Chapter 632 God is an alien?

After hearing Ye Zhen's explanation.

The audience watching the show were dumbfounded.

Because they have never heard such an analysis.

The audience feels that their world view has been subverted by Ye Zhen once again.

"Where did Ye Shen obtain this knowledge?"

"So Adam is Black Tai Sui? Is he from an alien planet?"

"What kind of tribe is that called? What kind of race is it?"

Domestic audiences are curious.

The Dead Sea Scrolls that Ye Zhen mentioned mentioned the Shi Clan, what kind of race they were.

He would actually send something like Black Tai Sui to Blue Star.

But some foreign audiences cannot accept Ye Zhen's statement.

"How could our ancestor Adam, the first man, be a big lump of meat."

“This is not scientific at all and not biblical at all!”

"In this case, could the first family who created Adam be God?"

"Ah? God is actually an alien!"

Some biologists are already confused.

Cambrian explosion of species.

Indeed, no scientific explanation has been found so far.

Suddenly during the Cambrian period.

Species suddenly began to become more complex and prosperous.

And life comes in all kinds of weird shapes.

All kinds of strange and strange life forms are active in the Cambrian.

It's like a testing ground for life.

"Impossible, this is not scientific at all!"

“But if you break down the core of the story in the Bible, it’s like that.”

"Adam is but a symbol, a symbol of the flourishing of life."

"A long time ago, some scientists actually proposed that the origin of life actually came from extraterrestrials."

"Yes, amino acids and various macromolecules necessary for the synthesis of life were indeed found on some meteorites at that time."

Professor Yan Xin was a little surprised when he heard it.

But this is still within the acceptable range of Professor Yan Xin.

"So the Cambrian explosion was caused by the Black Tai Sui dissolving in the original ocean."

"Did some simple beings at that time begin to absorb Black Tai Sui?"

It can be said that our lives are so prosperous now.

All because of the species explosion during the Cambrian period.

"What kind of race can create something like Black Tai Sui?"

The researchers under Professor Yan Xin thought of it.

"Could it be that some of the Tai Sui discovered by the ancients were separated from the original Tai Sui, the Black Tai Sui?"

If it is in some fantasy novels.

Black Tai Sui is some kind of top-notch natural and earthly treasure.

It is the source of the birth of life and the foundation of all life.

And some ordinary Tai Sui like Black Tai Sui.

Even if it has one ten millionth of the effect of Black Tai Sui, it is still incredible.

Therefore, the ancients said that after eating Tai Sui, you can become an immortal.

It really could happen.

Professor Zhou never imagined that "Adam in foreign Bibles is actually Hei Tai Sui."

Old Wu on the side felt, "Could this so-called First Clan be the Empire that the Grays call it?"

But so far, everyone has only heard the name Empire from the Grays.

Si Xiaoping shook his head, "It could still be the old empire. Mr. Wu, have you forgotten?"

Si Xiaoping remembers that episode of the Little Gray Man program.

But it was clearly stated that Blue Star was a remnant of the old empire.

He was imprisoned here by the people of the empire.

Blue Star is a prison.

Old Wu thought for a while, "It really might be the old empire." But this was just their guess.

No one knows whether the ancestor has anything to do with the empire the Grays talk about.

It’s just that the Cambrian explosion of species happened hundreds of millions of years ago.

Even if the Grays can live for hundreds of millions of years.

There were no Grays at that time.

In Game 749, Song Xuan usually reads a lot of novels and anime.

It can be said that she is a standard home girl.

Even the snacks we are eating now are brought by Song Xuan from her own home.

When I take a break, I open a can of iced Coke, tear open a pack of cucumber-flavored potato chips, and watch a new show.

That is a life like heaven.

Song Xuan began to ask: "Hei Taisui, could it be that after coming to Blue Star, he developed consciousness, so he has the so-called consciousness."

"Is there a being named Adam?"

Song Xuan couldn't help but wonder, "The Blue Star was completely desolate at that time. Why was Black Tai Sui sent to the Blue Star?"

"This makes absolutely no sense."

Ning Xiu thought of a possibility, "Could it be that they want Blue Star?"

"Use Blue Star directly as a testing ground for life."

"Hei Tai Sui is what they sent here to cultivate life."

According to the records in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Black Tai Sui, also known as Adam.

But it provided various possibilities for the primitive ocean at that time.

If Blue Star is compared to a petri dish.

Black Tai Sui is a variety of nutrients and basic substances for life growth.

It was equivalent to giving many building blocks to Blue Star at that time.

You can build any kind of life you want.

Different forms of life.

So that's why there was an explosion of species in the Cambrian period.

So many different kinds of creatures would suddenly appear.

And there was no warning before this.

Now some of our paleontologists are digging for fossils from back then.

Sometimes I will complain, how did such a life evolve?
It's so scrawled and weird that it looks like it was scribbled randomly.

Senior researchers in Area 51 have actually had an idea for a long time.

That is our Blue Star, and it may just be the experimental product of a civilization that is far beyond our imagination.

It's even possible that the entire universe came about this way.

Now it seems that this is likely to be more than just a hypothesis.

"Shizu, is this the truth about God?"

"Something's wrong. According to what Ye said, there should be another Lilith."

"If Adam is Black Tai Sui, then what is the other original woman, Lilith?"

They obviously saw some places that ordinary people could not see.

If the truth is really as recorded in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Cambrian Explosion is easy to explain.

Pope Francis in the Vatican.

Francis looked at Ye Zhen on the screen, with an expression of extreme exhaustion on his face.

"I'm tired." Francis walked back to his rest room.

Saint Celia thought of something.

"The coming of Adam triggered the Cambrian Explosion."

"The previous Adam was sealed in the underground world of Antarctica."

"It shows that this is extremely dangerous stuff."

"But in the world, risks often follow opportunities."

“The greater the risk, the greater the opportunity.”

Saint Celia thought of a possibility.

Will the remaining Adam who escaped from the seal trigger an explosion of life again?
If so, what would the world be like?
(End of this chapter)

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