Chapter 635 Another revival of spiritual energy

Anyone who knows something about the evolution history of paleontology on Blue Star will know it.

The period that Ye Zhen mentioned.

After the spiritual energy is revived, there will be a mass extinction of life.

I heard Ye Zhen's voice was neither loud nor quiet, but there was a chilling feeling.

"The same thing happened shortly after the Cambrian explosion.

Another mass extinction of life.

At this time, Black Tai Sui woke up from his deep sleep.

Caused a species explosion, also after this.

Black Tai Sui swallowed up and assimilated all living creatures.

But life is extremely tenacious.

The few remaining lives were still tenaciously active after a long time.

In this way, everyone should understand what the price will be after the spiritual energy is revived. "

It seems that Black Tai Sui indeed brought infinite possibilities and evolution to the simple life on the Blue Star at that time.

But after this, Black Tai Sui will swallow all life again.

as if.

It seemed to be intentional, like cutting leeks.

Some spectators began to panic.

"Damn it, didn't Bird say that Hei Taisui has been released!"

"Is this going to cause spiritual energy to revive again?"

"I didn't expect that everything in the novel is actually true!"

"Can I also fly to the sky and escape from the earth in the future?"

However, some viewers are concerned about what if Hei Tai Sui triggers the revival of spiritual energy again.

What kind of scene would it be.

And Black Tai Sui has already devoured almost all life in the two eras.

Each time is shorter and more powerful.

This is almost certain, Black Tai Sui himself is also practicing and evolving!

What if spiritual energy is revived again?
No one can imagine what the consequences will be.

But the final possible result is to be destroyed again.

Some foreign audiences think so.

"Being one with Adam? Wouldn't it be nice?"

"If I had the chance, I would merge with Adam."

"Go crazy, I don't want to turn into something weird."

"This is going to destroy the world. I haven't played enough games yet!"

Obviously different people will have different views on such things.

In a tent in the middle of the Sahara Desert.

Professor Zhou sighed, "If we look at Blue Star's billions of years."

"The development time of our human beings is insignificant, just like a fleeting moment."

"Short and glorious."

"That's why our ancestors sealed Hei Taisui."

"Obviously they know the dangers of black Tai Sui."

Lao Wu Suan has a clear understanding of the gods of ancient China.

"That is a terrifying existence that can destroy the world and swallow all life on the Blue Star."

"Gonggong and the others were able to seal it."

"How far has their civilization developed?"

Si Xiaoping also had similar thoughts, "Maybe Hei Taisui is still sleeping? He was weak when he was found."

"That's why it was sealed?"

As a biologist, Professor Yan Xin could not imagine how powerful Black Tai Sui was.

"This is definitely not just as simple as genetic ascension."

"The revival of spiritual energy will inevitably lead to spiritual energy."

Professor Yan Xin's eyes reflected Ye Zhen's figure, and his eyes were flashing.

Don't know what he was thinking.

In Game 749, Song Xuan seemed to understand something. "In this way, the ancestor sent the black Tai Sui to Blue Star."

"You don't want us to evolve, but you want to devour all life on our blue star?"

Ning Xiu felt it, "So, could the abnormal events in Antarctica that year be related to this?"

"Part of the Antarctic scientific expedition team wants to study this thing."

If it weren't for Ye Zhen.

No one connects the dots at all.

This requires extremely strong reasoning and analytical skills.

Sufficient information is also required.

Ning Xiu was curious. Does Ye Zhen usually sit at home and do research?

Otherwise, how could there be so many results.

I only heard Ye Zhen's voice saying relaxedly, "Don't worry, because the things in the Antarctic underground world have already escaped."

Why is Ye Zhen so clear?
Because Ye Zhen himself had already seen it.

The "Fu Sutra" in the White Horse Temple, that weird thing, has a lot to do with the Black Tai Sui.

So this sealed thing has already escaped.

After hearing what Ye Zhen said, everyone was filled with hatred.

"Ye Shen must have lost his mind. Is it any good news that he ran away?"

"What do you mean, don't worry? In the end, the world will be destroyed!"

"But thinking on the bright side, maybe we have a huge opportunity?"

Some people are already fantasizing that they are cultivation geniuses.

After the spiritual energy was revived, he began to become a peerless powerhouse.

Some scientists are already calculating the possibilities.

"Although in the end Black Tai Sui will swallow all life."

"But is there a possibility that we can take advantage of this black Tai Sui?"

"It is to let it cause spiritual energy to revive, and then kill it when it wants to devour all life."

"It's not impossible."

This kind of thinking can only be said to be too naive.

In a tent in the Sahara desert.

Si Xiaoping was curious, "Why didn't the original Water God Gonggong and the others destroy Hei Taisui directly?"

Professor Zhou sighed, "It's probably not that I don't want to, but that I can't do it."

"If it could be destroyed, our ancestors might have done it long ago."

Old Wu nodded at the side, "Otherwise, I wouldn't have sacrificed a tribe to protect it from generation to generation."

In the 749th round, Ning Xiu, as the captain, knew.

"If Hei Taisui really recovers."

"It should be at its weakest right after recovery and the best time to deal with it."

"If you want to exterminate or seal it, now is the best opportunity."

But now no one knows where this Black Tai Sui is.

Song Xuan remembered something at this time.

"Hei Tai Sui? Adam."

"What about Lilith? Will there be another Bai Taisui? Or something else."

Just like the yin and yang in the Tai Chi diagram. .

If there is such a side, there must be another opposite side.

So where is Lilith?
Or was it also swallowed by Adam?

Saint Celia in the Vatican also thought of this.

"If Adam existed, where would Lilith be?"

Saint Celia even suspected that the church must know something.

Because almost everything Ye Zhen said was in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

And who holds the Dead Sea Scrolls?

Isn’t it the church?

At this time, Pope Francis was in his room, looking at himself in the mirror with his face covered with water.

"Tell me, my Lord." Francis said in an almost pleading tone: "What should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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