Chapter 590 The place where all things end, return to ruins

Some say the end of science is theology.

Rather, all sufficiently advanced technology is the same as magic.

It’s just that our technology cannot achieve it now.

Like dimensional technology, space folding, wormholes and the like.

The best we have now is theory.

Not even a hint can be seen.

Needless to say, these technologies only belong to science fiction.

Even controllable nuclear fusion is always fifty years away.

Under Ye Zhen's popular science.

The orientation is also consistent.

There is a great valley outside the East China Sea, the country of Shaohao. Zhuanxu, the young emperor of Shaohao, abandoned his harp and harp here.

Yes, I'm sure some smart viewers have guessed it.

The water of the eight rivers and nine fields, the currents of heaven and man, are all poured into it, without increasing or decreasing.

Something like a great flood is actually the roar and roar of the sea.

There is also our Blue Star, which is actually 70% water.

What does this passage in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" mean when translated?

“The sea is always unknown to us.

Here we can know that Zhuanxu was raised by Shaohao.

"Mariana Trench, isn't this the deepest point in the ocean now?"

Where was he raised? In a huge ravine.

This is the translation.

Legend has it that all the water in the world will flow to Guixu, and Guixu is like a bottomless pit.

“It is located in the northwest of the Western Pacific, starting from Iwo Jima in the north to near Yap Island in the southwest.

In terms of location, the Mariana Trench is located in the southeast of my country.

To the east of the Bohai Sea, I don't know how many millions of miles, there is a big ravine, which is actually a bottomless valley, and there is no bottom below it, which is called Guixu.

The place where all things end - Guixu.

There is a large ravine outside the East China Sea, where Shaohao founded his country. Shaohao raised Emperor Zhuanxu here and left his harp and harp here.

Everyone still remembers Zhuanxu, the snake that turned into a fish and then came back to life.

He also taught Zhuanxu how to play the harp and harp.

It is also recorded in Liezi Tangwen.

It is a special place. What is so special about it?
There is another name here.

I only saw Ye Zhen writing the name of the Mariana Trench on the small whiteboard.

It is recorded in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas: The Great Wilderness East Classic".

It is very likely that it is the lingering sound left by Zhuan Xu when he played the piano.

So there are some strange sounds that some countries have detected using sonar in the deep sea.

Shaohao founded his country directly in the Mariana Trench and raised Zhuanxu here.

Mariana Trench. "After Ye Zhen said it.

Have you ever discovered a very strange place?

Where is this great ravine in the East China Sea?
There are not many places where a big character can be found in this ancient book, "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

Rather than being a Blue Star, we are the real Mercury.

Everyone also understands that China is a unique myth and legend in the world.

"This thing is just a big ravine in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas"?"

Nuwa's mending of the sky is a special event, which is likely to be the key to the true history of mankind.

No matter how much water flows here, it will be swallowed up.

No matter what, I can't get enough of this place.

That is the largest ravine on our blue star now.

"It's almost 11000 meters deep."

The audience seemed to be suddenly enlightened.

How come there is a huge ravine in the sea?
Because this is not an ordinary ravine at all, but a place like an abyss.

But this is not the key, the key is this place.

To the east of the Bohai Sea, hundreds of millions of miles away, there is a large ravine. It is actually a valley with no bottom and no end below it. It is called Guixu.

The water in all directions in the world, including the water in Tianhan Galaxy, flows there, but the water in Guixu does not increase or decrease because of this.

If you read this paragraph, you will know what kind of place Guixu is.

In ancient my country, Guixu generally refers to the place where all things end and return.

It was not until our modern times that we discovered the Mariana Trench using various technologies.

Zhuanxu, one of the Five Emperors, may have lived in Guixu when he was a child.

It is very possible that Zhuan Xu was half fish and half human when he was in this place. This mermaid state can survive in extremely harsh environments.

It will only start when the external environment is very bad.

At that time, Fuxi and Nuwa became half-human and half-fish and survived the dimensionality reduction of the world.

It was only by relying on his ability to transform into fish that he managed to survive.

The Dogon people in Africa at that time saw it and were regarded as Nomu.

Zhuanxu also has the ability to transform into fish, so he can naturally live in Guixu. "

After hearing what Ye Zhen said, some geographers were stunned.

Because of what Ye Zhen said, the so-called return to the ruins.

It was very similar to an unsolved mystery they were currently exploring.

That is, there is indeed a bottomless hole in the Mariana Trench.

A large amount of seawater is swallowed into it every year.

But this bottomless pit has never been filled.

They estimated that some of the water flowed into the interior of the blue star.

If this is the case, the water in the sea should be gradually decreasing.

But the strange thing is that the water in the sea has not decreased at all.

"Isn't this the bottomless pit in the Mariana Trench?"

"But can any living thing really survive in a place like this?"

"If there really is one, what exactly is that creature like?"

Geographers aren't the only ones curious.

Biologists are also very curious.

"What kind of ability is this fish transformation?"

"Can actually survive in all kinds of extremely harsh environments."

"I feel like the body is a bit like that of a Gray Man. It can adapt to various dangerous situations."

"It would be great if we humans also had such an ability."

Professor Yan Xin can now confirm that turning into fish is a very powerful psychic ability.

"You can survive when the dimensionality of the world is reduced, which is better than the Trisolarans."

"Resurrection from the dead doesn't seem to be an exaggeration."

In Professor Yan Xin's view, resisting the decline in dimensions is more powerful than resurrecting the dead.

Professor Zhou heard Ye Zhen reciting the contents of ancient books, and he still picked them up easily.

It seemed as if Ye Zhen had already recited everything by heart.

"We all thought that records like Guixu were just the fantasy of the ancients."

"But who would know, in fact, this is just a realistic record of the ancients." Professor Zhou sighed.

"But why does Zhuanxu want to live in Guixu?" Si Xiaoping couldn't understand.

From our current perspective, Zhuanxu is one of the Five Emperors.

Old Wu was also surprised, "Zhuan Xu is a man with extraordinary abilities."

They couldn't figure it out.

In the 749th game, Ning Xiu still had some understanding of the bottomless pit.

Because the 749 Bureau conducted research back then.

They wanted to know where the bottomless pit led to and where the water in it would emerge from.

We all know that the water on Blue Star will actually enter the water cycle.

This is why Japan’s discharge of nuclear wastewater has been condemned by the world.

Because the nuclear sewage in the ocean will turn into rain clouds and enter the global water cycle.

At that time, it will pollute the entire Blue Star.

Ning Xiu said softly: "Back then, some people wanted to study where the water went."

"Added some dark dye that doesn't degrade into a bottomless pit."

"Let's see where it will appear from, but it turns out that it wasn't found anywhere."

"I have also tried using microscopic special plastic particles, but after several years, I have not found any waters with this kind of special plastic particles."

"It's like everything has been swallowed up by this."

Song Xuan didn't expect that Bureau 749 had conducted research in this area.

"Isn't this just like a piece of text when we were studying?"

"There is a similar bottomless pit in "Hey! Come Out". No matter what you throw into it, it will never be filled."

Song Xuan immediately thought of this text.

Ning Xiu shook her head, "If there are really people from the bottom of the sea, they would live in Guixu."

"There's absolutely no way we'll find them."

(End of this chapter)

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