Chapter 591 Sunken Fairy Mountain and Lost Continent

It's exactly what Ning Xiu said.

The Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean floor, is like a forbidden area for humans.

In the history of mankind, there are only five of them that have a full calculation.

There are countless people who have been to space.

Therefore, scientists say that mankind’s understanding of the deep sea is not as good as that of space. This is not nonsense.

Among these five people, only three have ever reached the deepest point of more than 10,000 meters.

Human exploration of the deep sea is currently extremely limited.

It's just a black eye.

At this time, some domestic occult groups thought of what Ye Zhen had mentioned in the show before.

So now Ye Zhen has made it clear that Atlantis is not under the sea at all.

"It's Atlantis!"

Want to realize the ultimate dream of Qin Shihuang.

It's like a cycle, everything seems to be connected somehow.

If Ye Zhen hadn't said it, everyone would have rarely heard it.

"I remember that Takeuchi's documents mentioned two lost continents."

Everyone still thinks of Atlantis subconsciously.

"Have you thought of anything?" Ye Zhen suddenly made a mistake here.

In everyone’s stereotype, this is what they think.

"It feels like deja vu, but I can't remember it for a while."

Strange people in metaphysics.

The audience begins to think.

One of them muttered silently.

Now that it is confirmed that Guixu is the Mariana Trench, doesn't it mean that there are islands above it?

"The two sunken fairy mountains are above the Mariana Trench, in the Pacific Ocean."

"Are the two sunken fairy mountains, Daiyu and Yuanqiao, in the Pacific Ocean?"

Could it be the legendary fairy mountain?
Not many people can think of this, and some of them have already set sail to search for it.

"It's not a place like Japan at all."

"Aren't the five legendary fairy mountains just above Guixu?"

"Sunken fairy mountains, sunken islands? A continent sunk into the sea?"

"There are five mountains in it: the first is called Daiyu, the second is called Yuanqiao, the third is called Fanghu, the fourth is called Yingzhou, and the fifth is called Penglai. The height of the mountain is 30,000 miles, and the flat top is 9,000 miles."

When some viewers think of the sunken continent, the first thing they think of is Atlantis.

The first is called Daiyu, the second is called Yuanqiao, the third is called Fanghu, the fourth is called Yingzhou, and the fifth is called Penglai.

"When Qin Shihuang went to pursue immortality, he might have made the wrong mistake by looking for overseas fairy mountains."

Because the other two fairy mountains have sunk into the bottom of the sea. "

That issue contained very little content about Japan.

These people are all Taoist priests or Feng Shui masters from some small sects.

But these so-called fairy mountains overseas are not easy to find at all.

"The trees of Zhugan are all in clusters, the flowers and fruits are all delicious, and those who eat them will not grow old or die."

When I heard what Ye Zhen said, I didn't expect that it would be related to immortality and Qin Shihuang.

Daiyu and Yuanqiao are two places.

"Do you still remember the story of Qin Shihuang? He sent Xu Fu to seek the elixir of immortality in overseas fairy mountains.

"I don't know how many hundreds of millions of miles east of the Bohai Sea there is a huge ravine. It is actually a bottomless valley with no bottom below it. It is called Guixu."

But some viewers in Japan thought of Takeuchi Bumi mentioned in Ye Zhen's show before.

This is a matter of longevity!

Why is this happening?

But Ye Zhen mentioned this immediately.

Even now, there are still some alchemists who want to find the legendary elixir of life.

According to records, these five fairy mountains were originally located above Guixu.

But now we all only know Yingzhou, Penglai and Fanghu.

Among them are five fairy mountains.

"I remember it too, what was it called?"

"I forgot, I can't tell you at the moment."

Ye Zhen smiled slightly, "I believe some viewers have already guessed it.

That's right, two continents were mentioned when explaining the Takeuchi Document.

The continent of Mu and Lemuria.

These two continents have disappeared from our current map.

It may be the two legendary sunken fairy mountains. "

I heard Ye Zhen mention the contents of the Takeuchi document. Until now, no one dares to believe the contents of Takeuchi's document.

Not to mention two sunken continents.

A lost Atlantis has already made the world feel numb.

There are also these two rare continents.

So everything proves that there may be a very prosperous civilization in the deep sea.

It's possible that people under the sea are real.

The audience gasped.

"I didn't expect there to be clues to the Mu and Lemulian continents here."

"So it is very normal for these two continents with super ancient civilizations to have the elixir of life."

"It's not surprising that the people and technology of ultra-ancient civilizations are regarded as immortals."

"But why did it sink? Is it related to Zhuan Xu? Or is it related to the flood?"

Geographers are also beginning to feel less confident.

"Are there really two continents like this? Why are there no traces of them?"

"No, someone has said before that the layout of our world was not like this."

"Do you still remember the catastrophic theory that Ye Shen mentioned before? It is not impossible for this continent to sink."

Atlantis has not been solved yet, and now there are two more fairy mountains? The sunken continent of super ancient civilization?

This made everyone even more confused.

What happened in ancient times?
Professor Yan Xin frowned and held his chin with one hand.

It was the first time for the other researchers to see Professor Yan Xin looking so worried.

"Professor Yan Xin, what's going on?"

"Why is it like this all of a sudden?"

"Is there something you can't figure out?"

Indeed, Professor Yan Xin now has many unanswerable questions in his mind.

If there are underwater people, they are still in Guixu.

Then humans may not be able to discover the people on the seabed in their lifetime.

In addition, Zhuanxu was able to become one of the Five Emperors and win over Gonggong.

There must be some inside story here.

But now Professor Yan Xin is confused, like a puzzle that is missing many important pieces.

Professor Zhou felt, "The continent of Mu and the continent of Lemuria are actually two sunken fairy mountains?"

This is something Professor Zhou never expected.

Old Wu smiled and said, "So now to find the elixir of life, we need to go to the bottom of the sea to find it?"

Tour guide Hassan asked curiously: "Why not look for the three fairy mountains that have not sunk yet?"

Si Xiaoping and Hassan explained, "If there really is any fairy mountain left in the world."

"With our current technology, we would have discovered it a long time ago."

"It may have been looted from above, or there may be nothing left."

"Only the two sunken fairy mountains may still retain their original appearance."

"It will be dry for a thousand years, wet for ten thousand years, and only half a year if it is neither dry nor wet."

"If there is really an elixir of life, it is most likely to be in these two places."

Hassan seemed to understand.

In Bureau 749, Song Xuan had an illusion, "How did Consultant Ye's brain grow?"

"We are all human beings, why can he think of so many things?"

“I really want to pry open Consultant Ye’s brain and see what’s inside.”

Ning Xiu flicked Song Xuan's smooth forehead.

"It hurts!" Song Xuan covered her forehead.

Ning Xiu blew her fingers and said, "The people who stole Einstein's brain thought the same way."

"In the end, even after cutting into countless pieces of Einstein's brain, no secrets were discovered."

"Just give up this thought."

Song Xuan rubbed her forehead and said, "Captain Ning, in this way Zhuan Xu is also a man from the bottom of the sea."

"Think about it, Zhuanxu was raised in Guixu since he was a child."

"How could we live in a place like this if we weren't people from the bottom of the sea?"

"But what I don't understand is, why do you need to mention a harp?"

"It would also be said that I gave up the piano."

What Ning Xiu thought of was a certain fairy tale in the West.

That's why mermaids grow legs and live on land.

He used his voice to make a deal with the miko in exchange for his legs.

(End of this chapter)

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