Chapter 584 Alien life? Cthulhu?

A long time ago, marine biologists once thought.

What kind of creature in the world is most likely to develop into a highly intelligent life like human beings?

It must be an octopus.

Because octopuses look like aliens to them.

If you think of an octopus as a living thing.

Their various abilities are all very exaggerated.

In other words, every octopus is a creature with super powers.

Ye Zhen smiled slightly, "Everyone, imagine what would happen if humans had three hearts and nine brains?
And each tentacle can act independently.

Speaking of the history of the octopus, this creature is older than the dinosaurs.

That's why Octopus Paul became famous back then. "

During the mass extinction, they hid underground.

There is an ability that is close to predicting the future, which is simply a special function among us humans.

The Cambrian Explosion is only mentioned in textbooks.

Octopus Paul accurately predicted all the results of the World Cup that year.

It’s hard to survive every time.

Just like today's birds, they are actually the descendants of dinosaurs back then.

For us humans, it is equivalent to a superpower.

Is there a so-called octopus man?
That’s what the Martians looked like in science fiction novels in the last century.

But about 6 million years ago, it was what living creatures call the Cambrian.

“Do you still remember the Martian boy I mentioned a long time ago?

The Cambrian explosion is an unsolved mystery in biology.

All kinds of life began to explode, and species prospered.

It's just that another part of the dinosaurs cultivated into dinosaurs.

Or maybe I received some gift package, and suddenly the creatures began to prosper.

The most terrifying thing is the octopus’s gene editing capabilities.

Originally, the creatures on Blue Star were very rare and monotonous.

What if humans had nine brains and three hearts?

Anyone who has experienced the World Cup that year will remember how popular Octopus Paul was.

So the octopus has survived for such a long time.

There is also the octopus Paul who was famous in the World Cup that year.

Already existed 5.6 million years ago.

The earliest dinosaurs appeared in the early Triassic period 2.35 million years ago.

The skills possessed by the octopus, whether it is mimicry or shape-shifting and color-changing.

The octopus was a creature of that time and has survived to this day. "

And what about the octopus? They are older than the dinosaurs.

It's like someone suddenly clicked on a certain skill point in the game.

We humans have only mastered basic gene editing capabilities in modern times.

Until 6.5 million years ago, it was destroyed by an extraterrestrial meteorite.

In terms of time on the Blue Star, octopuses have been on the Blue Star longer than us humans.

I believe everyone has eaten octopus.

Until now, there was no biological explanation.

Many species appeared out of thin air without any warning or trajectory.

There has been civilization and life on Mars.

5.6 million years ago, when was this point in time?

And what's the scariest thing?
Octopuses have escaped almost every mass extinction.

So the chickens we eat now are actually dinosaurs.

Now looking at it this way, the octopus is really a very magical species.

Like what?

In addition to these superpowers, octopuses also have very strong regeneration capabilities.

Why did life suddenly explode during the Cambrian period?

Most of the audience has eaten octopus.

"Octopus, isn't it just a tentacle? Tentacle play is my favorite."

"It turns out that the appearance of the Martians in the movie was not fabricated out of thin air."

"But octopus is so powerful, why is it only our table food now?"

The descendants of dinosaurs are chickens, and there are octopuses that are so smart and have various special abilities.

Now it is just a meal for us humans.

That’s why some biologists joke that we humans are actually a kind of terrifying erect ape.

This statement is really very appropriate.

Then some medieval paintings appeared on the projection behind Ye Zhen.

A huge octopus was clawing at the side of a boat.

“If we talk about ordinary octopus, everyone has eaten it.

You may have heard of the legendary Kraken, even if you haven’t eaten it before.

Kraken, also known as Kraken.

This is a legendary beast that emerges from the deep sea.

Attack ships sailing on the sea. It can directly destroy the entire sailing ship.

It was a nightmare for some sailors at the time.

But this has always only appeared in legends.

Now when we hear this legend, we find it very incredible.

Is there such a huge octopus in the world?
An octopus that can swallow a ship hundreds of meters whole.

But later marine biologists discovered that there were really giant octopuses and squid in the sea.

One is the king squid, and the other is the giant octopus.

There are many that are more than ten meters or more than twenty meters tall.

How big is this exactly? It's as big as the fifth or sixth floor.

Both of these body shapes are far beyond everyone’s imagination.

The sea is so vast, and we still don’t know what’s in it. "

What has been discovered now is far less exaggerated than the legendary Kraken.

Because the legendary Kraken is a full 150 meters long.

It has a huge body as large as a fifty-story building.

If you encountered such a life form at sea, what would you do?
As for the largest life form on the Blue Star, it is now recognized as the blue whale.

Only the sea can support such a huge life form.

And the largest living creature on our land now is just the elephant.

By comparison, it would take almost twenty elephants to match one blue whale.

And if the Kraken is real.

It would take seven blue whales to compare with one Kraken.

“So, the possibility of an octopus evolving into an octopus man is far more likely than that of a dinosaur.

And octopuses survive longer.

But why haven't octopuses evolved into advanced life forms, like us humans?

Because the octopus has a very fatal weakness.

They are solitary creatures and can only mate once in their lifetime.

When hatching her own offspring, the female octopus will gradually decompose itself and die.

From birth to death, octopuses only live a total of two years.

They have super strong learning ability, and what they learn cannot be passed on.

Maybe they once developed a very prosperous civilization.

It's just that it's degraded now.

Or they have evolved in other ways.

For example, the octopus's genetic control ability can lead to the ascension of flesh and blood.

There is also Octopus Paul, who has special abilities that are similar to super powers.

If there is one, it may be the same as the Cthulhu written by Lovecraft.

Isn’t the classic image of Cthulhuli an octopus head covered with tentacles? "

It's hard to say whether Lovecraft had any reasons for this when he was imagining it.

Why does it have the appearance of an octopus?

After hearing all Ye Zhen's popular science, everyone realized what a terrifying creature the octopus is.

Audiences at home and abroad think that the octopus is such a powerful creature.

"Be good, even Cthulhu is out."

"If Octopus has really practiced for 600 million years, it is not impossible to become Mr. Ke."

"Does Kraken really exist?"

Foreign audiences know more about Cthulhu.

Although it was created in modern times, it has now developed.

"I never thought that an octopus could pull Cthulhu on his head."

"Maybe Mr. Ke is the genius with super powers among the octopuses?"

"Or maybe the legendary North Sea Monster is Mr. Ke?"

Of course biologists know that there are too many unknown things in the sea.

"Even prehistoric creatures that we thought were extinct actually still exist in the sea."

"So the sea is still an unknown area for humans."

"Could there really be highly intelligent life forms like humans inside?"

They don't know yet.

Professor Yan Xin heard the name of Cthulhu for the first time.

"Do you know what Cthulhu is?" Although Professor Yan Xin didn't know what Cthulhu was.

But he knew subconsciously that it had something to do with psychic energy!
Among the researchers under Professor Yan Xin, there are relatively young ones.

I talked to Professor Yan Xin about Cthulhu.

Professor Yan Xin remained silent.

In game 749, Song Xuan watched various movies or animations about navigation.

As long as there is an adventure about the ocean, Kraken is almost there.

"Captain Ning, is there really such a thing as the North Sea Giant Monster?" Song Xuan couldn't believe it.

Ning Xiu nodded, "Yes." Then Ning Xiu showed Song Xuan two pictures.

The octopus above seemed to have mutated, growing an exaggerated number of tentacles.

This was the first time Song Xuan saw such an octopus, and she felt an indescribable weird feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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