Chapter 626 The Antarctic Wall
Professor Zhou after watching Ye Zhen’s program.

But I made a special study of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

In fact, not only Professor Zhou, but also many people around the world bought "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" to study it.

Especially some popular bloggers on the Internet.

It is a pity that they did not really understand "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

The content in Ye Zhen's program is not just "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

But this has made many people aware of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", one of China's three great wonders.

It was not just Professor Zhou who saw the nine-headed monster in the mural and thought of Xiang Liu.

Some Japanese viewers also thought of it.

"This seems to be the Yamata no Orochi in our myths and legends."

"It's just that our Yamata no Orochi has eight heads."

"Is there anything related here?"

In Yin Yang Residence, Abe Haruko looked at the mural displayed by Ye Zhen on the screen.

"Kyuto's Xiangliu?" Abe Haruko is the current leader of the Onmyo Residence.

He is also the youngest Lao leader in history.

It is said to be an onmyoji comparable to the legendary onmyoji Abe Seimei, the strongest onmyoji in history.

One can imagine how terrifying Abe Haruko's talent is.

You must know that this is the end of the Dharma era, and even Abe Haruko can reach this point.

If it were in ancient times, it would not be a lie for Abe Haruko to surpass her ancestors.

So Haruko Abe knows some inside information.

That was the method used to resurrect Yamata no Orochi before.

I actually found it in China.

When he found a way to resurrect Yamata no Orochi.

Abe Haruko and the others are still wondering, isn't Yamata no Orochi their local mythical beast?

Why was the method of resurrection found in China?

Yamata no Orochi can be said to be a powerful monster that is well-known in Japan.

You have to find someone stronger than Yamata no Orochi in Japanese myths and legends.

It is indeed a bit difficult.

But it is precisely because of this that the will of all living beings.

Let some originally nameless existences be sublimated.

It achieved the character of Yamata no Orochi.

Just like some heroes among the people who died and became gods because of the incense of the people.

The most classic example is Guan Yu and Mazu.

These two are a process from human to god.

Yamata no Orochi is almost in the same situation.

Only later did the people in Yin Yang Liao learn about it.

It turns out that the predecessor of Yamata no Orochi was just Xiang Liu who escaped from China.

When Haruko Abe saw the nine-headed beast on the mural.

I knew right away that this was definitely Xiang Liu.

When he was looking for a way to resurrect the Yamata no Orochi.

The Japanese searched extensively for many precious treasures in China.

Among them, a bronze vessel with a willow pattern on it was found in a pre-Qin tomb.

It was in this pre-Qin tomb that they discovered the method to resurrect the Yamata no Orochi.

The key mentioned is the so-called weak water.

In the end, they, Japanese scientists, people from Yin Yang Liao and Jiu Ju sect, studied together for decades.

Only then did I realize that this so-called weak water is actually water containing nuclear radiation.

Only then did the plan for the resurrection of Yamata no Orochi come forward.

"Is there such a thing in the Antarctic continent?" Haruko Abe said she knew nothing about the Antarctic continent.

It was the first time I learned about this mysterious place through Ye Zhen’s popular science.

In fact, there are still many people in the world who support this statement.

Even primary school students know it now.

Our blue star is actually a planet, a round star.

There is no doubt about it.

But some people have done street tests to see what passers-by in the United States think of the flat-earth theory.

Unexpectedly, more than a quarter of the people there were flat earth believers.

They believe that the world we live in now has a round sky and a square earth.

The earth is flat and the planet theory is wrong. At first everyone thought that this was just a small minority of people, but in fact there are quite a few people who believe in the flat earth theory.

In their theory, Antarctica is the edge of the earth.

around the entire center edge.

And it surrounds the entire world with a huge ice wall.

Just like the world snake.

They have always called the outside of Antarctica the world outside the wall.

Some commentators immediately became excited after hearing this.

"I just say Antarctica is the edge of the world."

"You see, various countries are stationed there, but they won't let us get close."

"I just said something is wrong with Antarctica. There must be something wrong here."

"This mural is the best evidence."

"Is there such a monster in Antarctica?"

"Maybe this underground world is the world outside the Antarctic wall!"

Now flat earth enthusiasts are getting excited.

They felt that Ye Zhen's statement supported their theory.

Because in their eyes, flat earth theory is a true world view.

The Antarctic is a man-made high wall.

The purpose is to trap humans in the world.

As for what the world is like outside the Antarctic wall.

It may be the underworld described by Bird.

Therefore, they believe that Bird did not go underground, but passed through to the other side of the Antarctic Wall.

After Professor Yan Xin saw the mural, he had only one idea.

"Human face and snake body?" Professor Yan Xin is of course very familiar with it, because Nuwa and Fuxi have such images.

"Is this also related to us in China?" Professor Yan Xin has already grasped a key point.

But I can't figure out the relationship, and it feels like seeing flowers in a fog.

In game 749, Ning Xiu saw the nine-headed monster in the mural.

Ning Xiu could confirm, "This must be a powerful beast."

"Nine heads, could they be called nine babies?" Ning Xiu thought of a monster in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

Song Xuan felt something was wrong, "These luminous giants and the nine-headed monster."

"Obviously they all respect the being in the middle with the head of a human and the body of a snake."

"Obviously this being with a human head and a snake body is their king, possibly the king of their clan."

"But who is that person with the head of a human and the body of a snake?"

In Area 51, they saw the mural images displayed by Ye Zhen.

This was the first time they saw the content of this mural.

But they did find Bird at the end of his life.

Have been looking for various anthropologists and historians.

I want them to help me.

At that time, Area 51 did not attract their attention.

Even if they paid attention at the time, they would not be able to understand the content of the mural.

Then Ye Zhen showed the contents of the second mural.

The second mural is different.

I only saw a scene of a great flood disaster in the second mural.

In this scene, although there are only a few strokes.

But everyone can feel the horror of the great flood disaster.

In addition to the great flood, there is a close-up in the mural.

It was as if something like a pillar in the sky had been broken.

It was because this pillar was broken that a great flood was caused.

Seeing this, some people had a ridiculous idea in their minds.

Ye Zhen smiled at this time.

“Everyone has already tasted enough myths about the great flood.

The Great Flood has never been absent from the myths and legends of almost every nation.

It shows that in ancient times, shocking floods did occur.

The ancestors of the world have left a profound memory.

And this mural is no exception. "

(End of this chapter)

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