Chapter 588 Snake and Fish

Celia in the Vatican listened to what Ye Zhen said on the show.

This is completely different from what is in the Bible.

In the Middle Ages, such heretics would have been burned to death.

But this is no longer the Middle Ages.

Hussein was still an ordinary knight in the temple.

He only had a cursory glance at the Dogon people's mythology.

For a devout believer like Hussein, these pagan things should not be seen.

But I couldn't hold back my curiosity.

"Mr. Ye didn't expect to know so much about the mythology of this small tribe." Hussein had a deeper understanding of Ye Zhen's knowledge.

Resurrection from death is one of Zhuanxu's abilities.

How can a good snake turn into a fish?

Some psychologists began to come out.

The audience was very surprised, why did Zhuan Xu suddenly come up again?

"My dear, are all the myths in this world from the same origin?"

But do you remember that I mentioned in the previous program that Zhuan Xu once died and was resurrected?
There was a fish that was dry and she was called a fish woman. Zhuanxu revived immediately after she died.

It is recorded in "Historical Records".

Xia Yu was named Wen Ming. Yu's father was called Gun, Gun's father was called Zhuanxu, Zhuanxu's father was called Changyi, and Changyi's father was called Huangdi.

"Could it be that the ancients confused fish and snakes?"

This was not the first time they had seen Ye Zhen's leaps and bounds in thinking.

It was Gun who failed to control the floods, and we know that Gun's son was Dayu who succeeded in controlling the floods.

If it wasn't Mr. Ye during the Noah's Ark mission, their mission might have failed.

They are all the ancestors of their civilization, bringing them civilization and everything.

And he was resurrected in the great flood after the battle with Gonggong.

But now let’s take a look at the Dogon people’s myths and legends, which describe Nomu.

"Everyone knows Zhuan Xu, one of the Five Emperors and a descendant of the Yellow Emperor.

"Or a very long fish, like a snake."

They are obviously the Dogon people, a small tribe in Africa, so why are they connected with Zhuan Xu?

The legendary Nomu is a half-fish, half-human being.

Hussein felt that it would be great if Ye was really from their Christian faith.

The snake turned into a fish. I didn't know what it meant before.

Zhuanxu revived immediately after his death.

The audience felt their heads were buzzing, why did they seem to be connected again?
The audience is just thinking.

Gun in ancient Chinese means fish.

Why is there such a record? "

In ancient times, transportation was very inconvenient and developed.

This seems to be something that has nothing to do with anything.

Both Nuwa and Fuxi have human heads and snake bodies.

Why have anything to do with fish?

When the wind blows from the north, the sky becomes a large spring, and the snake turns into a fish, becoming a fish wife.

Even the language is different.

Why does Gun, the descendant of Zhuanxu, symbolize fish?
According to the legend of Dayu, it was dissected from the body of Gun that turned into a fish after his death.

Gun, a descendant of Zhuanxu.

It is impossible to say that there is any such thing as China Unicom.

Let's think about it now. Are the Nuomu brothers and sisters in the Dogon people's mythology very similar to our Fuxi Nuwa?

But in the murals of the Anunnaki and Dogon people, they are half human and half fish.

Ye Zhen wrote Zhuanxu's name on the small whiteboard behind his back for some reason.

Zhuanxu was also able to turn a snake into a fish and be reborn.

And who are the descendants of Zhuanxu?

I said at that time that Zhuanxu was a person with special powers, qigong, superpowers, supernatural powers and psychic powers.

It was born from the belly of a fish.

But something like this happened.

In psychology, this is called the collective subconscious.

Ye Zhen smiled, "It's impossible for ancient people to not be able to distinguish between fish and snakes.

Because this is their extraordinary power.

It can change into different forms, including fish and snake.

According to my speculation, when they turned into fish form.

That is, when you are half human and half fish, you just want to preserve your own vitality.

Just like Zhuan Xu, he was reborn as a yufu.

Gun, too, turned into a fish after his death.

Dayu was born from the belly of a fish.

This is the aspect of vitality.

Snakes may be their everyday form.

At that time, the Dogon people might have seen Fuxi and Nuwa in fish form.

