I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 19 Sima Yi: I like to wear women’s clothes the most

Chapter 19 Sima Yi: I like to wear women’s clothes the most
Zhuge Liang shook his head and said: "It won't work in the next year, I'm afraid it will take at least a few years. They can't all be military villages, but there must be civilian villages. And once the fields are scattered, the Wei army will use cavalry to raid."

"At that time, the war situation will enter a new stage."

At this point, Zhuge Liang sighed with emotion: "I often use soldiers to surprise the enemy by being cunning, and defeat the enemy by being honest. I have never thought of the method of building to defend, and defending to attack."

Yang Yi also looked confused when he heard this.

Li Heng's so-called use of defense as offense rarely happened in history, at least Yang Yi never saw it.

This is also the limitation of people in this era.

At least in the classical battlefields before the mid-Tang Dynasty, the form of fighting was mainly deep battles of legions.

There is almost no strategic idea of ​​building a city wall step by step to the opponent's doorstep.

Xiuchengzhai's strategic idea of ​​transforming intensive defense depth into offensive forward positions really began to be applied on a large scale during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty.

It was an era when Li Longji succeeded to the throne and faced internal and external troubles, especially Longyou Road's fight against Tubo. The Tang army began to build fortresses in the mountains of Longyou Road, gradually encroaching on them.

The most famous one is Stone Castle.

Later in the Song Dynasty, when fighting against Xixia, due to the loss of Hengshan, Fan Zhongyan proposed a step-by-step strategic approach. It took several generations to build an intensive defense hundreds of miles deep in the northwest. If the Jin army had not gone south, Xixia would have been 100 times ahead of schedule. Perished for many years.

Of course, since then, the Ming Dynasty's many military posts in the Northeast have basically followed the strategic thinking of defense in depth.

Why did such strategic thinking begin in the middle of the Tang Dynasty?

The main reason is still due to the improvement of productivity.

For example, after iron smelting technology improved, logging capabilities and construction technology also improved.

For example, paper gradually began to be implemented, and bureaucracy was refined and the imperial power further penetrated downwards, improving the mobilization ability of the state machinery.

Another example is the increase in grain production and the increase in regional population.

Without wasting money and people on a large scale, the Tang Dynasty could build a large number of fortresses in the Jiuqu River west of Longyou, the Song Dynasty could build a large number of defensive fortresses on the Hengshan Front in the northwest, and the Ming Dynasty could build dense guard posts in the northeast.

These have not yet appeared in the Three Kingdoms era.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, infrastructure construction activities on an unprecedented scale could also be mobilized, but this often put the court on the verge of collapse.

Yang Yi came back to her senses and said, "Is it true that the Prime Minister really wants to encircle the fields and build a stronghold?"

"Be prepared with both hands. While forcing Sima Yi to fight, at the same time start to surround the fields!"

"Unless the lower officials question it, just enclosing the fields will be time-consuming and complicated. I'm afraid..."

"You can set up generals as school captains to assist the field captains, and move forward together. First, the field captains will survey the good fields and submit reports, and then use the generals as field captains to allocate land for farming so that the people can farm."

When Yang Yi heard this, she reacted.

That would be fine too.

Farming and enclosure cooperate with each other.

However, humans are not farm animals. When they are tired, they can just lie down on the ground.

The food, clothing, housing and transportation are extremely complicated.

"Nowadays, there is an abundance of paper. Both officials and clerks use paper to do their work and communicate from top to bottom. You can first appoint a few generals as captains and do a trial first."

"Here." Yang Yi responded, but then said, "The tasks of farming have been handed over, and Wei Yan has some complaints about this."

"Wen Chang has a strong temper, but he will not openly disobey me." After Zhuge Liang said this, he changed the subject, "Is Sima Yi making any moves?"

"There is no movement from the Wei army."

Zhuge Liang put away the bamboo slips, handed them to Yang Yi, and said, "You arrange for an envoy to send this letter to Sima Yi, and then send this gift as well."


In the evening, the Han envoy arrived at the Wei army camp.

The generals of the Wei army responded angrily.

The Han envoy went to Sima Yi's camp and said: "Grand Governor, on behalf of the Prime Minister, I am here to give you a letter and a gift to the Grand Governor."

