I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 18 Li Heng: Have I become a bare county magistrate?

Chapter 18 Li Heng: Have I become a bare county magistrate?

Wei Yan's vanguard troops began to yell and curse outside the Wei army camp.

It's an ugly scolding.

When the generals of the Wei army heard the shouting and cursing outside, they were all furious.

The soldiers on duty also felt humiliated and their faces were swollen.

Even the dog that was eating shit roared angrily outside.

Xiahou Ba was so angry that he jumped up and said angrily: "The Sichuan dog bullies people too much! Great Governor! I only need 3000 men and horses! Just give me 3000 men and horses! I will go and get the head of the Sichuan dog master! If not, I will give you [-] men and horses!" Come and see me!"

"sit down!"

"Great Governor!"

Sima Yi said angrily: "Take out the military sticks and sticks as a warning!"

Xiahou Ba was dragged down, and the others who still wanted to fight sat motionless.

But the anger in his heart was hard to get rid of.

People in this era are not as thick-skinned as people in the 21st century.

Especially these high-ranking generals, who were so insulted, did not jump out and rush out because Sima Yi was sitting here and issued military orders.

Sima Yi looked calm on the surface, but he was also angry in his heart.

Sima Yi is not a defensive general. He is a typical offensive general. When he fought against Soochow before, he would take the initiative to attack almost every time.

Even Soochow withdrew its troops, but he felt that it was not enough, so he continued to catch up and kill them.

Now that they have encountered Zhuge Liang's Han army, they dare not even dare to show off, let alone actively pursue them.

Just be afraid, and you have to pretend to be calm and composed.

This is nothing to a political veteran like Sima Yi. Acting is one of the essential skills for politicians.

But the problem is that now it's a war, a serious war.

It makes sense to not play once or twice.

The third time, it was no problem to force it down.

The fourth time, hitting Xiahou Ba with ten army sticks can still calm the situation.

The fifth time, the sixth time...

What about countless times later?

You can't hold on forever, right?

If he can bear it himself, can these generals also bear it?
The human heart is like water.

Unless the coach forces everyone to calm down, everyone can really stay calm.

It is not difficult to provoke others to anger.

It's hard to keep others calm.

A coach who has not played for a long time cannot explain to the people below him.

Wei Yan led others to scold him all morning, and returned to the coach's barracks listlessly at noon.

Wei Yan's face tightened and he said angrily: "Prime Minister, no one from the Wei army came out to fight!"

Yang Yi sighed: "A few days ago, Sima Yi was deceived by the Prime Minister and suffered a defeat on the east bank of Xieshui. Now I'm afraid he won't go to war easily. Prime Minister, let's go back first and figure it out slowly."

"People who are greedy for life and afraid of death!" Wei Yan glared at Yang Yi, "Prime Minister, why not attack the Wei army (Zhou Dang's tribe) on the east bank of Xieshui River? The general will only need three days to capture it!"

"How many soldiers and horses does that Wei army have? How many soldiers and horses do you need me to give you to siege and attack?"

Wei Yan said: "You only need to give the last general five thousand troops and horses!"

Zhuge Liang thought for a moment and said: "Chang Wen's suggestion is good, but the time is not ripe yet. The total strength of the Wei army will not be small. If we surround the Wei army east of Xieshui and the forces are scattered, Sima Yi will send out cavalry to look for opportunities to attack us. .”

Wei Yan said: "If we conquer it within three days, the Wei army may not dare to fight. Even if we go to fight, we only need to hold it back for three days, and the Wei general will surely take his head!"

"Wait for the opportunity, and when the time comes, you will have a chance."

Wei Yan didn't say anything.

After the main force returned to Wuzhangyuan, Wei Yan was drinking in his tent.


Wei Yan glanced at his son and asked: "How is the situation?" Wei Chang said: "I heard that Meng Yan has started to farm east of Xieshui, and other departments of our army have also started to farm!"

Wei Yan slammed the table and said in a deep voice: "Does the Prime Minister think that we can win by farming? Yang Yi, a villain, makes slanderous remarks in front of the Prime Minister every day!"

At this time, Wei Rong, Wei Yan's youngest son, walked in.

"Father, Yang Yi gave this to me and asked me to hand it over to you."

Wei Chang held a pile of paper in his hand.

"Is this...paper?"

"Yes, Yang Yi said that now the army all distributes paper, and in the future all documents and documents will be recorded on paper. He also asked me to tell you that we also have the task of farming."

"Yang Yi is such a stupid pig! He thinks that if he has paper, he can cultivate the fields, and if he cultivates the fields, he can defeat the Wei thieves!"

"Father, I heard that this paper was not used by Yang Yi, but was made by a man named Li Heng and presented to the Prime Minister."

"I don't care whether it's Li Heng or Li Shu. From now on, send someone to keep an eye on the Wei troops east of Xieshui. Report to me any situation at any time!"


In the morning, Li Heng arrived at the papermaking factory and was writing at his desk.

Fei Yi is here.

"Fei Gong, why didn't you tell me in advance when you came? It's too late to welcome you, but sometimes it's too far to welcome you! Please take a seat!"

Fei Yi smiled and said, "Congratulations to Jian."

"how do I say this?"


Li Heng was slightly startled: "Promoted?"

Li Heng took the document.

Good guy!
Magistrate of Chencang County!
"Chencang is not in the hands of Wei..."

Did the Prime Minister ask me to lead the troops to fight it down?

Fei Yi saw Li Heng's doubts and explained: "You talk about good governance and gathering the people. Now I will give you the official position of county magistrate. How about you come and gather the people?"

Li Heng immediately understood that he was not going to fight Chencang, but to create another one.

"Thank you, Prime Minister. I will definitely fulfill my responsibilities as a subordinate."

"Don't be too happy too early. Most of the people in Weinan are with Sima Yi." Fei Yi sighed and said, "You talked too much that day. Now I will give you a county magistrate. If you can complete it, the prime minister will definitely use it." You, but if you can't complete it, you will have to go to Zhuye Prison in the future. You also have several merits, and the Prime Minister will not treat you badly."

"I see."

Jihan itself has a small population, the smallest among the three countries.

Population is the most basic and important strategic resource. Li Heng's idea of ​​establishing a stronghold in this area is impossible to achieve without the support of population.

"By the way, the medicine from last time..." Fei Yi looked at Li Heng and asked in a low voice, "You won't forget it, right?"

"No way, here!" Li Heng took out the medicine bottle and handed it to Fei Yi.

"I don't want anyone else to do this..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Fei, I have the strictest mouth."

"Haha, kid, if you need help in the future, just come to me."

"Fei Gong, walk slowly."

After Yang Yi sorted out all the documents, he walked to Zhuge Liang's military tent.

"Prime Minister, fifty blacksmiths and fifty carpenters have been mobilized to make curved shaft plows. More than two thousand can be made within a month."

Zhuge Liang put down the pen in his hand and asked: "If we want to open 50 acres of farmland, how long will it take?"

"Does the Prime Minister really want to develop 50 acres of land?"

"You can give it a try."

"50 acres of land requires 5 households. We can deploy 50 people from the army, but it will take next summer to grow crops on the [-] acres of land, and this will lead to the dispersion of troops."

“And it takes time to open fields, and it may not take until the year after next.”

(End of this chapter)

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