I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 392 Zhuge Ke comes to surrender

Chapter 392 Zhuge Ke comes to surrender

"I'll make arrangements." Du Yu said.

At this moment, Li Heng received a notice that Zhuge Rong came to see him.

Du Yu glanced at Li Heng and said, "I'm afraid my uncle has heard about it."

"Let him in."

Zhuge Rong strode in, his brows furrowed tightly, and the sadness on his face could not be concealed.

"General! My father..."

"I am sorry for your loss."

Li Heng said lightly.

In fact, according to official history, Zhuge Jin should have died of illness during the Northern Expedition in the fourth year of Yanxi's reign.

"Sun Hong accused him of being my spy in Jianye." Li Heng said calmly, "This is the regime of King Lu and the prince in Jianye. Sun Hong is from King Lu. Your father supports the prince, and your brother also I support Prince Sun He, and Sun Hong wants to use his affair with me to suppress his political opponents."

"He has not contacted me either. We have stopped writing letters in the past few years." Zhuge Rong looked sad, and it could be heard from his tone that he was trying his best to suppress his painful emotions.

"My father has not contacted you."

It's just that those public opinions were the straw that broke the camel's back.

"I know, he didn't."

"What's the matter?"

Even Li Heng did not expect that after public opinion broke out in Jianye, the first person to be crushed to death by public opinion would be Zhuge Jin.

"I know that since last year, he has actually been ill in bed, but he still insists on going to see Sun Quan and putting forward political opinions to Sun Quan. He shouldn't be like this. He should have a good rest."

"You ask."

That was last year.

"Why does uncle ask this?"

Li Heng and Du Yu both fell silent.

Li Heng said with emotion: "Sun Quan took him in when he was at his lowest, and he was kind to him. He is worthy of Sun Quan."

"Who killed my father?"

"General! I have a question for you!"

"I haven't seen him for several years, and now I can't even see him for the last time. I want to go to Jianye to see him, sit in front of his mausoleum and talk to him."

As for Zhuge Jin's death in Jianye this time, it was not so much that he died due to pressure from public opinion, but that he was already seriously ill and about to die.

Perhaps because of Li Heng's arrival, Sun Wu's Northern Expedition became less frequent, and Zhuge Jin was not so tired.

After a moment of silence, Zhuge Rong said: "When will the general destroy Wu?"

Li Heng was silent.

After a while, Li Heng said: "We will send troops to Wu State soon, but the most important thing at the moment is probably one thing, which requires my uncle's assistance."

"Your brother Zhuge Yuanxun is in a very dangerous situation. I heard that he is in Wankou?"

"Yes, I came to see the general because of this matter. Please ask the general to send someone to find him immediately and pick him up. I have already written a letter."

"That's great, that's what I mean."

Zhuge Ke was the number one hardliner in the Northern Expedition in the history of Wu State. He was a child prodigy since he was a child, with outstanding IQ and emotional intelligence.

His only weakness is his stubbornness.

This may be a common problem among geniuses.

When Li Heng was studying history, he still had a certain understanding of Zhuge Ke.

He was not worried about being unable to control Zhuge Ke.

Li Heng himself is not a genius, he has a growth personality.

In his previous life, he even seemed stupid when he was a child, but he was very strong-willed, like an invincible little strongman.

Strong willpower coupled with strong action allowed him to go out into society after graduating from college, doing many things and falling down many times.

He never understood interpersonal relationships or business operations, but accumulated little by little, slowly thought and summarized, and later had some achievements of his own.

The biggest advantage of this growth-type personality is that it can constantly adjust and understand itself on the road of life.

This can actually complement Zhuge Ke's genius.

Zhuge Ke, who was in Wankou at this time, received the news on the same day as Li Heng.

Zhuge Ke was angry when he learned that his father had died under the public attack of Jianye, but he did not immediately raise troops to return to Jianye, or he showed anger and frustration. Instead, he wrote a memorial to Sun Quan. In the memorial, he mentioned that his father died of illness and had nothing to do with the Jianye turmoil.

Secondly, he expressed to Sun Quan that he was guilty. Since his father died of illness, he hoped that Sun Quan would call him back to Jianye, and he would definitely cooperate with Tingwei's investigation.

Whatever the guilt, I am willing to bear it.

After writing the letter to Sun Quan, Zhuge Ke summoned his men and publicly expressed the seriousness of the current situation, and also admitted that he would return to Jianye to accept investigation.

However, that night, Zhuge Ke ordered his confidants to become soft.

On the second day after Zhuge Ke packed up his belongings, that is, October 17, Sun Quan's letter was hurriedly delivered to Wankou.

In the letter, Sun Quan tearfully expressed his regret for Zhuge Jin's death, and recalled the past of the monarch and his ministers.

Then, he praised Zhuge Ke's talents.

Finally, he expressed his current appreciation for Zhuge Ke and hoped that he would return to Jianye immediately and inherit his father's position as general.

Zhuge Ke turned around and told his subordinates that His Majesty had issued an order to return to Beijing.

Then he got ready.

By the evening of October 18, Zhuge Ke was preparing to escape in the name of returning to Beijing.

Just when he was about to leave, his subordinates suddenly came to report: "There is someone outside who claims to be a businessman from Wei State and wants to see you for business."

Zhuge Ke secretly cried out that it was unlucky, why did the Wei merchants come at this time?

Everyone knows about the Wu-Wei alliance and mutual trade.

Zhuge Ke only had to delay his departure for one day.

Zhang Chang entered Zhuge Ke's teeth with the official ultimatum from Wei State.

"I'm Zhang Chang."

"What's the matter? Tell me."

Zhang Chang presented the last letter. Zhuge Ke opened it and looked at it. His expression suddenly changed slightly, but he remained calm: "Where is the goods?"

"Still on board."

"how many?"

"One thousand bolts of silk, one thousand catties of refined salt, and three thousand catties of grain."

"There are bandits on the Yangtze River. Are you so bold that you dare to transport goods?"

Zhang Chang said with a smile: "I am familiar with the Yangtze River, so it will be no problem to transport some goods."

Zhuge Ke said: "It's getting late now. We'll unload the goods tomorrow."


That night, Zhuge Ke packed up and ran away with Zhang Chang.

Maybe you have doubts, does Zhuge Ke believe Zhang Chang?
Zhuge Ke knew his own brother's handwriting.

Moreover, Sun Quan's political attitude was already very clear, and his methods towards him were also very clear. He could use nice words to trick him into going back.

Don't send another businessman to test yourself.

Wu Jun in Wankou did not know that Zhuge Ke had left.

Only a few of Zhuge Ke's cronies went with him.

After noon on October 19, Zhuge Ke disembarked at Jiangling Ferry. Those who came to greet him were his younger brother Zhuge Rong and Jingzhou Governor Du Yu.

"Brother!" Zhuge Rong couldn't help but be happy when he saw Zhuge Ke again.


After the two brothers met, they were filled with joy and then cried with sorrow.

Du Yu said: "Your Majesty has passed away, please express your condolences and obey me."

Zhuge Ke said: "Thank you very much, Mr. Du, for saving my life."

At this moment, two geniuses in history met.

They have completely different destinies.

But because of Li Heng's appearance, they became comrades on the same front.

"Yuan Xun is serious, the general is still waiting for you."

(End of this chapter)

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