Sima Zhao took the bamboo slip and presented it to Sima Yi.

Sima Yi quickly looked it up.

"Since Zhongda is the governor, he commands the elite soldiers of Cao Wei to guard the important places in the pass. He doesn't think about fighting the enemy with arms. He huddles in his tent all day long and is afraid to come out. How is he different from a woman?"

After reading it, Sima Yi looked startled, but then burst into laughter.

He also deliberately read it again in front of the generals.When the generals heard this, they became furious and threatened to kill the Han envoys.

However, Sima Yi calmly opened the gift box in the Han envoy's hand and took out a brightly colored woman's dress inside.

"Come on, put it on for me, the Governor."

"Governor, this..."

Sima Zhao looked puzzled and wanted to say something to stop him, but Sima Yi showed a kind and friendly smile and said: "Kong Ming is seriously ill and wants me to wear women's clothes for once. How can I not grant his wish? "

After saying that, he actually put his clothes on.

The Han envoys on one side were stunned.

Fuck it!
Is the man in front of me really Sima Yi, the commander-in-chief of the Wei army?
Why are you so uneasy about playing tricks?

Sima Yi said to the Han envoy: "Please remember my appearance at this time, and go back and talk to Kong Ming in detail."

The Han envoy was startled and said quickly: "Here."

"Captain Governor!" Xiahou Ba was the first to jump out, with an angry look on his face, "Wait until I kill the Shu dog, and then lead the vanguard to charge into the old thief Zhuge's camp, take his head, and make amends for the Commander-in-Chief!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Sima Yi laughed, the wrinkles on his face looked so friendly, and his tone was full of goodwill, just like the grandfather next door, "The two armies value peace, and Kong Ming knew that I had nothing to do in the camp. It's boring, give me clothes, but I want to send troops, how is this any different from an animal!"

The generals looked at each other, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

The Han envoy who was originally preparing to mock Sima Yi couldn't say a word.

Sima Yi stayed here for one night and entertained the envoy with wine and meat. After drinking for three rounds, he asked the envoy some questions in a homely tone.

For example, is the Prime Minister busy now? How is your appetite? Say hello to the Prime Minister for me.

On the second day, as soon as the Han envoy left, the Wei generals came to Sima Yi's camp to ask for a fight.

Sima Zhao said sadly: "Great Governor, the Shu army has insulted our commander. If he doesn't agree with us to go to war, we will die!"

"Don't talk anymore!" Sima Yi scolded, "When the two armies are facing each other, how can they be brave only? Kong Ming is cunning and cunning, and your anger will rise when you are provoked. How can you guard Xiguan for the Wei Dynasty and protect the country and the people!"

"The Shu army has come all the way, so it will be difficult to supply food. Although Kong Ming said that he was stationed in Wuzhangyuan, but it cannot be accomplished in a day. Now we only need to wait for the Shu army to retreat on its own, and then set up an ambush to pursue them!"

After saying this, Sima Yi entered the camp.

The messenger went back and told all the information.

It happened that all the generals of the Han army were in the camp.

After listening to what the messenger said, Yang Yi was a little unresponsive.

He confirmed: "Sima Yi is wearing women's clothes?"

"Yes, I put it on myself, walked a few steps, and asked me to come back and tell the Prime Minister to thank him for the gift."

Everyone looked at each other.

Even Wei Yan on one side was stunned.

What the hell is Sima Yi’s habit?
Jiang Wei said: "It seems that Sima Yi is determined not to go to war!"

Fei Yi said: "The plan now is to establish troops in the fields as soon as possible and wait for the opportunity."

Yang Yi sighed and said: "To guard the fields, we still need to build around the land. When we build around the land, what we lack are the people!"

Everyone was silent for a moment, and Zhuge Liang said: "If we govern with good governance, the people will come together like rivers. Give us some time."

While the senior officials of the Han army were discussing matters, Li Heng also became busy.

Now he has the title of Chencang County Magistrate. Although he is a mere county magistrate, he can mobilize a lot of resources with this title.

For example, the county magistrate is in charge of the county's finances, which means that he can control the budget by himself.


His pockets are cleaner than his face now, so how can he get the budget?

There is no money to be made.

There is technology, industry and supply chain.

Weinan is densely populated, so why can’t we make money?

(End of this chapter)

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