And revealing this state shows that both Fuxi and Nuwa are in danger.

What could possibly cause an ancient god like them to enter the fish form? "Ye Zhen said in an indifferent tone: "Reducing the dimension. "

Dimensionality reduction?

What is dimensionality reduction?

"This is inferred based on the mythology of the Dogon people and the mythology of our country."

"Do you remember the myths and legends of Nuwa? Myths and legends other than the creation of humans." Ye Zhen's words suddenly evoked the memory of domestic audiences.

Foreign audiences certainly don’t understand Chinese myths and legends.

But the domestic audience only has to go to elementary school.

Basically everyone knows two very famous myths.

"Nu Wa Creates Man", and another one related to Nu Wa is "Nu Wa Mends the Sky".

Foreign audiences are curious.

"It seems that the myths of various countries are more or less related."

"Is there a possibility that the so-called myths and legends are actually what happened on Blue Star back then?"

"It only appears different in the records of different regions and civilizations."

Some historians and archaeologists are once again shocked.

No one in China studies such a niche myth and legend at all.

In Africa, many places are still very chaotic and backward.

Due to historical reasons, it is still the back garden of some established Western powers.

Just look at a world map and look at the dividing lines between countries.

If the dividing line is not divided according to the natural environment.

It is divided very straightly.

This was actually the time when the Western powers divided the spoils of war on the map.

Use a ruler to divide it randomly on the map.

That’s why we now see that the dividing lines between some countries are straight and angular.

Some biologists thought of fish and snakes.

"Two different forms? This is not uncommon in the animal kingdom."

"Just like some animals' camouflage and suspended animation hibernation, they are also different forms."

"So the descendants of Fuxi and Nuwa also have such abilities?"

Professor Yan Xin was overjoyed. According to Professor Yan Xin’s understanding, psychic abilities such as shape-shifting are not uncommon.

"Like the werewolves on the European side?"

"There are also various kobolds and the like."

Professor Yan Xin feels that Fuxi and Nuwa have two different forms.

Fish form and snake form.

The snake form should be the way it usually moves.

As for the fish form, let’s look at the examples of Zhuanxu and Gun.

Only when encountering danger between life and death will the defensive form be revealed.

Professor Zhou, who was camping in the desert, mused: "I remember there is an ancient book saying that the Yellow Emperor is a descendant of Fuxi."

"Could this be the power of blood?"

Si Xiaoping said from the side: "This is like the content in a novel."

Old Wu rolled his eyes at the two of them, "Can you be more scientific? Can't this be genes?"

"Didn't you see the example Mr. Ye gave before?"

"Even the octopus can change to simulate various forms and edit its own genes."

"Why can't they?"

The tour guide Hassan on the side nodded, "I think what Mr. Wu said makes sense."

"Don't you Chinese often say that you are the descendants of the dragon?"

"Maybe you really have dragon genes in your body."

Professor Zhou did not expect that Hassan also knew about our Chinese culture.

"This is all thanks to Mr. Ye. After watching the show." Tour guide Hassan smiled, "I also went to learn about Chinese culture in private, and found that your Chinese civilization is really long-standing, profound and profound."

In Game 749, Song Xuan and Ning Xiu certainly remembered the story of Nuwa patching up the sky.

"Legend has it that a hole opened in the sky, plunging the world into a catastrophe."

"The great goddess Nuwa used colorful stones to patch up the sky." Song Xuan summarized the story of Nuwa patching up the sky in two sentences.

Ning Xiu never thought that in the myths and legends of the Dogon people.

There are actually shadows in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" and shadows in our myths and legends.

But Ning Xiu remembered what Ye Zhen said before.

"Our world has probably restarted many times."

"The previous Ye Zhen effect has also explained many problems."

"The memories in our minds are inconsistent with many things in the real world."

"Restart the world, disrupt the timeline, and create true history." Ning Xiu's bright eyes were shining under her curled eyelashes.

Why are some myths in the world so similar?

If you are a psychologist, they will think that this is the collective subconscious.

Some historians and scholars believe that this may be in ancient times.

Such things really happened in the world, but different people recorded them.

Different myths and legends were formed.

(End of this chapter)

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