Chapter 585

I saw the picture displayed by Ning Xiu.

Song Xuan took a breath of air, "Is this caused by the discharge of Japanese nuclear wastewater?"

Ning Xiu shook his head, "This existed before nuclear sewage."

"That's just part of it."

"Weird beasts like Kraken, the Kraken, also exist."

Strange beasts are not only recorded in China.

Only the scientists at Area 51 know.

The Kraken is a real creature that exists on Blue Star.

It's just not the current environment.

Area 51 researchers once calculated based on the current giant octopus.

If we were in the Triassic or Cretaceous period, an era with sufficient oxygen.

It is entirely possible for a giant octopus over a hundred meters tall to exist.

If it's just theoretical, forget it.

The problem is that they did catch a huge octopus tooth in the sea.

According to the size of the tooth, the owner of this tooth was at least 150 to 200 meters in size during his lifetime.

It can be said that the legendary Kraken is not a legend.

There are also some rumors from World War II.

It was at that time because of nuclear deterrence.

The nuclear submarine was invented.

The name of the first nuclear submarine was the Nautilus.

If you are familiar with science fiction, you will know that this is a tribute.

Because the name Nautilus comes from the famous science fiction novel "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea".

The ship inside that can sneak under the sea is called the Nautilus.

And this was science fiction that existed before submarines were born.

It can even be said that nuclear submarines were inspired and created from here.

Therefore, the name of the first nuclear submarine was called Nautilus, in order to pay tribute to this classic science fiction novel.

Many of the things we see now are actually closely related to those mentioned in science fiction novels.

Things that could only appear in science fiction novels are slowly becoming a reality with the development of science and technology.

After the submarine was invented.

Human beings now have the ability to explore the tip of the iceberg of the sea.

It's just in the process of depth in the sea.

Some soldiers in the submarine discovered that they heard strange sounds from time to time in the deep sea.

It was as if someone was whispering in their ears and singing in their brains.

Later, some scientists said that this might be some kind of deep-sea phobia.

Staying in a claustrophobic environment for a long time caused various hallucinations and auditory hallucinations.

So working in a submarine is very hard work.

Think about it, you need to eat, drink and relieve yourself in a very confined and small space.

Every day is dark. How long can a normal person stay in such an environment?

But what’s interesting is that after the development of sonar and undersea radar, etc.

They actually recorded some strange sounds in the deep ocean.

This is the actual sound recorded by the machine.

Some senior researchers in the United States have analyzed it.

Could it be the sound of some kind of ocean creature?

For example, dolphins or whales have very high intelligence.

Having a special vocal system may be how they communicate.

But this statement was quickly rejected, because there were no similar marine creatures at that depth.

This matter ended up being settled.

Just imagine if there is an audience.

"Wuzhiqi is in the water, and the Kraken is also in the water. If they fight, who do you think is more powerful?"

"Huh? It's hard to say, but it should be hard to see."

Back in the studio, Ye Zhen stood tall and straight under the light.

"Are you very curious about what is in the deep sea?

Maybe there are really SpongeBob and Patrick waiting for us in the deepest part of the deep sea.

I just want everyone to know that the sea is the source of life that breeds all life on Blue Star.

We know very little about her now.

Everyone should know that the Hopi people were mentioned in previous programs.

Their clan was helped by the underground people.

In fact, there is another primitive tribe in the world.

In their mythology, they were also helped by so-called gods. It's just that their gods are different from the ones we know. Their gods are called Nomu.

It's a half-human, half-fish being.

This group of people is called the Dogon people.

According to their local legend, all their knowledge was imparted to them by Nomu.

Nomu is their god, and the image of Nomu is a half-human, half-fish existence.

When Nomu came from their heaven, she also came in a boat.

There were also two Nomu at the beginning, and they were brother and sister.

They imparted various knowledge to the Dogon people.

This includes all kinds of advanced astronomical knowledge.

There is knowledge about Sirius in it.

Sirius is the first white dwarf star discovered by humans, and it is also the closest.

Only 8.6 light-years away, on a cosmic scale, this can be our neighbor.

But this is such a very bright Sirius.

It was not until the last century that we discovered that there is a companion star next to Sirius.

It was also called Sirius b, but it was a long time ago.

The Dogon tribe has long known about the existence of Sirius and Sirius b.

And in their oral knowledge, they also say that there is another Sirius c.

But until now, humans have never discovered this so-called Sirius c.

Even Sirius b was discovered only after astronomical telescope technology matured later.

It was hard to observe.

Only then did scientists discover that what the Dogon people said back then was true.

And the Dogon people know very well the cycle and trajectory of Sirius.

It is written on their stones.

And their ancient murals also depict the scene when Nomu came to their tribe. "

I only saw a few photos appearing behind Ye Zhen.

Domestic audiences took a look and saw one of the murals.

The pattern on it seems so familiar.

"That one looks like a dragon?"

"There are dragons in Africa too? No."

"Half man, half fish, part dragon, part imparting knowledge."

Among archaeologists and historians, not many know about the Dogon people.

"I remember the Dogon people's records, which were done by a French scholar."

"For academic research, he and his wife lived in the Dogon tribe for 35 years."

"During this period, I have been living with the Dogon people, and finally gained the approval of the Dogon elders."

"I remember that the French scholar was called Marcel. On the day he died, the Dogon people used their traditional customs to give Marcel a rich burial."

He dedicated his life to academic research.

Such people are always worthy of our admiration.

It is precisely because of the decades of records of Mr. and Mrs. Marcel.

We are only now learning so much about the Dogon people.

Marcel left behind many records and manuscripts about the Dogon people.

It mentions the Dogon people’s advanced astronomical knowledge.

"The so-called boat couldn't be a dragon, right?" Professor Yan Xin looked at the mural, "Dragon boat? Brother and sister?"

Professor Yan Xin looked very strange.

Because in Chinese tradition, fish and snakes can transform into dragons.

Fish leap over the dragon gate, snakes transform into dragons, etc.

Even Ning Xiu, who was in the 749th game, had this idea.

"This so-called Nuomu, couldn't be Fuxi and Nuwa, right?" Ning Xiu felt that they looked very similar.

Song Xuan also felt the same way, "Huh? How is this possible? Isn't this Nuo Mu half human and half fish?"

In the Vatican church, Saint Celia listened to what Ye Zhen said.

"Mermaid?" Celia remembered that she had seen a mural in the church.

That is a mural belonging to the Sumerians,
The two men, half man and half fish, stood in front of something that looked like a tree of life.

There was a very strange flying object above their heads.

"What is the connection between the Anunnaki and the Dogon people?"

Anunnaki are also gods who descended from the sky and also teach humans various knowledge.

Why are these places in the world so similar?
Enki and Ninma are also brother and sister.

coincide? What happened back then is actually something that all nations in the world have encountered.

Just like the great flood.

(End of this chapter)

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