Chapter 593 Strange Call
Nowadays, various new species are discovered in the sea every year.

For us humans, the seabed is too mysterious.

We have been passionate about Stars and Sea.

I want to explore the universe.

As everyone knows, we have not even explored the sea beneath our feet.

As some people have suggested, there might actually be Squidward and Spongebob in the sea.

"Okay, it's almost time."

"Now let's move on to the next step." Ye Zhen smiled and pointed to a location at the bottom of the screen.

The contact information of Yangcheng TV station is displayed there.

"As long as you get through the phone successfully, you can ask me any questions you want."

No need for Ye Zhen to say more, everyone already knows this link now.

For some time it was just a domestic carnival.

But now the domestic communications department business has expanded overseas.

Because the country discovered that Ye Zhen's program alone had driven the sales of countless phone cards.

Many black cards fetch incredibly high prices on the black market.

When foreign governments see this situation, they will rather be profited by others.

It would be better for us to earn it ourselves.

Therefore, some foreign countries have cooperated with domestic communications departments.

You can sell phone cards and activate services.

The three major operators in the country are overjoyed.

Overseas expansion has always been a problem.

Because who in China doesn’t have a mobile phone now?
Many people even have two or three phone cards.

Basically there is no growth.

This is no longer the era when buying a mobile phone cost 10,000 yuan.

This is no longer the era of free PHS calls.

Therefore, overseas business is a blue ocean.

Many overseas viewers who also want to call the Yangcheng TV hotline are unable to do so.

Now many foreign countries can sell phone cards of the three major operators.

There are some countries that do not offer this service.

Residents in their country would drive to neighboring countries to buy phone cards.

One can imagine how popular Ye Zhen's show is now.

But after doing this, the number of people calling the Yangcheng TV hotline doubled.

Foreign viewers were dialing Yangcheng TV directly.

"Xue Te, you must let me dial. I finally bought a phone card."

"I was abducted by aliens last week. Can Ye Shen let me get connected?"

"Oh my god, if I get through, I can swear to be a vegetarian for the rest of my life."

"I already bought a Huaxia phone card, isn't it my turn this time?"

The same goes for domestic audiences.

Especially among the student groups, Ye Zhen has now become a new generation of exam god and knowledge god.

Legend has it that as long as there are students, you can get through this phone number.

Will be embraced by Ye Shen and will definitely pass the next exam.

As long as it's exam week, Ye Zhen's photos are always forwarded.

"Ye Shen, please, I want to get into the ideal university."

"Isn't it useful for you to make wishes like this? Ye Shen is a human being, not a universal wishing machine."

"I want the graduate students to go ashore, please Ye Shen!"

Everyone wants to see which lucky person can connect with Ye Zhen on the phone this time.

But this time the call was never answered.

Maybe there were too many people calling this time, which directly made the system unable to operate.

Producer Chen and Director Chen, who were on the side, were both anxious.

"Why is there no China Unicom yet?" Director Chen tapped his toes on the floor quickly, "What did the backstage say?"

A staff member came over and said, "The background said that the communication system is completely paralyzed now."

"You can't even move. No one can break in."

Director Chen frowned, "What should we do? Go and solve it quickly."

The staff member bowed his head and left, "Yes, Director Chen, we will find a way."

In fact, there is no solution, even the communications department of eastern Guangdong Province is helpless.

I've upgraded it several times, but it's been blown away every time.

Their upgrades couldn't keep up with Ye Zhen's audience growth.

But soon, the call was connected.

"Hey, hello, viewer." Ye Zhen heard the connection sound, "I'm Ye Zhen, can you hear me?"

"Prophet Ye, I finally reached you." The other party's tone was very hoarse, "This is all the Lord's will."

There was a pious and ethereal tone in the other person's voice.

Coupled with the hoarse tone, it gives people a solemn feeling.

Calling Ye Zhen on the phone and everything.

But he was still the first to be called Prophet Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen didn't care what the other party called him, "Sir, what's your name?" The other party's voice was low and calm, "Iha Ensley."

"Do you have any questions to ask?" Ye Zhen asked as usual.

Although the other party was not as excited and excited as the previous audience.

But everyone could hear a kind of fanaticism in his tone.

It was a kind of religious fervor.

The other party asked excitedly: "Sherrow Ye, is the Guixu you mentioned on the Pacific Ocean?"

Ye Zhen nodded, "It's at the Mariana Trench."

Then the other party asked again, with an increasingly excited tone, "Is there really an unspeakable city in the deep sea?"

Ye Zhen continued to nod, "I personally think that such a city is very likely to exist in the bottomless pit."

“It’s just that we simply can’t get there with our current technology.”

At this time, the other party's voice began to tremble, "Prophet, you must be a prophet!"

“Our Father God in the sea, may your name be glorified!”

"May your kingdom come, and may your will be done in R'lyeh as it is on the earth!"

When he said this, the other party's voice kept trembling, which was an expression of extreme excitement.

Ye Zhen still maintained his professionalism, "Do you have any more questions? This gentleman."

"Prophet, we will definitely meet in Raleye!" The other party's voice began to become sharp.

At this time, on the other end of the phone, Ye Zhen only heard Gulu's voice.

The call was not disconnected, but the other party did not speak anymore.

The audience felt that this dialogue was ordinary.

But there was one movie that made the audience feel creepy and weird.

I only saw the man on the other end of the phone who was talking to Ye Zhen on his mobile phone.

At this time, it had turned into a monster with a fish head and human body.

The human body begins to change.

He felt like someone was whispering in his head.

The human skin color on his body began to gradually turn into a gray-green color of death.

But there was a trace of paleness left on the belly.

The fingers on the limbs began to connect and grow webs, like duck feet.

Scales began to appear on the body.

The eyes protrude like fish eyes and will not close.

The neck began to split, and fish-like gills grew out.

Webbed hands still clutched the phone.

Ye Zhen's questioning voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello, hello? Mr. Ensley, are you still there?" Ye Zhen asked next.

But there was still no reply from the other end of the phone.

Ye Zhen didn't know what happened to the other party.

After repeated inquiries, the other party did not answer.

Ye Zhen had no choice but to hang up the phone.

This is the strangest phone call anyone has ever seen.

"What is this person doing? Such a waste of an opportunity."

"Does he know how much money this phone can fetch now?"

"What a waste of natural resources!"

"But what did he mean by what he said during the conversation?"

Ye Zhen silently wrote down this strange person.

However, Ye Zhen's expression was still full of smiles, "Okay, that's it for today's program. We'll see you in the next program."

Ye Zhen raised her hand and said goodbye to the camera.

As the ending song played, this episode of the program ended.

Ye Zhen thought about what Ensley just said.

"What does he mean?"

"Why do you call me a prophet?"

"Where is R'lyeh?"

Ye Zhen was confused now when he walked down from the stage.

Producer Chen walked over immediately, as if he knew what Ye Zhen was thinking.

"Maybe it's just some lunatics talking nonsense." From Producer Chen's point of view, the person on the phone just now seemed like a lunatic.

But Ye Zhen knew that this was definitely not a simple mental illness.

If he is mentally ill, how can he make phone calls at will?
Director Chen also came over, "Fortunately, there were no accidents in the show this time."

"The phone was connected just now. When the call wasn't connected, you didn't know how nervous I was."

At this time, the phone in Ensley's hand, which had turned into a fish-headed man, fell to the ground.

There was a dead whiteness in the protruding fish eyes.

Just like the long-dead fish in the market.

The phone in his hand fell from the fish-headed man's hand, and Ensley ran out of the house.

Jumped into the nearby river.

(End of this chapter)

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