Chapter 30 Chencang Daily
"How's the situation around the field?" Yang Yi asked.

"Yang Changshi, please come with me." Fa Ji said loudly.

Yang Yi followed Fa Ji all the way through the streets and arrived at the fence of a farming village in a dusty atmosphere.

Farming is rare in this area, but lumber can be seen everywhere.

"Yang Changshi, fences have been set up for several miles here." Fa Ji pointed in the direction in front and said, "But the official feels that a fence must be built. Otherwise, if the Wei cavalry comes, they can dismount and block the fence." , taking advantage of the situation, especially after the fence span is large, it is impossible for our army to maintain a tight defense."

"The construction of the wall with rammed earth is too slow to keep up with the opening of fields. At present, we can only surround it with a fence, dig a hole outside the fence, and use the excavated soil to pile up a six-foot-high mound. This counts as a three-layer defense. Now, the Wei cavalry can’t get in, we’ll wait until we encircle the wall.”


Yang Yi looked at the documents Fa Ji brought up again. It was a thick pile of paper with dense records on it.

Yang Yi can read very quickly, with ten lines at a glance, but can quickly write down the key information inside.

"The progress of your field encirclement is too slow. Now that the field is being opened faster and faster, the Wei army will soon discover what we are doing, and the cavalry will definitely arrive."

"There are too many fields, which are equivalent to a big city. It does take time!"

"We don't have time!"

"I know, I will speed up!" Faji said.

"Don't you really want to be promoted? Now is the opportunity. Now we have to surround a city. As long as you can surround it and complete this task, the defender of this city will be You. This city will be the next step for my big man to regain Guanzhong. The core base.”

Yang Yi naturally does not have the power to appoint and remove personnel, but if Fa Ji really completed the defense of the farmland east of Xieshui, Zhuge Liang would not be stingy about giving him this position.

In fact, it can now be seen that Fa Ji and Li Heng are in a competitive relationship between the east of Xieshui and the west of Xieshui.

Although Fa Ji is only a captain, many people will cooperate with him because of his special status.

Many elites of the Han army were also stationed east of Xieshui at this time.

Moreover, this place is mainly composed of military camps and is extremely efficient.

The biggest problem was to be exposed to the Wei army's front, and to defend the Wei army while encircling the fields.

Although there are elite troops stationed there, when encircling the fields, the scope is extremely wide and the defense is not simple.

As for Li Heng, a newcomer, he obtained the official position of Chencang County Magistrate with the help of several merits.

On the surface, he seemed to be an innocent county magistrate, but he had the direct support of Fei Yi. This shows Zhuge Liang's attitude towards him: give him a chance to prove himself.

Li Heng himself knew this.

In his opinion, Yang Yi is now more prestigious than Fei Yi. People of this era do not know Fei Yi's status, and generally believe that Fei Yi is not as high as Yang Yi in Zhuge Liang's mind.

But in fact, Li Heng knew that Fei Yi was one of Zhuge Liang's designated successors, but Yang Yi was not.

Zhuge Liang kept his chosen successor secret.

Zhuge Liang initially arranged for Yang Yi to assist him, but later Fei Yi stepped in, which should be part of Zhuge Liang's psychological change.

It is said that after Yang Yi inspected Faji's territory, he crossed the Xieshui River and rushed towards Li Heng's Chencang County.

At this time, Li Heng's Chencang Papermaking Factory was fully operational.

He found fifty people to work in the papermaking factory. These fifty people did not have to farm, and they received a daily food subsidy, enough to feed the whole family.

This can be regarded as the beginning of Chencang County’s division of labor and assistance.

As for others, it will be a lot harder. In addition to farming, they also have to dig roads, mines, canals, and build houses by themselves.

When Yang Yi arrived, she didn't find Li Heng, but she saw Xue Liang.

He asked: "Where is your County Magistrate Li?"

"Replying to Yang Changshi, County Magistrate Li is not here today."

"Where did he go?"

"Said he went to the mountains ahead to check on the trees."

Yang Yi sighed and said: "He is a county magistrate, and he goes to the mountains to check what kind of trees there are, and he doesn't prioritize what he does!"

Immediately, he looked at Xue Liang and asked, "Where is Dong Hong?"

"Went with Magistrate Li." "Nonsense!" Yang Yi's face darkened, and then asked, "How is Tian Kai doing?"

"It's being opened one after another. The public doesn't know how much it has been opened."

"You take me to see."


"Yes! It's you!"

"Yes, Yang Changshi is here to invite you." Xue Liang was a little nervous. He was now considered an official and had a staff, but after all, he had only been in the job for a short time, and his mentality was still that of an ordinary citizen.

Yang Yi followed Xue Liang and walked all the way. He saw neat and straight roads. These roads were obviously treated manually and the grass was removed.

On both sides of the road are square paddy fields, and the water is drawn from the small canal in front.

You can still see many people walking around pushing buckets on carts to their fields.

Yang Yi asked: "Where did those carts come from?"

"It's made by Chencang County Manufacturing Co., Ltd."

"Chencang County Manufacturing Factory?" Yang Yi was stunned for a moment, "What kind of place is this?"

"It is a place that specializes in making farm tools in the county. When the county was first established, County Magistrate Li attracted a group of people and selected people with good craftsmanship from among the people to form a manufacturing facility."

"Tacky title!" Yang Yi snorted and continued walking forward, "Where is the plow made?"


At this time, Yang Yi suddenly saw many people gathered under the big tree in front of him.

"What are you doing?" Yang Yi immediately became alert, "Why are there so many people suddenly gathered around? Is it to gather a crowd..."

"Yang Changshi, don't get me wrong, that's the storyteller telling a story."

"tell a story?"

"Yes." As soon as Xue Liang finished speaking, cheers and applause came from under the tree.

"What are they doing?"

Xue Liang said: "The story is over."

Before Yang Yi could say anything, the people under the big tree had dispersed, and some people came over with expressions of enjoyment on their faces, very happy.

This was the first time Yang Yi saw the farmers farming in the fields, with such relaxed and happy expressions on their faces.

Yang Yi asked again: "Where are they going?"

"When we go to the fields, we still have a lot of water to transport."

"Why are you so happy?"

"Because after listening to the story, listening to the story every day is the happiest time for them. After listening to it, they feel more energetic for farming. In the past, they pushed ten buckets of water a day. Since the story meeting started, it is no problem to push twenty buckets of water a day. Grass is faster too.”

Xue Liang spoke like a commentator.

"Why is this?" Yang Yi asked in surprise.

"Yang Changshi, forgive me. I didn't know. It was all organized by County Magistrate Li. He said that proper relaxation and wonderful stories can make people feel happy. When people feel happy, they can do things faster."

Yang Yi sneered and said, "This is nonsense!"

"it is true."

"Where did Mr. Storyteller get so many stories?"

"County Magistrate Li prepared it and had it copied in the newspaper."

"What is a newspaper?"

"It's "Chencang Daily"."

(End of this chapter)

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