Chapter 29 Sima Yi panicked!
"Grand Governor, why are you so alarmed?" Xin Pi asked in surprise.

Sima Yi had always been calm and he rarely lost his composure like this.

"Has the authenticity of this information been reviewed?" Sima Yi stared at his son with sharp eyes, his voice was dry and his face was tight.

"Grand Governor, this is not a secret. Many people in Weinan are already using it, especially the people where the Shu Army is located. The people below have the courage to conclude it after visiting many fields."

Sima Yi's face became even more ugly. He sat down slowly and murmured: "Why have I never heard of this kind of plow before! Why did the Shu army suddenly have this kind of curved shaft plow!"

Xinpi was still confused.

Sima Zhao picked up the bamboo slips and presented them to Xin Pi.

Xinpi took it and looked at it doubtfully.

I didn't know this, and I was shocked when I saw it: "This, this, this serious?"

He also looked at Sima Zhao with that shocked look.

"There can't be any lies." Sima Zhao sighed and pointed outside the camp and said, "This is not a secret. If the military advisor doesn't believe it, you can go to the bank of Xieshui and have a look."

The camp fell into a brief dead silence.

The biggest advantage of the Wei army is not its local advantage. In a sense, the Han army is more popular with the people than the Wei army.

Every time Zhuge Liang arrived in Guanzhong, the Han army never made a move.

Not only that, wherever the Han army came, thieves and bandits were severely punished.

The virtuous name of the Han Prime Minister was widely spread in Weinan.

Since the Han people have popular support in Weinan, why are they still so passive?
Because building momentum takes time.

In other words, nothing in this world can be accomplished overnight.

For example, it does not mean that winning the hearts and minds of the people will produce immediate results.

After gaining recognition from the people, it will take some time to gain a firm foothold.

The most important of these is food production.

There is a regular cycle in food production. There is no need to rush and we can only stay calm.

When Sima Yi arrived in Guanzhong, he also spent great efforts to open up the Chengguo Canal. It took several years to achieve some results.

Especially in this era of limited productivity.


Now, because of the emergence of the Quyuan plow, the Shu army has achieved a breakthrough advantage in grain production.

Let's put it this way, the Quyuan plow greatly accelerated food production.

Next, regardless of whether Sima Yi also controls the Quyuan Li, it will not affect the Shu army's acceleration of fielding.

In other words, Wei Jun's food advantage may be evened out.

Sima Yi has been unable to hold on, taking advantage of food.

This advantage may no longer exist in the future.

Of course, only possible.

Because nothing is absolute.

"There are two things to do now!" Sima Yi came to his senses and his brain began to spin rapidly.

As soon as he spoke, the shocked Simpi was brought back.

"[-]. Immediately send out a large number of scouts to find out where the Shu army is stationed, and carefully observe the effect of the Quyuan plow. I want to report in detail; [-]. Let the cavalry prepare. Once the location of the Shu army is detected, we must immediately Assault with multiple cavalry lines!”

"Grand Governor, don't be anxious!" When Xinpi heard that Sima Yi was about to send troops, he quickly stopped him, "Your Majesty, let us defend..."

Sima Yi sighed and said: "The battle situation is ever-changing! If Qu Yuanli is true, we may have to change our strategy."

Xinpi's face also became serious.

The situation changed completely unexpectedly.

Sima Yi continued: "If the Shu army is allowed to use Quyuan plows to farm in Weinan, I can't imagine the consequences with Zhuge Liang's administrative ability. What's more, the Shu army now uses a lot of paper."

The generals charging outside didn't know the consequences. As the commander-in-chief, didn't Sima Yi know?
This is equivalent to the Shu army taking root directly in Weinan and turning the Xieshui area into a forward position.Once the Shu army solves the logistics problem, half of Guanzhong will be exposed to the Shu army's terrifying front.

At that time, not to mention that Sima Yi could not explain to Luoyang, I am afraid that Cao Rui would not be able to sit still and would personally conquer Guanzhong again.

If Cao Rui personally conquers Guanzhong again and Sun Quan causes trouble on the eastern front, how should the Wei Dynasty respond?
Seeing that Sima Zhao was a little surprised, Sima Yi said angrily: "Go quickly!"


June [-]th, the weather was fine.

On the east bank of Xieshui, in the outer area, the Han army was practicing. The shouts on the school field were thunderous, and the infantry were practicing fighting.

They held long knives and repeated chopping movements.

This army is an elite group of the Han army, called the Shen Dao Army.

The Divine Sword Army is all strong and strong, and they mainly chop down enemies with long swords. Sima Yi has the deepest understanding of the specific combat power.

Otherwise, Wei Jun would not be able to hold on forever.

In addition, the crossbowmen fired intensively, repeating those monotonous actions over and over again.

The Jihan crossbowmen were a special entity. When Zhuge Liang was on his southern expedition, a large number of crossbowmen were specially set up to deal with the southern barbarians.

Later, many adult men from the Southern Barbarians were incorporated into the crossbowmen.

Crossbows were very effective in restraining Cao Wei's cavalry. This was one of the reasons why Sima Yi, who had a large number of cavalry, did not dare to go to war.

The Han army has strict military discipline. Although the training is boring, everyone is very serious and pays great attention to even the smallest movements.

Years of training have made his fighting and shooting skills very proficient, as if he were running smoothly.

Slightly closer to the inner layer is the most elite Tiger Infantry of the Han army.

The Tiger Infantry Army, like Cao Wei's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, is composed of the strongest selected soldiers in the army.

Previously, it was the Tiger Infantry that crossed Xieshui eastward and occupied this area.

The Tiger Infantry is clad in iron armor and has equipment for close combat as infantry, as well as crossbow troops for forward attack.

They can confront Cao Wei's cavalry head-on without fear in the face of battle.

The number of people is about five to six thousand.

It is said in official history that after Zhuge Liang died, Sima Yi came out in full force. The one who scared Sima Yi away was the Tiger Infantry led by Jiang Wei.

At this time, the soldiers of the Tiger Infantry were running under the scorching sun.

Each of them has tanned skin and sweats like waterfalls, but their expressions are resolute and their postures are strong.

Countless footsteps fell on the ground, making the ground thump.

On the inner level, there are a large number of field soldiers. They go into battle shirtless, two of them pull the plow, and one person holds the plow behind them, working hard to plow the fields.

In addition, to the north, there was an armored Han army, which was drilling boldly in front, and their shouts echoed between the Xie River and the Wei River.

This army was specifically designed to deter the Wei army stationed between the Xie River and the Weishui River, that is, the troops led by Wei general Zhou Dang.

Under the intimidation of the Han army, Zhou Dang had not slept well for more than two months.

After Yang Yi inspected the training troops, he led his people to the field where the field soldiers were.

As soon as we got there, General Captain Fa Ji came with his people.

"See Yang Changshi!"

Yang Yi looked around and heard the soldiers plowing the fields, singing loudly as they plowed the fields: "The golden rice is rolling, the wheat is fragrant for ten miles, the people are working hard, and they are filled with joy..."

Yang Yi was confused: "Why are they singing?"

"The lower officials don't know, they said they learned it from Chencang County." Fa Ji said, "They plowed and sang at the same time. It seemed that they were plowing faster."

"Chencang County?" Yang Yi was stunned.

Where did Li Heng learn it?
Why does that guy have so many clever ideas!

(End of this chapter)

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