Chapter 592 Underwater Ancient City
We in China have an idiom, music, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Why should Qin be placed in the first place?

If you have read a lot of fairy novels.

You will know that in novels there is usually an ancient artifact called Fuxi Qin.

Why is it Fuxi Qin instead of Nuwa Qin or Shennong Qin?

Because in the ancient books of the Pre-Qin Dynasty, it is recorded that the musical instrument Qin was invented by Fuxi.

It is clearly recorded in "Qin Cao" that "Fuxi made the piano."

"The Preface to the Qin" records: "Fuxi's Qin has one string and is seven feet and two inches long."

When it comes to the musical instrument Qin, it is generally said that it was invented by Fuxi.

But why is the piano a musical instrument?

"Holy girl, such pagans." Hussein hesitated, "Are everything they say true?"

Once you find it, you can hunt for treasure inside.

But the seeds of doubt had been planted in Hussein's mind.

Young people don’t know how much earlier they mature than they did in the last century.

To put it bluntly, a piano is a piece of wood with a few strings on it.

But Hussein in the Vatican discovered that everything Ye Zhen said had nothing to do with the Bible.

The vibration of the string can produce sound.

Nomu survived on the ark, and their murals also have dragon-like flying objects.

It’s just that Celia was watching Ye Zhen’s show, and Hussein also saw it.

Everyone thinks that the ancient city sank to the bottom of the lake because of the changes in the sea.

Back in the show, everything Ye Zhen said was actually connected with what happened in the previous show.

Fuxian Lake?
Speaking of this, it used to be the location of the ancient Dian Kingdom.

Is there something mysterious about this?

Ning Xiu felt that this so-called harp should represent the power of a certain sound.

As a Templar who has lived an ascetic life since childhood.

This is the era of information explosion.

I have to mention it here to cause everyone to think deeply.

Different musical instruments are essentially different sounds.

And Hussein has to perform a mission, nominally serving Saint Celia.

In fact, the purpose is to allow these selected Templars to undergo closed brainwashing.

But at that time, Ye Zhen was on the Ancient Dian Kingdom program.

In fact, this is the church using Hussein to spy on Selia.

There is also the dragon boat. There are similar things in the mythology of the Dogon people.

Just like some fairy cave in some novels.

Even Zhuanxu was learning the piano when he returned to the ruins.

Previously, these Templars had been in an information cocoon.

Make them more loyal to the church.

Control their thoughts and ideas.

There are also those corpses in Fuxian Lake. Do you still remember them?

Now is the era of information explosion, which can be said to be like a big dye vat.

All training is conducted according to the Templar training rules of the Middle Ages.

Saint Celia didn't say much, "Knight Hussein, you must strengthen your faith."

But is it possible that this ancient city was built at the bottom of the lake at that time?
There are also dragon boats and feathered people, do you still remember them? "

"Are you curious, where are the Mu continent and Lemuria continent?
It is very likely that there are still many remaining ruins and objects on these two continents.

You can find that because of the existence of the Internet, today's children often have far more knowledge than we did back then.

Tell me what kind of ancient training this is.

Qin and se are also specifically mentioned in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

They are unable to communicate with the outside world.

There is a sunken ancient city under Fuxian Lake.

Hussein felt novel and curious about everything.

But a long time has passed since that episode of the program, and everyone has almost forgotten about Fuxian Lake.

It really made the local B&B popular.

It made many people travel to southern Yunnan.

Especially the underwater ancient city mentioned in Ye Zhen's show and the mysterious ancient corpse.

It remains a mystery.

Now the mainstream people don’t know when this ancient city was. They couldn't make a conclusion as to which ancient country it belonged to.

But according to Ye Zhen, this is an ancient city belonging to the ancient Dian Kingdom.

But archaeologists and historians have no evidence.

Now Ye Zhen directly said that the ancient city under Fuxian Lake might be built directly at the bottom of the lake.

Rather than sinking into the bottom of the lake, this theory is indeed very new.

"But how can a city be built at the bottom of a lake?"

"Does it look like the Dragon Palace?"

"But this is the first time I've heard this statement. It was built directly under the water."

"But think about it, Shaohao's kingdom can be built in Guixu."

"It is not impossible to build an underwater ancient city in a place like Fuxian Lake."

But some historians and archaeologists.

It's not like they didn't want to go to Fuxian Lake for archeology.

But just like the tomb of Haihunhou, such an ancient site.

Especially ancient ruins in the water.

If any cultural relics are unearthed, they must be very well preserved.

According to legend, Shen Wansan's tomb is under the sea.

"These underwater tombs are really not too difficult to archaeologically."

"Diving is already very difficult, with low visibility and archaeological work."

"We are all old and we simply can't do it."

Archeology on land is already very difficult, let alone underwater.

Archaeologists are generally older professors.

It is simply difficult for them to conduct archeology in the water.

So this matter has been put on hold.

Ye Zhen just wants everyone to realize that building underwater is not as rare as everyone thinks.

Professor Yan Xin was wondering, "Is it possible that the things in Fuxian Lake are always in the water?"

"It's just that their ancient city could be isolated from the lake before it collapsed."

“It’s like there’s something like a barrier.”

I have to say that Professor Yan Xin is also very imaginative.

But if you master psychic powers, this is not impossible.

After all, Atlantis, which everyone thinks must be under the sea, is also on land, right?
Still in the Sahara Desert, the driest place in the world.

Therefore, it is really possible that the ancient city in Fuxian Lake was built underwater from the beginning.

Otherwise, why is there such an ancient city in our ancient books?

There is basically no record, and it is not scientific at all.

As a professor who studies ancient books, Professor Zhou certainly has the most say.

"Fuxian Lake is indeed a very mysterious place, and the ancient Dian Kingdom was also very mysterious."

Old Wu thought about that episode of the program on the side, "You still remember the mention of dragon boats and feathered people in the ancient Dian Kingdom."

Si Xiaoping was also very concerned about it at the time, but now he has almost forgotten it as time has passed.

Because the following programs contain more shocking content.

"If the ancient underwater city in Fuxian Lake has always been there." Si Xiaoping touched the scarf on his head, "it means that the ancients may have mastered some kind of technology for building cities underwater."

Hassan didn't say much.

Song Xuan asked curiously from the side: "Captain Ning, haven't our people investigated Fuxian Lake?"

In fact, the local 749 Bureau in southern Yunnan once investigated the ancient city in Fuxian Lake.

I had been there before Ye Zhen’s episode was aired.

They were just people from Bureau 749 who went diving to explore the ancient city at that time.

"Of course I went, but I never came back." Ning Xiu's simple words made Song Xuan's hair stand on end.

"Even the people who were rescued in the past have never come back."

What is the origin of this ancient city in Fuxian Lake?
Such an ancient city in a lake is already so terrifying.

What if we were in the Mariana Trench, which is 10,000 meters deep in the ocean.

What about the legendary bottomless pit of Guixu?

No one can even imagine what it would be like.

Just like some creatures in the deep sea, no one can imagine them.

The creatures in the world can look so weird.

If it wasn't caught on camera, no one would believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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