Chapter 586 Fourteen Worlds

As the largest religion in the world now.

At that time, the church collected various ancient books from all over the world.

Many things are now hidden in the secret underground archives of the Vatican.

It’s just that the world doesn’t know it.

Not to mention the world, even some bishops who belong to the same Holy See.

None of them knew some core secrets.

Since the last time I discovered the ship-shaped thing in Mount Ararat.

It is a creation of super ancient civilization.

It doesn't matter whether it's Noah's Ark or not.

Except for the person involved, no one else will know.

When he said this, Hussein only had the light of glory in his eyes.

But Celia is now in the Holy See, does she still need protection from others?
Hussein just stood next to Celia, silently watching Ye Zhen on the TV with Celia.

Yes and no.

"The people from the Holy See asked us to collect all their information and cultural relics."

Even places like Africa are no exception.

Celia was silent.

"Even if they are on the verge of annihilation, they refuse to change their beliefs."

Some secret information needs to be sorted out by them.

Hussein half-knelt on the ground, lowered his head and said, "Holy girl, when I was still training in the temple."

"Oh?" Saint Celia was slightly surprised, "Then what did you see?"

But the actions here are very secretive.

Anyone who knows the history of Christianity will know that in order to make others believe in Christianity.

Who exactly did the church send to where?

But are these sacred objects on display really real?

"African Dogon people?" Hussein seemed to have thought of something.

"They were directly driven away from their original homes by us."

The purpose is to get the other party to change their beliefs and believe in the Cross.

Each one is fiercely loyal.

"What are you going there for?"

Just like several holy objects in Christianity, the Shroud of Turin, the Spear of Longinus, and the Holy Grail.

"The Holy See once sent us to a place in Africa to perform a mission."

It was as if he was under house arrest.

Celia turned her head and lowered her eyes without sadness, "Knight Hussein, do you know this Dogon?"

"Still an ordinary knight."

And the person who stares at Selia every day is Hussein.

Hussein's eyes were full of fanaticism, "To destroy the infidels, this is the Crusade."

"When I was sorting it out, I read the contents."

Although Celia knew that the church had been sending various personnel to operate in the world since its birth.

If you are a believer, of course you think it is true. After all, this is what the church has recognized.

Because the knights who can enter the temple have been strictly screened.

Celia has a doubt here.

It was the idea of ​​sacrificing oneself for the glory of the Lord.

In name, she is protecting Celia. After all, Celia is also a saint.

After returning from Ararat, Celia was idle in the Holy See.

The matter of Noah's Ark has nothing to do with Celia.

To pursue the expansion of faith, he launched several so-called holy wars.

Do you think it's true?

Hussein said solemnly: "I remember that the Dogon people's resistance was very fierce at that time."

Because for the Holy See, this is a very important publicity opportunity.

"I brought back many murals and some manuscripts of research materials there."

Why does the Holy See collect these pagan things?
Shouldn't these things be burned on the spot?

Just like when they invaded the American continent, they destroyed other people's civilizations.

Such was the Aztec civilization.

But now that I heard Hussein’s words, wouldn’t these things be burned down?
Most likely it was hidden by people from the Holy See?
"A secret archive room underground?" Celia knew there was such a place.

If we were to say where these things are most likely to be, it must be the underground secret archives of the Vatican.

Hussein recalled the myths recorded in the Dogon tribe.

"Those pagan evil gods are a blasphemy against God." Hussein thought of the myths and legends of the Dogon people.

That is different from the myths and legends of other civilizations in the world today.

The Dogon people are still isolated from modern society.

The only one that is more famous is the Dogon people’s fishing festival.

Legend has it that the Fishing Festival was the day when Nomu and the others first came to Blue Star.

To commemorate this day, the Dogon people hold a feast.

The most important thing in a feast is the fishing in the holy lake.

The Dogon people have a sacred lake. It is said to be a holy lake, but it is actually just a place like a small fish pond.

According to legend, this is the place where Nomu originally descended.

But times have changed, and Africa is already short of water.

There is a water source and a place with fish, for a place like Africa.

It is no exaggeration to say it is a holy place.

It is in a place similar to a small fish pond.

The local Dogon people will flock to the sacred lake during the fishing festival.

The purpose is to catch a fish in it.

Whoever can catch a fish will have good weather and good health in the coming year.

More prey will be caught.

Speaking of which, this fishing festival is similar to the New Year celebrations in other places in the world.

It is the biggest festival of the year.

Saliya asked Hussein, "What are these pagan myths about?"

Hussein hesitated, "In the legend of the Dogon people."

"Their world has a total of fourteen dimensions, from top to bottom, a total of fourteen worlds."

"The ground of every world is the sky of the previous world."

"The center of the world is penetrated by a sky pillar."

"Every world has a creator god, who is the manager of each world. His name is Ama."

"The fourteen worlds are divided into seven upper realms and seven lower realms."

Speaking of which, if you often read novels.

You must be wondering why this looks so much like something from a fantasy novel?

Unexpectedly, at this point, Ye Zhen in the program was also introducing the myth of the Dogon people.

Ye Zhen clasped his hands together and looked at the camera, "Everyone knows that different civilizations have different myths and legends.

The Dogon people are no exception, but for some reasons.

Today's Dogon people have been polluted by modern civilization.

In addition, they have now been driven out of their homes by others.

A lot of the content has actually disappeared.

Because the Dogon people have no written language, everything is passed down through the most primitive oral tradition.

In the mythology of the Dogon people, their world is like a flat surface.

It is the same concept as our Chinese concept of a round sky and a square place.

The sun and moon rotated just above.

But in the world of the Dogon people, there are fourteen in total, which are like candied haws pierced through a sky pillar.

The higher up the world is, the stronger it is. The manager of each world is called Amma.

This Amma can be said to be the creator god, or their manager.

At the edge of every world, there is a big snake named Yugulu.

Doesn’t everyone feel familiar? It’s like Jormungandr.

They are all world snakes, surrounding the entire world.

The fourteen worlds are divided into different levels, with different strengths and weaknesses.

We humans are the weakest in the world.

The creatures on each level are different.

There were no humans in the world at that time, and the founder first created the Nomu clan, which was half fish and half human.

Let Nomu come to the world. At that time, Nomu mastered the knowledge taught by the creator god Amma.

The creatures in the upper world have always looked down upon the creatures in the lowest world.

From time to time, he would throw various plagues and disasters into the lower world.

Let the creatures in the lower world be destroyed again and again.

Nomu, who was finally created, felt that she could no longer live like this.

Nomu learned that their universe, that is, their world, is layered.

They are at the lowest level of the world, the weakest and the lowest.

In order to no longer be persecuted by the thirteen upper worlds, Nomu

Deciding to overturn the table means breaking your own world.

The Tianzhu was broken.

This suddenly broke the sky.

The lowest world, that is, the world where Nomu lives, is the foundation of the universe.

It's like a floor in a building.

The residents on the first floor directly smashed the first floor and the associated load-bearing columns.

All the worlds above collapsed and the entire universe was restarted.

All living beings became dead souls in this destruction of the universe.

Only a handful of creatures survived.

There are nomu here, and the last two nomu survived.

They took the doomsday ship and arrived in the ruins of the world.

Human beings are the creatures born in this new era.

It is a species born from the souls of the previous fourteen worlds. "

(End of this chapter)

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