Chapter 634 Destruction
Apparently many people now accept this theory.

Because oxygen is one of the reasons why we age.

Modern science has now proven it.

Ye Zhen also talked about it in the original program before.

But after that, everyone had a deeper understanding of oxygen.

Especially in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the research on oxygen 18 has been very in-depth.

“Everyone should still remember that the archaea at the beginning were actually purple.

On the original Blue Star, purple archaea could be said to rule the world.

It directly surpassed the environment at that time.

There was purple everywhere.

Then came the birth of oxygen, which was what I first called the first spiritual energy recovery.

Why was there the first spiritual revival?

It’s because of this black Tai Sui.

At that time, the rest of the primitive life was overwhelmed by the purple archaea.

There is almost no hope of survival.

Because this is the world of purple archaea.

If it had always been like this, there would have been no other possibility.

But at this time, Black Tai Sui came and tore a hole in this environment.

At that time, the purple archaea was the strongest life form on the Blue Star at that time.

But when it comes to Hei Taisui, it can only be said that he is nothing compared to a big one.

So far, we don't know what the original appearance of this black Tai Sui is.

When he first fell on the Blue Star, he was in human form or some kind of monster form.

We have no idea.

All I know is that the first thing Hei Taisui came into contact with at that time must have been purple archaea.

This is how it started.

The purple archaea began to be swallowed up by Black Tai Sui.

So we can see that in Bird's diary.

In the last adventure, some of the meat rugs and mountains Bird saw were purple.

Maybe this is related to Hei Taisui's initial exposure to purple archaea.

Why cyanobacteria were able to break through later.

Because at the same time, cyanobacteria also came into contact with Hei Tai Sui.

A small number of them began to evolve, understanding that photosynthesis produced oxygen!
Another factor is to seize the opportunity of Black Tai Sui coming to Blue Star.

Cyanobacteria know how to develop with difficulty after purple bacteria are swallowed up by black Tai Sui.

I happened to encounter the nutrients released by Black Tai Sui.

The cyanobacteria began to evolve, or developed new methods.

This is the first spiritual revival.

This whole situation lasted for a billion years.

Black Tai Sui fell into silence, perhaps falling into a deep sleep.

Perhaps the life substance in his body has been exhausted.

It wasn't until the Cambrian period that Black Tai Sui woke up again.

Triggered the second revival of spiritual energy.

Various life forms began to develop explosively.

Life after the first spiritual energy recovery.

It is obviously more complex and has greater vitality.

Therefore, the effect of the second spiritual energy recovery is even more significant.

Many life forms know their own methods of cultivation, or in other words, methods of evolution. "

If you just look at it this way, Black Tai Sui can be said to be a magical substance that defies heaven.

Contains almost endless amounts of life matter.

It allows cyanobacteria to break through the comfort of purple archaea and allows cyanobacteria to develop for a billion years.

What on earth is this?

Even the Second Cambrian Explosion was attributed to Hei Taisui.

No matter how you look at it, this Black Tai Sui is the top treasure in the novel.

No one saw the danger at all.

"So why was Hei Taisui sealed?"

"That's right, no matter how you look at it, it's a good thing."

"If you let me eat it, will I become a god immediately?"

Apparently the audience thinks so.

Some foreign viewers care.

"Adam, or is it more appropriately called Black Adam?" "This is not the Adam we know in the Bible!"

"Why Adam was sealed, I don't understand."

"Didn't this cause two spiritual revivals?"

But there are some smart people who seem to have realized something.

Some biologists are already feeling chills running down their backs.

Cold sweat has already begun to form on my forehead.

"This is impossible, it shouldn't be possible!"

"But our research tells us that these two changes changed the course of life."

"It's really possible that it's caused by the black Tai Sui."

"If this is the case, then the Gonggong clan members are protecting all of us!"

Professor Zhou pondered for a moment, "Although I'm not a biology expert, I also felt something was wrong."

"If Hei Taisui is really so effective, why do Gonggong and the others need to seal Hei Taisui?"

Lao Wu also thought this way, "The ancestors can't be stupider than us."

Only Si Xiaoping felt an inexplicable terror.

What a tribe had been sacrificed to seal for generations has now escaped.

What will be the consequences?
Professor Yan Xin felt inexplicably excited.

"Hei Tai Sui caused two revivals of spiritual energy, which is oxygen."

"The first time it took a billion years to create endless oxygen."

"The second revival of spiritual energy directly caused the life at that time to explode."

"What about the back?" Professor Yan Xin felt that this was the way for genes to ascend!

It is a road that has been built up for countless hours.

In 749 innings.

Song Xuan, who had read countless novels, began to think of a possibility.

"Those black Tai Sui broke through the seal and were released again."

"What will be the consequences? Will the spiritual energy be revived again?"

Ning Xiu felt that if Hei Tai Sui was also a strange beast.

That must be the most terrifying and top-notch kind.

"Did you actually arrive on the Blue Star so early?"

"Now that the seal is broken, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Ning Xiu looked at her body. Could they contain the life substance of Black Tai Sui?

People in Area 51 feel that it is profitable.

"It turns out that the underground world of Antarctica contains not only the ruins of super-ancient civilizations."

"Did that civilization site actually protect such a good thing?"

"We must get the so-called Black Tai Sui to study it."

"This may be the key to us entering the next new era!"

Now they are only thinking about how to obtain the magical substance Black Tai Sui.

But here, they also realized the huge risks.

In fact, they are not fools, and they have such a huge effect.

It will inevitably lead to the same huge risks!

Ye Zhen smiled and said, "Do you think this is such a good thing?"

"Why should it be sealed?"

"Because black Tai Sui will cause a mass extinction of life, that is, the destruction of the world."

"Have you ever thought about why there was a first spiritual energy recovery and a second spiritual energy recovery?"

“After the cyanobacteria took a billion years to create spiritual energy and occupied the entire blue star.

What happened then, do you know?
In biological history, this is known as the Huron Ice Age.

The blue star at that time became a white planet.

Turned into a snowball.

In the final analysis, it is Black Tai Sui.

It swallowed up almost all life forms on the Blue Star at that time.

Devoured all life at that time.

Caused the first mass extinction event of life.

This is the destruction of the world.

After devouring almost all the lives of Blue Star, Black Tai Sui fell into silence.

You can see it as Black Tai Sui consuming and hibernating. "

After hearing Ye Zhen's words, some viewers began to understand.

Why did the ancestors seal Hei Taisui!

This is something that can cause the destruction of the world!
(End of this chapter)

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