I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 20 I, Li Langjun, will pay for all the plowshares today.

Chapter 20 I, Li Langjun, will pay for all the plowshares today.

Xue Liang asked worriedly: "Lang Jun, is it really okay for me to come out of the papermaking factory like this?"

"I asked you to come out, who can have any objections?"

Li Heng wiped the sweat from his forehead. It was already very hot in Guanzhong in May. The sun was scorching the earth, and there was not even a breath of wind.

Xue Liang was a little confused and asked: "Why do you want me to come here?"

Li Heng walked under the tree, took off his coat, pulled up his collar, pointed to the ground and said, "From now on, this will be the Yamen of Magistrate Chencang."


"This is the Yamen of Chencang County Magistrate. I am Chencang County Magistrate."

"Mr. Lang, are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I'm joking?"

"This is under a tree and it's overgrown with weeds."

"Cut down the trees, remove the weeds, and build the yamen. I will handle official business here from now on."

"Mr. Lang, are you serious?"

"The Prime Minister's appointment letter is here, do you still have any doubts?"

"No, no, I just think it's a bit strange to suddenly build a government office here. The surrounding area is either wasteland or fields. There is no city, no streets, and no people. What can a government office do if it is built here?"

"Don't ask any more questions, just do as I say."

"There is no problem in doing it, but Mr. Lang has to give me some manpower."

"We'll have someone available soon."

After saying that, Li Heng turned around and left.

"Mr. Lang, where are you going?"

"Go to Uncle Tian."

Xue Liang hurriedly followed. He was confused. He didn't know what Li Heng was going to do today. He just felt it was very strange.

Recently, the Han army has implemented a large number of Quyuan plows, and the villages located within the jurisdiction of the Han army are also rapidly spreading.

Everyone heard that Mr. Tian was good at improving his craftsmanship. At this time, dozens of people lined up at the door of the blacksmith shop.

Almost every day.

Seeing Li Heng coming, Mr. Tian who was busy quickly stopped what he was doing and said with a smile: "Lang Jun, you are here!"

"Uncle Tian, ​​I have something to ask you for help."

"If you need anything, Mr. Lang, just ask."

"I'll say a few words to them."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"My lord, please."

Li Heng walked over and looked around. The people who came to improve the plowshare were all from Weinan.

Some of them already had fields, and some had just migrated here. When they heard that there were fields for farming, they tried their best to collect some supplies and came here to buy plowshares.

Li Heng asked one of the young men: "Have you been assigned a field?"

The young man shook his head and said: "Still queuing up, I'll hit a plow first."

"Plowing isn't cheap, where does the money come from?"

"We have no money. Where can we find money? A month ago, we moved some luggage and got some grain. We used half of it to build a plow."

"If you don't keep it to eat, you can make a plow?"

"Yes! Sooner or later, the food will be exhausted. Now that the government allocates fields and has plows, we can plow the land and grow vegetables. We should eat less food and plant the land first."

Li Heng nodded and said, "Come to my place to farm, and I will give you the money to make plows here. How about that?"

When the young man heard this, he was stunned and asked seriously: "Does this gentleman really mean what he said?"

"Uncle Tian, ​​who am I?" Li Heng suddenly turned around and asked.

Mr. Tian smiled and said: "Li Langjun, the son of Imperial Physician Li, made the Quyuuli."

When the crowd heard this, there was an uproar.

"I am now the magistrate of Chencang County, and I have endless land in my hands. If any of you are willing to farm with me, I will give you a plow as a gift!"

"Me! Me!" The young man just now raised his hands and shouted.

Others also responded: "Langjun, I don't have land either."

"It doesn't matter if you don't have land, it doesn't matter if you don't have plows. I will give you the plows for everyone!"

"Empty words are useless!"

Li Heng took out a pile of paper, and then took out pen and ink.

When Mr. Tian saw it, he quickly cleared an empty space and came out.

"Come here and line up to register. Come one by one."

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. The young man from before was the first to go up and give his name: "My name is Wang Fugui."

"How many people are there in the family?"


"Where are you from?" "From Qishan County."

"Why did you come to Weinan?"

"After the floods last year, bandits were everywhere in the local area and it was hard to survive. I went to Weinan at the beginning of this year and wondered if there was any food in the mountains. Not long after I came here, I heard that the government provided rations and divided the fields."

