I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 28 Sima Yi: This is impossible!

Chapter 28 Sima Yi: This is impossible!

June [-], Wei army camp.

"Father, people from the capital are here." Sima Zhao whispered in Sima Yi's ear, "It's Xinpi who is here."

"Okay, later you will report this year's harvest in front of the generals. You don't have to worry about the rest."


Sima Yi walked into the camp, and as usual, after a while, the generals came in and took their seats.

"Grand Governor, all the fertile fields north of the Wei River will have a bumper harvest this year!" Sima Zhao said loudly, his voice full of excitement. He deliberately spoke loudly so that even the soldiers outside the camp could hear it.

As soon as Sima Zhao finished speaking, Zhang Hu jumped out and said loudly: "Okay! Okay! Under the governance of the Grand Governor, Guanzhong has a bumper harvest year by year!"

"The great governor is unparalleled in his wisdom. Since the great governor arrived in Yongzhou, the wasteland has turned into fertile farmland, the smoke has also risen, and the people can even exchange food for it. This is a great virtue!"

Xiahou Ba also started talking.

Even Sima Yi himself had a smile on his face.

In the first year of Qinglong in the Wei Kingdom, Sima Yi dug through the section from Chencang to Huaili, making the Chengguo Canal successfully penetrated.

Linjinpi was built, which allowed thousands of fields to be irrigated, and the people's livelihood in Guanzhong was partially restored.

In fact, at that time, Sima Yi had already prepared a comprehensive defense against Ji Han.

The most important defense is food.

Because food determines who has the upper hand in a protracted war.

Hearing Sima Zhao say that there will be a bumper harvest of food this summer, Sima Yi, who wanted to come to the city, couldn't help but feel happy.

"Grand Governor, it's time to go to war now!" Xiahou Ba said again, "It has been a month since the last raid on the Shu army at Xiegukou. It's time for our army to go to war!"

The smile on Sima Yi's lips slowly faded away.

In fact, that raid was just within the scope allowed by Sima Yi to satisfy the emotions of the people below.

His only purpose is to delay time.

But a month later, the people below started to get emotional again.

Sima Yi suddenly slammed the table angrily, startling everyone, and heard Sima Yi shout loudly: "Since you all want to fight to the death with the Shu army, and if I insist on blocking it, how can I have the face to face the soldiers of the three armies again!"

When Sima Yi suddenly said this, Xiahou Ba, who had always been anxious to challenge him, was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

Everyone else also looked at Sima Yi with strange eyes.

After a brief silence, Xiahou Ba said on the spot: "Grand Governor, I am willing to be the vanguard!"

"Okay! With your five thousand soldiers and horses, we will fight as the vanguard!"

Immediately, Sima Yi began to order generals.

Finally, everyone stood up together and said loudly: "The generals and others will definitely live up to the governor!"

After saying that, Sima Yi led everyone out of the camp.

The Wei army began to strengthen its troops.

Just as the army was about to take action, Sima Zhao suddenly ran up and said: "Grand Governor, the imperial envoy is here!"

Everyone looked at each other, wondering what the imperial envoy was doing at this time?

Xinpi led his men into the gate of the military camp. When he saw the scene around him, he immediately came over and said, "Grand Governor, Your Majesty has a decree, ordering you not to send troops without permission, otherwise you will be killed!"

"Why is that!" Sima Yi yelled unwillingly, "Go back and tell your Majesty that I want to fight to the death with the old thief Zhuge! I hope your Majesty will allow it!"

"Grand Governor, this is His Majesty's will!"

Sima Yi was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and said helplessly to everyone: "Everyone, go back."

Now everyone was dumbfounded.

The Governor finally agreed to send troops, but why did His Majesty's decree come again?

Sima Yi, who returned to the camp with a frustrated look on his face, glanced at Xin Pi secretly, as if to say: If you come later, I won't be able to stop you!Come earlier next time!

Sima Yi invited Xin Pi into the camp.

At this time, the scouts sent out came back and were about to enter the camp when they were stopped by Sima Zhao.

"The imperial envoy is here. If you have something to do, we'll go in later." "But we have important things to report."

Sima Zhao asked: "What's the matter? Tell me."

The other party glanced at Sima Zhao, then handed over the document and said: "We have carefully inquired many times and found that the Shu army is now using a new type of plow."

"New plow?"

"Yes, the people call it Quyuanli."

Sima Zhao opened the ultimatum hesitantly.

What Quyuanli?

It sounds like it's quite mysterious, could it still have an impact on the battle situation?

Sima Zhao asked: "Is there any record in Quyuanli?"

"It's all recorded. It was discovered through our self-study. Many people are already using it among the people."

Sima Zhao looked at it carefully with an indifferent expression, but then, the more he looked, the tighter his brows became.

"Have you made a mistake? One person, one plow and one ox can plow the fields?" Sima Zhao's tone was obviously angry.

"We are just recording it truthfully!"

"Have you seen it with your own eyes?"

"Yes, we have seen it with our own eyes. We also saw that no oxen was used. Two people were pulling in front, and one person was holding the plow behind..."

Sima Zhao's face darkened.

This is a big mess!
Sima Yi and Xinpi entered the camp and sat down. Xinpi said, "Your Majesty is very satisfied with the Governor's performance on the Western Front and asked him to assist the Governor."

"Thank you for Your Majesty's wrong love."

"Your Majesty saw the paper you submitted and was very curious about the paper. He hopes to find out the source of the paper."

"I have sent people to make secret investigations during this period. It is found that this kind of paper is used in all the records of the Shu army's farming operations. It is already very common."

"What about the source?"

"The source cannot be ascertained yet." Sima Yi said after thinking for a moment, "This kind of paper can help the Shu army quickly reorganize the field troops, but it cannot completely solve the Shu army's food problem."

Xinpi nodded and said: "Your Majesty is not worried that the Shu army can change the overall situation by relying on paper, but this paper is indeed of great benefit to a country's governance of the people, taxation, official administration, court operations, etc.!"

Xinpi's tone was almost salivating.

"I know everything Mr. Xin said, but you still need to give me some time!"

"Yes, I did not rush the Governor. Your Majesty will wait patiently for the Governor."

"The most critical thing this time is that Zhuge Liang retreats." Sima Yi showed a smile on his face as he had everything under control. "In return for detailed information, Kong Ming became ill at the beginning of this year."

"There is such good news! Are you serious?"


"Okay, okay, your majesty and the governor agree. As long as we don't send troops and the stalemate with the Shu army continues, the Shu army will retreat due to food and grass problems!"

As soon as Xin Pi finished speaking, Sima Zhao hurriedly walked in: "Grand Governor!"

"How unbecoming! Instead of asking for a meeting outside the account, you just barge in!" Sima Yi reprimanded angrily.

"Grand Governor, I have important military information at the end!"

"No matter what the military situation is, it must be reported first! What's more, the imperial envoy is here!"

"Hey, Grand Governor, your son must also be in a hurry." Xin Pi said with a smile.

Sima Yi still gave Xin Pi a lot of face. After all, Xin Pi was a popular person around Cao Rui.

"Grand Governor, the Shu army is now using a plow called a Quyuan plow to open the fields!" Sima Zhao immediately presented it.

Sima Yi took it and asked, "What's all the fuss about?" before he looked at it.

After saying that, he opened it and took a look. After scanning a few lines, he was stunned for a moment. His hands shook and even the bamboo slips fell to the ground.

"This is impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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