Popular science says oxygen is poisonous, and the whole internet scolds me for being sick

Chapter 587: Depriving humans of the qualification for eternal life

Chapter 587: Depriving humans of the qualification for eternal life

After hearing the Dogon myths and legends told by Ye Zhen.

Everyone feels that it is novel and a little familiar.

Some viewers have read a lot of online articles.

"Isn't this the worldview in the earliest online articles?"

“Is this what the Dogon people’s mythology turns out to be?”

"This is earlier than many online articles."

The fourteen worlds layered on top of each other are indeed very rare for everyone.

Hussein in the Vatican listened to what Ye Zhen said.

His expression was very strange, "How did he know all this?"

Hussein didn't understand very much. This was pagan information that had been sealed back then.

This was also the first time for Celia to hear this myth.

It is completely different from what is recorded in their Bible.

No wonder they are considered heretics.

In their Christian eyes, only the Bible is correct.

What Ye Zhen said was basically consistent with what Hussein knew.

Hussein looked at Ye Zhen, "Did he participate in the siege?"

Hussein thought of Ye Zhen's monster-like ability again.

If this person is a teammate, he is the most reliable in the world.

But if it was an enemy, Hussein thought for a moment and shuddered.

Some historians heard this Dogon myth for the first time.

"This is too unpopular, isn't it? Teacher Ye even knows this?"

"But the Dogon people's advanced knowledge of astronomy is true."

"How on earth do they know that astronomy knowledge?"

Only Professor Yan Xin felt that all this felt familiar yet strange.

"The world restarts and a new civilization is built among the ruins."

"Nomu is not the creator god of the Dogon people, but just their guide."

Will this so-called Nomu still exist in this world?

Or if you change the name, this Nomu is a person from the bottom of the sea?

Professor Yan Xin's researcher said from the side: "If there are really people under the sea."

"Are they hiding under the sea now?"

No one knows now because they want to dive deep into the sea.

This is more difficult than going into space.

Professor Zhou in the desert felt, "These Dogon people must have been invaded by the West back then."

“Allowing others to force conversion.”

In Lao Wu's mind, he remembered Ye Zhen's program a long time ago.

"Do you remember Zhuan Xu?"

"Zhuan Xu died once."

When the wind blows from the north, the sky becomes a large spring, and the snake turns into a fish, becoming a fish wife. Zhuanxu revived immediately after his death.

This is what is written in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

Can fish and snake transform into each other?

Human head, snake body and half human, half fish can be interchanged in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

Zhuanxu was resurrected and became a yufu.

No one knew what a yufu was before. Ye Zhen said that the yufu might be half human and half fish.

Now it seems that this is not groundless.

Zhuanxu is a descendant of the Nuomu clan?

Zhuanxu is a descendant of Huangdi. How did Huangdi leave in the end?

Flying on a dragon.

There happens to be a dragon-like life form in the murals of the Dogon people.

Could it be that this is all a coincidence?

Lao Wu felt as if he had picked up a thread in a fog.

But there is still a fog in front, making it difficult to see what is inside.

The tour guide Hassan on the side was silent, his eyes reflecting the dim light of the black and white TV.

Only Si Xiaoping remembered, "Did Tour Guide Hassan mention Nomu before?"

However, Si Xiaoping felt that this was another private matter, so he didn't ask much.

After hearing Lao Wu's words, Si Xiaoping whispered: "Zhuan Xu? That means he and Gong Gong succeeded in fighting for the throne."

"Now we are going to the Eye of the Sahara, the legendary Atlantis."

"Don't we suspect that this has something to do with Gonggong?"

Hassan heard all this and didn't know what was going on in his mind.

In Game 749, Ning Xiu also heard this myth from the Dogon people for the first time.

Song Xuan has already thought of many mythical figures in her mind.

"The world snake that surrounds the world and the sky pillar that supports the entire world."

"There is also the Doomsday Ark, but it was not built because of the flood."

"There is also the concept of a round sky and a square earth, a layered world."

"Similar elements have been seen in legends in many places." Song Xuan counted on her fingers. Ning Xiu remembered a theory in physics.

Our world is actually a multi-dimensional world.

It's just that we, as creatures in a three-dimensional space, cannot see higher dimensions through our existing organs and vision.

There are ten folded dimensions in total, including the time dimension.

That's eleven.

Eleven Dimensions According to M theory, the universe is believed to have 11 dimensions. in,
10 dimensions curled up on the microscopic scale, plus the dimension of time.

constitutes our macroscopic perception of the universe.

If these 11 are added to the three dimensions we are in, wouldn't it be fourteen dimensions?

Fourteen worlds? Or is it a coincidence?
Ning Xiu was not the only one who thought of this aspect.

Some viewers thought about it too.

"Isn't there a two-dimensional foil dimensionality reduction strike in the Three-Body Problem?"

"It directly reduces the dimensions of the universe."

"Could it be that the dimension Nomu and the others were in at that time was a high-dimensional space?"

These myths and legends, if understood by the ancients, are completely different from those understood by us modern people.

Back to the show.

"But in the Dogon mythology, this is not over yet." Ye Zhen shook his head.

“The record is not over yet.

In the beginning, all humans were immortal.

Because the body may die, but the soul is immortal.

Therefore, everyone is an immortal being.

There was no concept of death at that time.

But one day things changed.

According to legend, it is the remaining consciousness of the Creator God from the previous world.

It is also said to be a combination of the World Serpent and the Old World.

Anyway, starting from this day, the old god returns.

They gave mankind death and deprived mankind of the qualification for eternal life.

Death becomes physical and all humans will die.

The soul is no longer immortal, and humans have life span from now on.

No longer immortal.

How is it done?

According to the Dogon people, the old gods used a poisonous gas to cause human flesh to decay.

Create a net bag to capture human souls.

This is the mythical story of the Dogon people. "When Ye Zhen said this.

Everyone has an inexplicable feeling of familiarity.

The Dogon people are a very primitive tribe in Africa.

There are many primitive tribes in Africa.

Only the Dogon people are special.

The more the audience listens now, the more they feel that the myth of the Dogon people seems to be familiar.

"It feels like I've heard it before."

"But this Dogon tribe is very ancient."

"When you say that, I feel like I've heard it before."

At this time, Professor Yan Xin immediately thought of it.

"The old gods deprived mankind of the qualification for eternal life, making it impossible for mankind to be immortal."

"Could the so-called poisonous gas be the current oxygen!"

This is what Ye Zhen mentioned a long time ago. Oxygen is actually poisonous gas.

Unexpectedly, I now see traces in the mythology of the Dogon people.

Another senior researcher in Area 51.

They really haven't had much contact with that part of Africa.

Because it has always been the territory of the old Western powers, that is, France.

It's someone else's back garden.

Even they heard this myth and legend for the first time.

"Isn't the net that traps human souls what the Grays call a soul trap?"

"Is the collapse of the world a reduction in dimensionality?" a senior researcher in Area 51 thought.

Do you think this is all a coincidence?

The Dogon tribe has always been far away from modern society.

Why did the then scholar Marcel spend more than thirty years living in the Dogon tribe?

It is precisely because the Dogon tribe is very primitive that it has very important research value.

Just like the original island in the Pacific Ocean.

Everyone wants to know how the so-called religion was born.

What are the myths and legends all about?

Now it seems that myths and legends have stripped away those exaggerated colors.

The key information left behind may be what really happened that year!
(End of this chapter)

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