I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 408: Who in the world would not vote for Li Jian?

Chapter 408: Who in the world would not vote for Li Jian?
In the evening, Li Heng took Du Yu, Wang Guang, and Xue Liang to sit in the attic and eat grilled fish.

But Lu Ju hurried over, looking panicked: "General, it's not good, the Wu army has increased its troops."

"How much more?"

"Even merchant ships have been mobilized."

"Oh, how much is that?"

"This... I don't know about this."

Li Heng glanced at Lu Ju and said, "Come on, come on."

"What are your orders, General?"

"Let's eat grilled fish together?"


Sun Quan has played with people's hearts all his life, and he is very good at it.

Sun Quan felt unprecedentedly lonely. He felt as if he was tightly wrapped in the night.

All kinds of thoughts came to his mind, and Sun Quan felt heavy.

With that said, Lu Ju picked up a fish and started to chew it.

He couldn't even chew it, and once he chewed it, he was stunned.

Can I also enjoy my old age in peace?

"Xiaoguan sincerely wants to help the imperial court regain Jiangdong as soon as possible!"

"It's dinner time now, and the boys are also having dinner."


After nightfall, Sun Quan sat alone in the hall and stared at the dancing candlelight.

If his favorite prince had not died, there would be no need for Lu Xun to die, and there would be no fight between the two palaces.

Unexpectedly, in his later years, he would also fall into it.

"Oh, the Wu army has increased its troops, and the official is a little worried." Lu Zhi lifted up his long coat and sat down, and said worriedly, "The official is worried that the Wu army will send people to swim over to attack us at night!"

Lu Zheng suddenly widened his eyes and asked, "Is it from the Western Regions?"

He was wondering if all this would not have happened if Sun Deng had not died.

Jianye has never been as lively as it is now.

There were occasional sounds outside.

Then he looked at Xue Liang and saw that his mouth was full of oil. He smelled the fragrance of pepper and said with some embarrassment: "General, there is a war now!"

"Yeah, yeah! Yes, yes! I know General Lu is a loyal minister, so leave me a message!"

With Sun Deng and Lu Xun in charge of Wuchang, can Li Heng still break in?

"I have pepper here, brought from the Western Regions."

In front of others, he is still the emperor with supreme power, but only he knows that there are many big holes in this ship.

The human heart is like water!
"His Majesty!"

A familiar voice came from outside, it was Sun Hong's voice.

"What's the matter?"

"Have I already obtained the list of people who had an affair with Li Jian?"

Sun Quan fell silent.

Sun Hong also fell silent.

But not long after, Sun Hong broke the silence: "Your Majesty, it's not that I want them to die, but there are many people outside now waiting for a result."

"What result?" Sun Quan's voice was still full of majesty.

But there was an anger in this majesty.

Sun Hong noticed it, but he continued: "A result that unites people's hearts!"

"I understand."

Sun Hong wisely handed the list to the chamberlain, and then said: "Your Majesty, the general reported that he sent people to attack the Shu army at night tonight, which scared the Shu army. The morale of our army has greatly improved."

"I know, I'm tired, you can go down."

"My minister retire."

That night, the news that Sun Hong entered the palace with the list quietly spread among the ministers.

General Zhu Ji was patrolling the ferry. He also received the news. Sun Hong collected a list and sent it to the palace.

Although he was patrolling in name, he had actually decided to defect to the Han army tonight.

As the prince's grandson and a member of the same faction, Zhu Ji will definitely be attacked.

The current situation is obviously not suitable for people who really want to do something to survive. Zhu Ji had never seen such a situation. It was no better than Dong Zhuo's entry into Beijing recorded in history books.

He even doubted the rationality of scholars governing the country.

Those scholars are not ordinary scholars. Although they are not considered a giant in Jiangdong, they are also famous in the local area.

They not only represent themselves, but also represent their family.

Why did the nobles, who had always been calm, become so radical?
Zhu Ji couldn't figure it out. He felt that the only thing he could do now was to run away!
After this inspection, he made an excuse to go to the river to inspect, and then ran away.

Suddenly someone came to report: "General, Shangshu Dinggu is out of town for inspection."

"Ding Shangshu?"

Zhu Ji's heart trembled. He was a minister. Why did he come out to inspect at night?
Check it out!
At this moment, Ding Gu and his men strode over.

"See Ding Shangshu."

"Gongxu, how is the defense?"

"Everything is in accordance with the general's instructions and in an orderly manner." Zhu Ji said seriously.

"That's good. I'm here for inspection. Your Majesty still attaches great importance to defense."

Zhu Ji suddenly had a headache, but he did not dare to show any thoughts and just said: "Ding Shangshu, please come here."

Soon, Zhu Ji took Ding Feng to inspect the ferry, and then said: "Ding Shangshu, it's getting late, you should go back and rest."

"The river has not been inspected yet."

"Jiang Mian?"

"Yes, I dare not slack off even a little bit in what His Majesty has told me."

Zhu Ji was startled, feeling very unhappy, but he still suppressed a smile and said, "Ding Shangshu, please come here."


At this moment, another person came over: "Report, the general's servant Gu Cheng said he would come to inspect."

"Gu Zizhi?"

Zhu Ji was shocked, and Ding Gu's expression also changed slightly.

If these three people weren't from the Prince's faction, they would probably have fallen out on the spot during this sensitive period.

But Zhu Ji and Ding Gu maintained a tacit understanding.


Gu Cheng came and when he saw Ding Gu, he was a little shocked and a little nervous.

"Ding Shangshu is here too?"

"I was ordered to come for inspection." Ding Gu said without changing his expression and his heart not beating.

"So do I."

One is a minister, and the other is a minister. They are both ministers of the minister's desk. They have received orders from the emperor to inspect. Is there anything wrong?
No problem!
So Zhu Ji took the two of them on the boat and sailed to the Wu army's warship in the name of inspection.

"Gongxu." Ding Gu said suddenly, "Did you know that Sun Hong gave you a list?"

"Is this happening?"

"have it?"

"What list?"

Ding Gu added: "The list of Li Jian's liaisons."

"Having an affair with Li Jian?"

"That's a capital crime!" Gu Cheng said.


Ding Gu was silent for a moment and said: "That's not right. Li Jian will not die if he has an affair. But if he doesn't have an affair and is framed by others for having an affair, he will die."

This was a bit confusing, but both Gu Cheng and Zhu Ji understood it.

The three of them fell silent and the boat sailed for a while. Zhu Ji suddenly said: "To be honest with you two, I don't plan to return to Jianye."

Ding Gu and Gu Cheng looked at Zhu Ji in surprise: "How do you say this?"

"I plan to defect to Li Jian!"


"I don't want to die."

Gu Cheng smiled bitterly and said: "To be honest, I am leaving the city now to seek refuge. The Gu family has suffered such a disaster."

Ding Gu said: "My son Ding Mi is the vanguard. When I call him, we can join him!"

The two looked at Ding Gu in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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