knows that dolphins and whales are not actually fish.

But mammals.

Among primates, we humans are very special.

When we look at monkeys, orangutans, we can find one of their characteristics.

That is, they are covered with hair.

What can Maomao be used for? One is to keep warm.

It allows us to survive in severe cold climates.

Another one is to prevent sunburn.

Everyone should know that humans are the only animals on Blue Star that can be burned by the sun.

Have you ever heard of monkeys, gorillas, or other animals getting sunburned?

So hair is very important to animals.

But why have we humans evolved to lose our hair?
This is obviously not scientific at all.

Humans are the only primates that have lost their hair.

Even among mammals, this is rare.

Only some mammals that live in the sea do not need hair.

Because in the sea, there is no need to worry about getting sunburned.

Marine mammals are representatives of the "hairless" group.

Hair increases their resistance to swimming in water, so many of these groups have lost their hair.

There is only a small amount of hair in some parts.

Can you see that we humans only have a little bit of hair left? "

In fact, humans lose their hair.

There has never been a very good explanation in biology.

Because no matter how you look at it, if humans live on land.

Any hair is better than no hair.

But why did humans evolve away from such useful hair?
This is obviously unscientific.

The aquatic theory of human beings perfectly explains why hair has evolved.

There is another special thing.

Human babies are born with the ability to swim right after birth.

If you throw a newborn baby into a basin of water, the baby will swim on its own.

He won't drown, but it's like he has mastered this skill innately.

If humans really lived on land.

Why do newborn babies have the natural ability to swim? Instead of standing?
We all know some animals whose remaining young quickly learn to stand up.

And it just shows that babies can swim right after they are born.

When humans first gave birth, they gave birth to babies in water.

If a baby cannot swim when he is born, he will drown.

(End of this chapter)

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