I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 407 Let the arrow fly for a while

Chapter 407 Let the arrow fly for a while
The Wu army rushed towards the Han army like a school of fish.

The Han army has not yet sent out its attack, and is waiting for the Wu army to rush over.

But as soon as Wu Jun rushed over, he kicked the iron plate!

It is indeed an iron plate!
The surface of the Han army's warships was covered with a layer of iron sheets.

It was specifically designed to prevent Wu Jun from rushing towards the giant spear in front.

The two sides fought several face-to-face encounters. Wu Jun originally thought that he could use his dash to gain an advantage, but in the end, he was unable to shake the Han army even with a head-on fight.

The Han army also used powerful crossbows. The crossbow arrows struck the top of the river and most of them were blocked.

After a while, Wu Jun retreated one after another.

The battle situation on the river seemed not to be advancing, but at this time, the city of Jianye was full of excitement and ambition.

First, the scholars surrounded the Gu family and began to denounce the Gu family collectively.

After the blood dyed the ground red, the killing drove people into madness. They shouted: "Clean out the traitors! Kill all the traitors!"

Within four seconds, the scholars drew their swords, rushed into Gu Tan's home, dragged Gu Tan's family to the street, and interrogated them with righteous words.

Secondly, I didn’t know where I found a letter from Gu Tan having an affair with Li Heng.

Sun Quan was furious to the extreme. He felt that the situation was out of control, but he could only keep his anger in his heart.

Sun Quan pretended not to know that the Gu family members were hacked to death in the street.

The contents of this letter were published, and in just half an hour, it spread throughout Jianye, which was not a large city.

At this time, what Sun Quan received was not the battle report on the river, but the intelligence of the soldiers killing people.

In the face of a powerful enemy, the city seems to be divided, which is equivalent to opening the city gate for the enemy.

Now it seems that it can only be the main militant faction.

The death of some people is a small thing, but the division in the city is a big thing.

When they did not hear the answer they wanted to hear, one of the scholars stabbed Gu Tan's wife to death and stabbed the child in the belly.

In the letter, Gu Tan scolded Jianye's scholars for indiscriminately forcing Zhuge Jin to death and framing Zhuge Ke.

They roared at the family members, listing all kinds of outrageous-sounding crimes in skilled language.

Then, they marched toward the entrance of the palace in a mighty manner.

If troops are sent to stop it now, it will definitely trigger a large-scale conflict.

Sun Quan knew that he could no longer use the imperial balance technique before, and he could only make one side bigger.

But the prince could not pretend not to know. Gu Tan was his supporter, and Gu Tan's grandfather Gu Yong was the former prime minister of Wu State.

The content of the letter is well written. After reading it, you can feel Gu Tan's disgust for the current Jianye and his yearning for Jingzhou where Li Heng is located.

This undoubtedly pushed the scholars' anger to the peak.

At this moment, the crowd quickly transformed into the great cause of eradicating evil.

Then, he raised his sword and chopped these people to death on the street.

The prince Sun He mobilized his guards and took the ministers who supported him to the gate of the palace and ordered all the perpetrators to be arrested.

There was a conflict between the two sides, and seven or eight scholars died in the hands of the prince's guards.

Conflict expands.

The ministers of the prince's faction not only stopped persuading the prince, but began to encourage him to do so.

For example, Lu Yin, who has always been relatively calm, said to Sun He: "If the prince does not stand up and take charge of the overall situation, Wu will perish!"

The abnormal transformation of the Prince Faction shows that the struggle between the Jianye factions has reached a life-and-death situation.

Even the prince faction, which had always been forbearing, no longer tolerated it, and directly encouraged the prince to kill people with swords.

And sent people to arrest Sun Hong, Zhang Xiu and others.

This undoubtedly challenged Sun Quan's authority.

When Sun Quan learned that the prince and his men were drawing swords at the entrance of the palace, an unprecedented fear instantly swept through his body.

He immediately mobilized the royal guards of the palace and went to the gate of the palace in person. After Sun Quan arrived, he ordered his people to immediately block all escape routes.

"Father, you came at the right time! These people broke into the Gu family manor and killed many people. They deserved it..."

Before Sun He could finish speaking, Sun Quan slapped Sun He over and knocked him to the ground.

"Come here! Arrest this traitor and throw him into a prison!"


"shut up!"

The imperial guards swarmed up and captured Sun He, but the prince's guards did not dare to take action.

Lu Yin quickly said: "Your Majesty, the enemy is currently strong and we cannot capture the prince..."

"Your Majesty!" Before Lu Yin could finish speaking, Zhang Xiu, who ran out from nowhere, suddenly shouted, "Your Majesty, as the crown prince, the prince openly led people to the palace to kill the loyal people of Wu for no reason. Gentleman! We are facing a powerful enemy now. If we don’t deal with it seriously, I’m afraid everyone in the court and the three armies will not accept it!”

"Zhang Xiu!" Lu Yin glared at Zhang Xiu, "You traitor!"

"Your Majesty! It's clear who the traitor is! Now the Shu thieves are outside the city. We must unite and swear to kill the Shu thieves! But some people have destroyed our unity time and time again! What are their intentions!"

Zhang Xiu's words instantly rekindled the suppressed arrogance of the scholars.

"Your Majesty! There is a traitor among us!"

"Your Majesty! Before we fight foreign affairs, we must first make peace at home!"

"Your Majesty! I swear to kill the traitors!"


The crowd shouted with indignation.

Not long after, Sun Quan said: "Put the prince and all his followers into the sky prison and wait for their fate!"

"Your Majesty..." Lu Yin's face turned red with anger, "Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible! Your Majesty... If this is the case, I, Wu, will surely perish..."

"You still dare to confuse the public with your lies!"

A scholar next to him stabbed Lu Yin in the waist with his sword. Sun Quan was so frightened that he quickly retreated. The imperial guards quickly stepped forward to protect Sun Quan.

Seeing this, the prince drew his sword and slashed at the scholar. He struck the man on the neck with his sword, and blood spurted out on the prince's face.

But the prince did not stop, and the anger in his heart was like the ocean waves.

He roared crazily and slashed at the scholar several times.

Cut on the neck, on the head.

The other party screamed and fell to the ground, his long clothes stained red by the gushing blood.

The people around were shocked. Some people were about to rush over to attack the prince, but were stopped by the prince's guards.

There was a tendency for the crowd to descend into chaos.

Sun Quan asked people to take the prince and all his party members down.

Lu Yin was taken down. He covered his wound. Blood was still pouring out, but he looked at Sun Quan.

His eyes slowly darkened.

"Great Wu is dead, the Sun family is sorry for the Lu family..."

The weak voices were drowned in the frantic cheers of the scholars.

Sun Quan said to everyone: "I will definitely fight the Shu thieves to the end!"

At this moment, the emotions of the main battle reached its peak.

People shouted at the top of their lungs.

Everyone seemed to be content with death.

In the evening, Sun Hong appeared out of nowhere and began to make a list of the prince's henchmen.

Now the two factions have obviously reached the point of life and death.

(End of this chapter)

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