Chapter 628: A family of sinners

No one thought of it.

The murals in the Antarctic underground actually depict the ancient Chinese gods working together?

This is puzzling.

However, Ye Zhen's interpretation of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" can now be said to be the only one in the world.

It is already recognized in the academic world.

And Ye Zhen also wrote all the contents of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" on the small whiteboard.

Everyone can check it out.

The audience understands immediately.

"No wonder Bode couldn't find the truth about the murals back then."

"Not to mention those Western scholars, even our Chinese scholars may not be able to analyze it."

"Is the one in the mural actually the water god Gonggong?"

Domestic audiences are of course very familiar with Water God Gonggong.

Because you can learn it in textbooks.

Some foreign audiences don’t even know who Shuishen Gonggong is.

But they also knew that this was the god of China.

It is different from some foreign monotheistic religions.

Professor Zhou and the others stood up in the tent in the Sahara Desert.

Their adventure took them to the Sahara Desert.

In fact, it is for the Sahara Eye in the north of the Sahara Desert.

Because this is the lost city that many Westerners have dreamed of and have been looking for for many years.


The Eye of the Sahara is located in the northern part of the Sahara Desert.

The journey used to be very long and difficult.

So far, under the guidance of an experienced tour guide, Hassan.

It has just entered the edge of the center of the Sahara Desert.

But it can be regarded as entering the center of the Sahara Desert.

If it wasn't Hassan, it would be another unskilled tour guide.

Not to mention the rapid progress, one might die in the Sahara Desert if not careful.

There are also some tour groups to the Sahara Desert.

In fact, it is just a look at the scenery on the very safe edge.

Just riding a camel.

There is no danger at all.

But Professor Zhou and the others are different, they have truly entered the depths of the Sahara Desert.

In a truly deserted place, one could die if not careful.

But now Professor Zhou and the three of them stood up excitedly.

Hassan didn't understand why his three guests were so excited.

Tour guide Hassan asked: "What's wrong with you?"

Professor Zhou remembered an ancient article that Ye Zhen mentioned in a previous program.

It is also a text that everyone has learned in the nine-year compulsory education.

Why are our Chinese people so familiar with Gonggong, the God of Water?

One of the reasons is because of this text.

"Gonggong's anger touches Mount Buzhou".

"Could it be that the destruction of Atlantis was related to this?" Professor Zhou and his team came over.

Not just to see the legendary lost city of Atlantis, an ultra-ancient civilization.

I also want to know if Atlantis is really related to the water god Gonggong.

Old Wu said at this time: "Some people had doubts back then whether Atlantis would be the Antarctic."

"Now it seems that this is not unfounded."

Si Xiaoping was also very surprised to find that our ancient Chinese gods worked together in the murals in the Antarctic underground world.

"This Xiang Liu is a minister of Gonggong."

"The Gonggong clan must be a very huge tribe."

Because according to records, Gonggong is a descendant of Emperor Yan with a well-established roots.

But in our current history, Emperor Yan is often an almost marginalized existence.

The protagonist is usually the Yellow Emperor.

Almost all the subsequent Five Emperors were descendants of the Huangdi sect. Zhuanxu is one of the very key figures.

Who is Gonggong?
Back then, he was able to compete with Zhuan Xu for the throne.

Why can only descendants of the Yellow Emperor be called emperors?

We have no way of knowing now what happened.

But what is known is.

People of Emperor Yan's lineage must have been dissatisfied back then.

However, in addition to the talents among the descendants of the Yellow Emperor, there are also geniuses among the descendants of the Yan Emperor.

Gonggong is such a person.

However, no matter how defiant Gonggong was, he could not compare to Zhuan Xu.

So Gonggong lost.

In Game 749, Ning Xiu also thought of "Gong Gong's Fury Touches Buzhou Mountain".

Ning Xiu touched her chin and said, "Why did Gonggong hit Buzhou Mountain back then?"

"Is it just because you are competing for the throne that you have not overtaken Zhuan Xu?"

Ning Xiu felt that it must not be that simple.

Song Xuan finished the potato chips in the bag and sucked her fingers clean.

"But the problem is that "Gonggong's Fury Touches Buzhou Mountain" does not come from "The Classic of Mountains and Seas"."

"It comes from Huainanzi in the Western Han Dynasty."

“However, some of the records in Huainanzi are quoted from Shan Hai Jing.”

What Song Xuan thought of was that in history, the winner was always the king and the loser was the loser.

Gonggong is the loser.

History is actually just a delicate little girl who can be dressed up by others.

Is it possible that this article "Gonggong's anger touches Buzhou Mountain" is actually to discredit Gonggong.

To prove Zhuanxu's justice?
After all, this is China's battle for the throne.

Other state secret organizations similar to Area 51.

They have all started to collect information, wanting to know who this Water God Gonggong is?

Soon they found out.

"The ancient gods of China?"

"So this luminous giant is a descendant of the Chinese gods and water gods."

"In myths and legends, Gonggong caused a great flood and changed the whole world."

Researchers at the Chinese Antarctic Scientific Research Station were originally watching the program happily.

Now I have no intention of watching the show.

Because their attention has been focused on the nearby American scientific research station asking for help.

Back to Ye Zhen, Ye Zhen standing on the stage seemed to know everything.

“So the contents of the mural at the back are clearly visible.

That's right, it was the incident of "Gonggong Anger Touched Buzhou Mountain" back then.

This event was recorded on the mural.

Only things that are truly important will be recorded with such emphasis.

If you contact the content recorded in Bird's diary.

The glowing giant says their clan is sinners.

Why a sinner?
If they are Westerners, they have heard the terms Adam and sinner.

I immediately thought that under the instigation of the snake, Adam and Eve stole the fruit of wisdom in the Garden of Eden.

So in the Western world, they believe that people are born sinful.

You are born into this world with original sin.

This is their basic concept.

But if this is Gonggong, contact Buzhou Shan's actions.

This should be the reason why the Gonggong clan is regarded as sinners. "

At this point, everyone felt that Ye Zhen's analysis was correct.

Because it is obvious that Gonggong and Zhuanxu lost the battle for the throne.

In a rage, he went to break Mount Buzhou.

Then there were major disasters such as great floods.

Resulting in the devastation of life.

It seems natural that the Gonggong clan should be beaten as criminals.

But is this really the case?
(End of this chapter)

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