Chapter 633 The Purpose of the First Clan

Paladin Hussein standing next to Celia.

I feel like my head is buzzing now.

"This is completely different from the Bible I know!"

Hussein as the chosen paladin.

That was a very strict ancient training.

Their belief in Christianity can be said to be extremely firm.

But times have changed now!
Hussein was shocked almost every time.

Since coming into contact with Ye Zhen.

Hussein had never gone to a priest to confess before.

After returning from Noah’s Ark ruins on Mount Ararat.

It can be said that I ran to the priest every three days.

You must know that Hussein used to be very firm in his beliefs.

It is to dedicate one's whole life to the Lord.

But now after watching Ye Zhen's program, Hussein becomes more and more doubtful about life.

Because this is completely different from the education he has been exposed to since childhood.

What's going on here?
But that's how religion is, it's like a stamp of thought that's engraved in your mind.

Wanting to change for a while is almost equivalent to talking in one's sleep.

But the seeds of doubt had already been planted in Hussein's heart.

For this reason, he often blamed himself, why his heart was shaken now.

This is something that should not be done, so Hussein went to the priest to confess.

But I saw Ye Zhen’s program today.

Coupled with the previous accumulation, Hussein felt that his outlook on life was about to collapse.

Hussein was shaking all over.

The extraordinary power of the Paladin is equivalent to the mind blade of superpowers, special abilities, supernatural powers and qigong.

Born from the firm belief in their hearts.

It stems from their enthusiasm for the Lord.

Only in this way is it possible to have a mind blade.

The stronger the heart and firm belief, the stronger the mind blade will be.

This is why these Templars need to be trained from an early age.

The family needs to be clean.

Because only in this way is it possible to cultivate a paladin with a mind blade.

But at this time, Hussein began to shake violently.

There are signs that the mind blade is beginning to collapse.

At the last moment, Hussein pulled out a knife.

Directly inserted into his thigh.

The intense pain instantly woke up Hussein's brain.

The belief was shaken, and the ice collapse of the mind blade actually started to stop.

Saint Celia looked at Hussein and suddenly pulled out a dagger to kill himself for some reason.

And judging by Hussein's strength, the dagger completely disappeared into his thigh.

Hussein was sweating profusely now, as if he had fought a hard battle.

"Paladin Hussein, what's wrong with you?" Saint Celia certainly knew that Hussein was sent by the church to monitor her.

In name, they are here to protect themselves, but in fact they are just surveillance.

Hussein felt a sharp pain radiating from his thigh.

Blood had begun to drip onto the floor.

But Hussein felt that his brain had never been so clear.

Faith in the Lord became strong again.

"They are just some pagans who are deceiving the public with their monstrous words."

"Only my Lord is the truth and is eternal." Hussein's eyes became firm again.

Now Hussein began to understand.

Why did ascetics appear in the Middle Ages?

They use physical suffering as a way to practice cultivation.

Let yourself be in pain all the time.

The most ruthless ascetics are thorns made directly from iron.

Embed directly into your own feet.

This way you can feel the pain all the time.

But there are some ascetics with extremely strong mental states and beliefs.

You can remain calm in the face of any pain. They thought this was nothing compared with the suffering of Jehovah.

After pulling the dagger out of his thigh.

Celia bandaged Hussein anyway.

Celia's medical knowledge is top notch.

Because this is basically a required course for every nun.

As a saint who climbed up, Celia is not just a showman.

The bleeding on Hussein's thigh was quickly stopped and bandaged.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Saint." In Hussein's heart, the Saint has always been supreme.

He has always been the object of their Templar adoration.

Now the person I admire actually bandages it with my own hands.

Hussein suddenly felt that his wounds no longer hurt.

Hussein even felt that his mind blade was more powerful than before!
Hussein looked at Ye Zhen on the screen again.

Ye Zhen started to calm down.

"Are you curious why the Shi clan launched Black Tai Sui to our blue star?

What is their purpose? Who are they?

What exactly is Black Tai Sui?

What impact was there besides the Cambrian explosion of species?

But it is a pity that the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.

It is not complete, but a fragment.

Much of it is missing.

But we can know other things from existing clues.

Do you think Black Tai Sui is some kind of divine being?

It can actually trigger a species explosion and directly allow species to flourish.

Logically speaking, this black Tai Sui should be a good thing.

Why did the gods of ancient China seal Hei Taisui?

Sealed in the crystal pyramid? "

When Ye Zhen said this, everyone realized this problem that had been ignored before.

Because not only the audience, but also some biologists think so.

They all think that Black Tai Sui is a rare good thing.

It would be nice if they could get some to study.

In everyone's consciousness, this black Tai Sui is the beginning of life.

It is the source of everything.

The audience is also curious.

"Yes, why does it need to be sealed?"

"Isn't this supposed to be a good thing?"

"Could it be that there is something shocking and terrifying in this!"

Some biologists don't understand either.

In their opinion, this Black Tai Sui might be a large meteorite that landed on the Blue Star.

They are just special forms of alien life forms.

Life falling from the sky.

This has brought about an explosion of species on Blue Star.

This is a huge opportunity.

I only saw that Ye Zhen seemed to have seen through people's hearts.

"Do you still remember the spiritual energy recovery I mentioned in the original program?
Let the cyanobacteria learn to breathe and produce oxygen.

This is the first spiritual revival.

What’s more, it’s the second spiritual energy recovery.

This is the so-called Cambrian explosion.

Black Tai Sui is the source that triggers the revival of spiritual energy. "

Many people present had never watched Ye Zhen's earliest program live broadcast.

After all, Ye Zhen was just an intern at that time.

Even the show was hosted for the first time.

Basically not many people watched it at that time.

But when Ye Zhen became popular all over the country, many people came to watch the first episode of Ye Zhen's show.

Unexpectedly, today, the contents of the first episode of the program have been mentioned again.

Ye Zhen said in a vigilant tone: "Don't forget, oxygen is poisonous."

(End of this chapter)

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