This young man is in his early twenties, which is the prime time of youth in the 21st century, but now he is as skinny as a vegetable and as skinny as a stick.

Li Heng sighed in his heart that it is so difficult for people in this era, especially civilians.

"Are there many people in Qishan County?"

"There are also many people north of the Wei River."

Li Heng nodded.

Wang Fugui said some more.

Li Heng wrote it down: Wang Fugui, from Qishan County, a family of five, with different names for his wife and children...

Each household writes two copies, one for each household and one for themselves.

"Official seal." Li Heng called.

Xue Liang quickly brought the official seal.

In this way, Li Heng gathered thirty households here in the afternoon.

If you were on the north bank of the Weishui River, you would definitely be scolded by the superior officials before being punished.

But it is different now. It has been just a month since the Han army came to Wuzhangyuan, and the farming affairs have just begun to advance.

There are still many people in Weinan who have not been included, let alone established a complete household register.

This gave Li Heng a chance.

Now is the time to rob people. First rob people from Weinan, and then rely on industrial advantages to rob people from Guohuai on the north bank of the Weishui River.

When Mr. Tian finished building today's plows, these people went back happily.

In the evening, Mr. Tian got some food.

"Mr. Lang, if you don't mind, can you eat some?"

"Then I'm welcome."

Xue Liang also held a bowl and squatted aside to eat.

"Uncle Tian, ​​please charge the money for today's plowing to my account first."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. During this time, I made some money by improving plowshares for them. Mr. Lang is kind to me."

"Uncle Tian, ​​why don't you open the blacksmith shop near my Yamen?"

Tian Meng hurriedly said: "I can't ask for it!"

"That's it?"

"Move tomorrow!"

When Li Heng went back in the evening, he found that Fei Yi had arrived.

"See Feisma, what kind of wind brings you here?"

"You're back. I have something important to do with you."

"What's the matter?"

"You are now the county magistrate of Chencang County. The county magistrate must be assisted by a registrar. I have found a registrar for you. Let me introduce you, Dong Hong, who will be your registrar from now on."

Dong Hong?

"Hong has met Mr. Ming." Dong Hong looked less than twenty, but he was handsome and elegant. He looked like he had read poetry and books, and he spoke politely.

"It's polite."

After returning the gift, Li Heng said: "Fei Sima, can we take a step to talk?"

Fei Yi followed Li Heng there.

Li Heng smiled bitterly and said: "You still know that I, the county magistrate, need a chief registrar?"

Fei Yi smiled awkwardly and said: "The military affairs are busy and I didn't have time to take care of you. Now the Prime Minister is preparing to farm the fields with all his strength and try the encirclement of the fields you proposed before. Don't get too happy too early. Now is the stage of preparation and trial. Will it be effective?" , not necessarily yet.”

Fei Yi looked around and whispered: "I gave you this county magistrate for this purpose. This strategy was proposed by you. The prime minister thinks that you should be given a chance, but he cannot place all his hopes on you." You, so the prime minister also appointed several generals to serve as captains to assist the field captains in carrying out the task, and Yang Yi will personally supervise it at this time."

Hearing this, Li Heng finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the prime minister finally decided to encircle the fields.

"When I gave you the position of county magistrate, Yang Yi didn't agree with it. After all, you were too young and had never even dealt with the affairs of the chief register before. But the prime minister still gave you this opportunity. If you do it well, it will be you. If you don’t do it right at the beginning of your promotion, I’ve already warned you.”

Li Heng was convinced that getting the official position of Chencang County Magistrate was already an exception.

"As for other help, I'm afraid there won't be any. You have to find a way on your own."

The other help Fei Yi refers to is probably in the category of budgetary funds.

Li Heng can understand that the army is now in short supply of food and he is a newcomer, so it is impossible to invest too many resources in newcomers.

If you really want to be capable, you have to figure it out yourself.

I said so much before, I just said it.

Now is the time to do it, whether you have talent or not, let the results speak for itself.

Only results can convince people.

Li Heng suddenly asked: "What is the relationship between me, the chief clerk Dong Hong, and Dong Yun?"

(End of this chapter)

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