Chapter 627 The truth about the murals

It's exactly what Ye Zhen said.

As long as you pay attention to the myths of various countries, there are almost no exceptions.

There are myths and legends about the great flood.

Appears in the crystal pyramid in the Antarctic underground world.

Although everyone was a little surprised, it was still within everyone's acceptance range.

But the third mural starts to look different.

A monster that looked human but not human, and seemed to be covered with human body parts.

Overall, it looks like a giant ball of meat.

On it you can see many tiny human limbs and heads.

It's as if human beings are breaking away from this.

But if you look closely, it seems that many human beings are merged together.

And there is an extension of a large meat ball on the ground.

It's like assimilating the surrounding environment.

Just simple patterns give people a sense of absurdity and strangeness.

Some people even feel naturally disgusted and disgusted when they see the content in this mural.

In addition to this, there are other luminous giants, as if they are surrounding this meat ball.

If these three murals are continuous.

The second mural has some speculation about its contents.

But the third strange mural made people feel a kind of physical discomfort.

"What is the big meat ball in the third mural?"

"It feels so disgusting. There are all broken limbs and arms in this big picture!"

"Could it be that this luminous giant is guarding this weird thing?"

Apparently some biologists saw it too.

Such a creature theoretically does not exist.

"Is there really such a creature in nature?"

"It's so weird, it feels like the product of human experimentation in some kind of science novel."

"However, the age of this mural is at least tens of thousands of years ago, and it is very likely that it is even older."

"Would such a creature really exist at that time?"

But when Professor Yan Xin saw the strange ball of flesh with stumps and broken arms.

The term Ye Zhen mentioned before came to mind immediately.

"Hei Tai Sui, is this the legendary Black Tai Sui?" An idea flashed in Professor Yan Xin's mind.

"The murals in this crystal pyramid should record the history of their clan."

"So the Black Tai Sui they are talking about should be the weird meat ball in the third mural."

But in the Vatican.

Saint Celia looked at the contents of the second and third murals.

"The Great Flood and Giants are both recorded in the Bible."

"But this life form with a human face and a snake body has never been seen before." Saint Celia only knows about it in Chinese myths and legends.

There were such ancient gods.

"Could it be that this is some ancient Chinese god?" Saint Celia thought.

But based on her knowledge and ability, it was impossible to tell.

Which Chinese god is this?

Hussein looked at the weird meat ball and asked, "What kind of monster is this?"

"I always feel that he seems to be a mixture of many human beings."

"It's like giving birth to a human being again."

There is a strange sense of contradiction.

You can say that this weird meat ball has devoured many humans.

You are right when you say that the weird meat ball is giving birth to many humans.

It all depends on the angle from which you view and interpret the contents of this third mural.

It’s just that Professor Zhou looked at these simple and beautiful lines.

Although the depiction is very simple, you can still see what is being depicted.

You can feel the charm of it.

Examples of this can be found in many prehistoric cave paintings.

It's obviously just a simply outlined color block.

But you can see what seems to be a vivid bison galloping on the plains.

"The person who can draw this mural is definitely not simple." Professor Zhou exclaimed.

Although this is just a drawing by Bird based on his own memory.

It only contains five or six points of charm.

But it’s enough for everyone to feel the charm of the mural.

Lao Wu is an expert in archaeological research.

"Being able to record it in the form of murals shows that it is a relatively real event." "Generally, it is something that actually happened in history, and it is a relatively important historical event."

"Otherwise it wouldn't be recorded in this form."

Lao Wu gave his opinion based on his professional experience.

But Si Xiaoping on the side sighed, "Sure enough, only stones are the most reliable carrier."

If it was recorded on some other paper.

If no one had taken good care of it, we wouldn’t be alive today.

Not to mention being seen by Bird.

In Game 749, Song Xuan asked Ning Xiu, "Ning Xiu, do you think this weird meat ball could be the legendary Adam?"

"Look at this weird meat ball, it still looks a bit like a human."

Ning Xiu actually guessed this, "Adam and Hei Taisui, no matter what their names are."

"It should all describe that unknown mass."

"But it didn't explain how this thing appeared."

This is indeed a curious place.

But this is the limitation of murals, which can only show the most important scene.

It cannot fully explain the whole story.

After this, there is the fourth and final mural.

Only a glowing pyramid is seen in the last mural.

The remaining glowing giants guard around the glowing pyramid.

The content of the mural ends here.

No wonder Bird couldn't decipher the content at all.

Some people vaguely guessed the final result.

Ye Zhen pointed to the mural showing the four-square grid on the screen.

"Everyone has read it, and I believe some smart people have already guessed it.

What is recorded in this mural?

It is possible that a large portion of the audience thought this was some sort of alien plot.

But after I explain it, everyone may have different opinions.

The first is the nine-headed monster written in the mural.

There are actually records of nine-headed beasts in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

However, there are two nine-headed beasts in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

One, named Jiu Ying, can spit out water and fire. "

When it comes to Jiuying Ye, it can be said that he is the person who knows him best in the world.

Because Ye Zhen himself has experienced it before!

"The other one is the legendary Xiang Liu.

Legend has it that Dayu met Xiang Liu when he was controlling floods.

Xiang Liu is an expert in controlling water.

There is a record in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas": The snake has nine heads and can eat countless people. Wherever it goes, it will become a country.

Is it Jiu Ying or Xiang Liu in the mural?
It's impossible to tell from the murals alone.

We're going to look at the rest of the mural.

What else is in the first mural?
A glowing giant, and a being with a human head and a snake body in the center.

We can see these luminous giants from the murals.

You can tell from the water patterns on and around their feet.

They actually have the ability to control water.

And the light on their bodies means that they are different from ordinary people.

They have magical abilities, what we call supernatural powers.

That's why it emits this kind of human body glow.

These luminous giants and nine-headed beasts surrendered to the existence in the center with a human head and a snake body.

In fact, by this point, the answer is already obvious. "

Ye Zhen wrote a paragraph on the small whiteboard.

"The Book of Mountains and Seas - Overseas Northern Classic" contains: "The minister of Gonggong is called Xiang Liu, with nine heads, and he eats in the nine mountains." "

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas: The Great Wilderness North Classic also has this record: Gonggongchen's name is Xiangyao, he has a nine-headed snake body, rings around itself, and eats in nine soils."

"Yes, the nine-headed beast depicted in this first mural is Xiang Liu, a minister of the Gonggong clan."

"Xiang Liu, also called Xiang Yao, is a minister of the Gonggong clan."

"The one in the middle with a human head and a snake body is of course the legendary Gonggong."

There is a record in "The Book of Mountains and Seas": "Yu attacked the Gonggong Mountain, attacked his country and killed his ministers, who were trapped in this mountain. He opened his diary and said: Gonggong has a human face and a snake body with red hair."

Although some viewers vaguely guessed the answer.

But when Ye Zhen said it, it was Gonggong's time.

Everyone was still shocked.

The murals in the Antarctic underground world actually record Gonggong, the water god?
(End of this chapter)

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