Chapter 391 Lu Xun’s end?

By October, the political conflicts between the two factions of Jianye became more and more intense.

In early October, Sun Hong, the number one conspirator of the King of Lu Party, started his attack tactics again.

After Wu Can was beheaded and Shangshu Ding Gu and Kuaiji Governor Teng Yin were dismissed from office, Sun Hong turned against General Zhuge Jin.

Starting from the third day of October, Jianye’s public opinion has obviously changed.

On the streets of Jianye, a scholar named Lu Ran publicly and loudly rebuked Zhuge Jin for being Li Jian's greatest success in Jianye.

The reason is simple. Zhuge Jin's son Zhuge Rong is now Li Jian's son.

According to this scholar's logic, if his son surrenders, his father must have surrendered as well, and he has already made an agreement with Li Jian and provided Li Jian with many secrets.

As for why the governor's last attack on Jiangling failed, Zhuge Jin must have secretly provided help.

Otherwise, how could Shu Dog be my opponent, Da Wu?
I, Da Wu, am invincible in the world!
This incident caused a huge stir in Jianye in just half a day.

Zhuge Jin's guards drew their swords to block the attacks of the scholars and escorted Zhuge Jin back to the mansion.

Zhuge Jin was a general and the most important minister of Sun Wu after Lu Xun.

On the afternoon of the seventh day of October, Zhuge Jin was suddenly blocked by a large group of scholars on his way into the palace.

The general was openly accused of collaborating with the enemy, and was pushed to the top by public opinion. This was something that Sun Wu in the past would never have dared to think of.

The leading scholar shouted loudly: "I swear to kill the traitors!"

According to Zhang Xiu's description, the Wuchang defense line seemed to be breached by the murderous maniac Li Jian at any time.

This vague attitude towards investigating Zhuge Jin fueled Sun Hong's arrogance.

Obviously, Lu Ran's background is not simple.

The crime is to insult the general.

But just an hour later, the person was released.

Everyone rushed towards Zhuge Jin.

In the next period of time, Sun Hong began to painstakingly dig up various evidences of Zhuge Ke's collaboration with the enemy.

Seeing that the matter was getting worse and worse, Gu Tan reported the matter to Sun Quan that day and asked Sun Quan to mediate.

Although no evidence was found, this did not hinder Sun Hong's next operation.

On the same day, the Jianye County Lieutenant sent people to arrest the scholar.

But Sun Quan just said: "It's just doubt now. I believe that the general is innocent."

It is said that when the people came out, dozens of scholars cheered for Lu Ran outside the Yamen Gate of the county, and in public, they sternly reprimanded Zhuge Jin for his shameless act of collaborating with the enemy.

Lu Ran publicly told the scholars: The enemy is not terrible! The traitors among us are the most hated!

Zhang Xiu: Once the Wuchang front is breached by Li Jian, Jianye will not be spared, and we will all die! We must fight against Li Jian at all costs. Anyone who has even the slightest contact with him is our enemy!

Under Zhang Xiu's call, Jianye scholars increasingly felt that their lives were threatened.

Because Zhang Xiu on the side is still writing articles to express the current crisis on the Wuchang front.

Fifteen scholars died and more than twenty others were injured in this incident, which shocked the entire Jianye.

On the eighth day of October, Gu Tan once again explained the seriousness of the matter to Sun Quan worriedly.

Sun Quan was very angry at first and ordered a strict investigation of the perpetrators, saying that he must give justice to the general.

But just one day later, the situation reversed.

Some people in Jianye began to spread rumors that Zhuge Jin deliberately committed the murder yesterday.

Zhuge Jin also had a good reason for committing the murder: he became angry out of shame and killed and silenced him!
There are rumors that in order to crack down on these people, Zhuge Jin secretly sent people to investigate and locked the list.

It was also said that Zhuge Jin sent invitation letters to everyone on the list and expressed his willingness to explain publicly. But in fact, Zhuge Jin brought people to kill people and silence them.

I didn’t expect Zhuge Jin to be so vicious!

While leaking the secrets of Da Wu to Li Jian, he also wanted to kill us righteous scholars!

This kind of person should get out of Dawu!

During this period, Yunyang Hou Zhuju, who had always had close contacts with scholars, tried to step forward as a mediator.

He thought there must be some misunderstanding.

But as soon as he made his remarks, he was criticized by a large group of people who doubted his life, so he quickly shut up.

Others were even more silent.

Another day passed, I don’t know who made the news, and I advised everyone not to target the general.

Because Zhuge Ke, the eldest son of the general, is currently guarding Wankou with a large number of troops. If you continue like this, what will happen if Zhuge Ke surrenders to Li Jian in anger? You know, his brother Zhuge Rong has surrendered!

These words were like adding fuel to the fire.

Those scholars immediately gave a powerful reply: "Let him go! We are full of talented people in Da Wu! There is no shortage of him!"

Two days later, the news that Zhuge Jin was trying to silence people spread more and more widely, and anger rolled in Jianye City like ocean waves.

On October 13th, a large group of scholars came to Zhuge Jin's house. They surrounded Zhuge Jin's home.

Even the Tingwei officials who came to ask questions could only squeeze in with difficulty.

Of course, when those people saw the Tingwei officials entering Zhuge Jin's home, they became even more convinced that Zhuge Jin was a national thief.

On October 14, Zhuge Jin fell ill in sorrow and anger, and passed away that day.

The news of Zhuge Jin's death spread quickly throughout the city that day, and there were cheers on the streets.

Someone openly shouted: "Justice is never late in punishing shameless villains!"

"It's time to recall Zhuge Ke for interrogation! In terms of seniority, he is still Zhuge Liang's nephew, so he must have passed through Shu!"

"Yes! Recall Zhuge Ke! Interrogate him severely!"


Even the farmers in the countryside couldn't help but say happily after hearing this: "I'm finally dead! What a good death!"

When Sun Quan learned that Zhuge Jin had died of illness, he sighed. He originally planned to give him a grand burial and increase his title, but he hesitated. Considering the current situation, he just said: "Recall Zhuge Yuanxun."

On October 16, two days after Zhuge Jin died of illness, Lu Xun from Wuchang took a report from Jianye City, his brows knitted together.

Lu Xun had never felt such fear.

What he fears is not Sun Quan's power, but the current political situation in Jianye City that is out of control.

He sensed a crisis.

And wrote a letter to his son Lu Kang.

Now people no longer care about the truth, they just want to use every excuse to attack political opponents. If there are no excuses, create them. You must be careful about what you say and do.

Lu Yin believed that all this was caused by the dispute between King Lu and the prince.

If we want to end this farce, we must start from the position of crown prince.

Lu Yin persuaded Lu Xun, who had always been neutral, to report to Sun Quan and express his support for the prince in order to change the overall situation and stabilize people's hearts.

It was also on this day that Li Heng, who was drinking tea in Jiangling, received news about Jianye.

He smiled: "Send someone to contact Zhuge Ke. I want him to come to Jiangling to see me."

(End of this chapter)

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