Chapter 582 The real water monkey
After hearing Ye Zhen's words, it was the first time for audiences at home and abroad to hear this statement.

Because whether it is in our textbooks or the knowledge we come into contact with on a daily basis.

I have never heard of such a hypothesis.

Everyone thinks that humans evolved from apes.

But the mystery of human evolution is still unsolved.

The missing gaps in human evolutionary history are simply unexplainable.

The audience remembered some sayings.

"Did humans develop from water monkeys?"

"Isn't evolution just about cultivation? I've known it for a long time."

"But I have never heard of it evolving from water."

“Of course humans were created by God, Adam and Eve were.”

The first thing Professor Zhou thought of was the shark that Ye Zhen mentioned before.

There is also a silver antenna extending from the stage.

The only one who can watch the program is the satellite TV brought by Hassan.

Apart from satellite phones, ordinary smartphones are almost indistinguishable from bricks.

"I think it would be better to say that current science simply cannot justify itself."

Because after many years, it is now recognized as truth and statement.

It is precisely because humans walk upright that they free their hands.

"It's just that no one thinks about monkeys."

"There were various theories of human evolution at that time."

"Aquatic evolution of humans?"

Mainstream science now believes that the reason why humans stand up.

Originally, Professor Zhou and the others wanted to use their mobile phones to watch Ye Zhen's show.

But even so, the four grown men surrounding the tent still watched with gusto.

Why humans walk upright is still a mystery.

"And the theory of human aquatic life has no evidence at all to support it, such as fossils."

But they found that in this kind of place, there was no signal at all.

Fortunately, Ye Zhen is now a big hit all over the world, and you can easily find Ye Zhen’s program by searching for it.

This TV has the kind of big butt that was used more than 20 years ago.

"Isn't that what a shark, or a Western mermaid, is like?"

"Someone did mention it in the last century."

"Unless." Professor Yan Xin thought of a possibility.

They will all be overturned to some extent.

"Even now we don't know why humans really stand up."

Because Hassan has lived here for too long and has much more experience than them.

Four grown men gathered around a small black and white TV to watch Ye Zhen's program.

"Is this the theory of human aquatic evolution? It's a bit interesting."

At this time, I was watching a black and white TV with a small screen.

Professor Zhou and his group were camping at the edge of the desert near the center.

However, most of the foreign audiences believe in Christianity.

It's because the ancestors of mankind came down from the trees.

One of their most common claims is creationism.

On the curved black and white screen, the rustling sound of snowflakes could be heard from time to time.

What Professor Yan Xin thought about was, "Why is the evolutionary theory of apes so mainstream now?"

In fact, everything now is just a hypothesis.

Some biologists are aware of this theoretical hypothesis.

The mainstream saying is that standing up allows humans to see further, save energy, etc.

"Because many great ape fossils have been discovered now, forming an evolutionary chain."

The biggest difference between humans and some primates is that humans know how to walk upright.

Only then can all human actions become more efficient.

Just like the ether theory, it has been used no matter how many times it has been repeated.

In the dark tent, there was only a small lamp overhead.

The other luminous object is the black and white TV in front of me.

"Even if there really are water monkeys and the like, we can't find the fossils." As an archaeologist, Lao Wu certainly knows the conditions for fossil formation.

Even if they can be formed, these fossils may not be in the sea.

And how could humans possibly find it?

Si Xiaoping curiously asked Hassan, "Do you have any legends about mermaids?" At this time, Hassan's face was reflected in the light of the black and white TV.

"This really does exist. I remember our ancestors had legends about it."

"It seems to be about the Nomu Water God or something." Hassan fell into memories.

Hassan’s ancestors have lived on the African continent for generations.

But now with the invasion of Western world culture, there is not much of the native African civilization left.

To give a very straightforward example, most Africans can speak French.

French is almost the universal language in Africa.

Because before that, they were colonies of France.

Si Xiaoping didn't understand, "Nomu? I've never heard of it."

In game 749, the water monkey was mentioned.

In the last century, there was indeed a lot of commotion for a certain period of time.

Some people say that water monkeys are water ghosts who will drag people into the water to become scapegoats.

At that time, everyone was very superstitious and believed that water monkeys existed.

This caused great panic and made everyone at that time panic.

Work, study, etc. have all been delayed.

At night, everyone is even more afraid to go out or go near the river.

In addition, during that period, people came out from time to time.

It is said that there are water monkeys in a certain river, and they will pull people into the water and eat them.

So much so that now we see various water monkeys in various short videos.

Seeing an otter is also said to be a water monkey, and seeing a hairless dog in the water is also said to be a water monkey.

It’s just that now no one thinks that water monkeys are real animals.

But only Ning Xiu knew that in the last century.

There was indeed a water monkey, but the name of this water monkey was Wuzhi Qi.

Ning Xiu said to the screen alone: ​​"The strange beast Wuzhi Qi, the legendary beast."

"It looks like an ape, with a flat nose, a protruding forehead, a white head and a green body, blazing eyes, a head and neck a hundred feet long, and strength greater than nine elephants. It often makes trouble in the Huai River and harms the people."

"Captain Ning, isn't this a water monkey?" Song Xuan asked Ning Xiu curiously: "Isn't this a legend?"

Ning Xiu shook his head, "This is not just a legend."

"Why the legend of the Water Monkey is so popular cannot be explained by just a rumor."

As for that time, it did take a lot of manpower to kill Wuzhi Qi.

If you ask your grandparents now, they may still remember the water monkey.

If there really is a humanoid creature living in the sea.

It should really be like a mermaid or something.

Back on the show, Ye Zhen continued to give everyone examples.

“The theory of human aquatic evolution can well explain why humans walk upright.

We all know that if we humans stand for too long, we will strain our lumbar muscles.

Various chronic diseases occur.

Knees and waist are particularly prone to problems.

Why is this happening? This shows that our bodies are simply not designed to stand for long periods of time.

The gravity of the Blue Star is a huge burden for us.

But humans have evolved the ability to walk upright.

If Shuisheng said it, it would be very easy to explain.

Because in the water, if we are lying on all fours.

It is impossible to enter deeper water, and you can explore better by standing up.

The buoyancy in the water allows us to stand better.

And there is no burden on the waist and knees.

Another point is that the human perspiration system is too luxurious.

No animal has such luxury as human beings.

When humans dissipate heat and sweat, they excrete precious salt together.

This is something incredible in terrestrial nature.

Because salt is something that every animal desperately craves.

Even our daily activities as humans require a certain amount of salt.

But when we dissipate heat and sweat, we directly excrete precious salt.

This is unreasonable and unscientific no matter how you think about it.

Unless it was very easy for humans to obtain salt at that time, that's why it was so. "

And where is the place with the most salt? It is undoubtedly the sea!
(End of this chapter)

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