I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 31 Yang Yi: Profiteer!A nest of profiteers in Chencang County!Just wait and see!

Chapter 31 Yang Yi: Profiteer!A bunch of profiteers in Chencang County!Just wait and see!
"Chencang Daily"?
Yang Yi had never heard of it, and her concept of newspapers was even more vague.

People cannot imagine what they have not seen.

But Yang Yi clearly saw that the faces of the farmers walking away from the big trees were really filled with satisfaction, and they were talking and laughing with the people on the side.

He even heard someone talking excitedly: "Oh, you said General Wei Qing was just a horse breeder before, but he can become the general of the Han Dynasty and beat the Huns to pieces. Do you think I have a chance?" !”

"Haven't you heard that when General Wei Qing raised horses, he also raised them well. If you farm, if you want to be a general in the future, you must first farm well?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Yang Yi looked at the group of people passing by in astonishment.

Are they actually discussing Wei Qing, the great general of the Han Dynasty?
Are they all in high spirits and full of yearning?

The most important thing is that they have an indescribable feeling that gives people a sense of vitality.

Yang Yi was confused but didn't ask any more questions.

Xue Liang took him and continued walking forward.

Along the way, Yang Yi found that the farmers around him were singing while working, and the content of the songs was the same as what he had heard from Fa Ji before.

"Why do you, Magistrate Li, use this little trick?" He glanced at Xue Liang and said calmly, "Just do your job well and get things done."

Xue Liang looked puzzled and said: "Yang Changshi, I don't know why County Magistrate Li did this. He just said that it would make them feel better and farm faster."

This is another argument with no basis!
"What's over there?" Yang Yi looked intently and saw some very narrow ditches crisscrossing the paddy fields, and couldn't help but ask.

"Those are the canals ordered by County Magistrate Li to be mined. They are no more than three feet wide, but each one is criss-crossed so that more water can be quickly diverted to the paddy fields." Xue Liang answered seriously.

"What are they doing with the grass?" Yang Yi asked again.

"They put those aquatic plants in the channels to attract some fish and raise fish in these channels."

"What's the point of raising fish?"

Xue Liang was stunned for a moment and said cautiously: "Raise fish to eat."

Yang Yi couldn't react for a while, but his mind was fast enough and he quickly picked out the problem: "The fish are in these ditches. How do you eat them if they escape?"

Xue Liang continued cautiously: "So we will regularly catch some fish from these canals and put them into the paddy fields."

"Raising fish in paddy fields?" Yang Yi was surprised again. He looked at Xue Liang like a fool, "Fish eat grass, and fish can also eat rice. This stupid idea also came from County Magistrate Li?"

"Magistrate Li said that fish generally don't eat rice."

Yang Yi laughed.

Xue Liang asked in confusion: "Why is Yang Changshi laughing?"

"I laughed at the short-sightedness of your magistrate Li!" Yang Yi stroked his beard. He thought Li Heng was somewhat smart, but Li Heng was too young and he didn't approve of his promotion.

Now it seems that raising fish in paddy fields is tantamount to self-inflicted harm, right?

Xue Liang was a little scared when Yang Yi laughed like this.

Yang Yi looked at Xue Liang and asked, "Let me ask you, how do you prove that fish don't eat rice?"

"We have put the first batch of fish in some paddy fields, and it is true that the rice is not eaten."

"Have you tried it?" The smile on Yang Yi's face faded slightly.

"County Magistrate Li said that if you try it on a small scale beforehand, you will feel at ease."

"Didn't you eat rice?"


Yang Yi's expression changed slightly, but she said stubbornly: "If you don't eat it now, it doesn't mean you won't eat it later."

Xue Liang did not continue to answer this question because he was not sure.

Nowadays, many affairs in Chencang County are decided by Li Heng, and everyone does what he says.

"I will educate County Magistrate Li well later, and I won't let him act recklessly!" Xue Liang suddenly said: "Yang Changshi, we are here."

"Where have you been?"



"Yes, your horse must stop here. It cannot go ahead or park anywhere else at will."

"Okay, then stop here. This is good. You know how to keep things in order."

"Yang Changshi, stop for half an hour and pay 10 coins."


"Stop for half an hour and pay ten cents?"

Yang Yi's face darkened, what the hell did you say!
Xue Liang was even more frightened, but he still pretended to be brave and said: "The horse racing farm is run by the Chencang County government, and you have to pay a fee to park the horses."

"This is blackmail!"

"These are the rules set by County Magistrate Li, and everyone must abide by them."

Yang Yi emphasized loudly: "I am the Chief of the Prime Minister's Office!"

"The prime minister has to pay when he comes."

"Let Magistrate Li come to see me! Now!"

"Magistrate Li went to see the tree."

Yang Yi was so angry that she got on her horse, turned around and left, putting down her harsh words: "Let him come to see me when he comes back!"

"Wait, Yang Changshi, there is one more thing."

"What's the matter?" Yang Yi asked with a bad look.

Xue Liang hesitated for a moment, his eyes were a little evasive, his voice was a little soft, and he even turned his head and did not dare to face Yang Yi, but he still said: "Everyone who does not have a household registration in this county must pay road tax when they come in."

"What did you say?"

Xue Liang emphasized again: "All people who are not registered in this county will have to pay road tax when they come in. You all have to pay it."

Yang Yi's face turned completely dark, she ignored Xue Liang and left with the others.

"Yang Changshi, isn't Tian inspecting?"

But Yang Yi scolded and said: "Profiteers! There are a bunch of profiteers here! They almost got into your hands! We'll see!"

In the afternoon, Li Heng returned to Chencang County.

The county gate has been repaired, and a wooden fence has been erected with the word "Chencang" written on it.

"Ziling, let me tell you, we can cut down all that ramie land. By the way, the government will personally lead people to plant ramie. Chencang County can set up a Chencang Forestry Trading Co., Ltd. and appoint officials to run the trading company. What? If we don’t work, we will grow ramie, and when the ramie grows up, we will sell it to Chencang Textile Trading Co., Ltd. We will sell the cloth to all parts of Guanzhong. If the people have no money to buy it, we will give it away for free, on the condition that they live in Chencang. Isn’t this labor force!”

Li Heng was discussing with Dong Hong seriously.

"As long as there are more people, we can build more houses and open more fields. There will be no shortage of people for mining, blacksmithing, and digging. And..."

"Are you serious?" Dong Hong interrupted Li Heng and looked at Li Heng.

"of course."

"Do you know how difficult it is to weave cloth? Do you know how many looms and people are needed?" Dong Hong looked a little ugly.

He came early this morning, and Li Heng told him that he wanted to take him to see a big baby.

The result was a fucking ramie forest!
Then he crazily instilled in him the concept of weaving cloth in exchange for more food.

Now even the ridiculous idea of ​​using cloth to attract more people to Chencang has popped up.

(End of this chapter)

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