I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 57 Head-to-head confrontation

Chapter 57 Head-to-head confrontation
Simpi asked in confusion: "How can the Governor say this?"

"Zhuge Kongming eats less and has less trouble, so he can last longer!"

"Then..." Xinpi was stunned for a moment, then muttered, "Then shall we fight?"

"Fight, but not now!"

"When to fight?"

"It's not too late to take action after Kong Ming falls ill." Sima Yi smiled again on his face, and his smile lines looked much lighter.

"Kong Ming can still supervise and punish the soldiers now, which shows that the rotten drive can still hold on." Sima Yi stroked his beard, "I predict that he won't be able to hold on for long."

Xinpi asked: "What should we do now?"

"Zhang Hu!"

"The end is here!"

"You lead two thousand cavalry and go to the nearby villages, leaving no one behind! Remember, if you find the Shu army, avoid fighting!"


Zhang Hu took Sima Yi's token and hurried to mobilize his troops.

Sima Yi said again: "Le Lei!"

"The last general!"

"You lead two thousand cavalry and go to the villages to the south, leaving no one behind! Remember, if you encounter the Shu army, avoid fighting!"


After sending two cavalry out, Sima Yi ordered the main force to station.

The main forces of the Han and Wei armies could not hold each other for more than one mile.

In the afternoon, the scouts arrived outside Zhuge Liang's camp.

"Prime Minister, we have information!"


The messenger came in and presented the scout's intelligence.

"The Wei army dispatched cavalry."

"It seems that Sima Yi temporarily believes that I am sick." Zhuge Liang said, "He is planning to use his cavalry to attack the people."

Li Heng said: "Sima Yi is extremely cunning. I'm afraid we won't be able to deceive him for long, but we can delay it for a few days. Every extra day can gather more people."

At this time, Meng Yan was immigrating to the south.

"Come on! Don't follow these Shu people. After a while, they will force us to go south to Shu!"

Several hurried-looking villagers packed their bags and planned to go east to Chang'an.

"Zhang Dahu, you guys are on the wrong side. The Han army camp is in that direction."

"Go, ignore him!"

"Aren't you going to the Han army camp?" a thin man asked, "Master Wang is not far ahead!"

"Wang Er, you can go if you want! We are going to Chang'an!"

Zhang Dahu said without looking back.

At this time, a black shadow appeared in front of him, approaching quickly.

"It's cavalry!"

A person next to Zhang Dahu shouted.

"It seems to be the imperial cavalry!" Zhang Dahu said loudly, "Don't be afraid, everyone, they are the imperial cavalry, they must be here to cover our return to Chang'an!"

With that said, Zhang Dahu led a group of people and trotted forward quickly.

"Let's go tell Master Wang in the imperial court that the Shu army is to the west. This may be a credit!" Zhang Dahu said excitedly.

As soon as he finished speaking, an arrow suddenly flew towards him and hit him in the throat.

His body suddenly froze, his eyes widened, and his mouth opened. He wanted to speak, but couldn't.

He turned around and glanced at his companion next to him, then fell to the ground, twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

The group of people who were excited just now were frightened by this scene.

Before they could take action, dozens of arrows flew in front of them.

In the blink of an eye, these people were all hit by arrows.

Wang Er, who was not far away, was also frightened. When he recovered, Wei Jun's cavalry was getting closer and closer.

He rolled his legs and crawled on the ground.

Zhang Hu shouted loudly: "Kill without mercy, no one will be left alive!"

In the village, some people were alarmed and stuck their heads out to check. They saw Zhang Dahu and others lying at the end of the village, and a group of cavalry rushed in quickly.Some of the villagers outside were so frightened that they ran away, while others were so frightened that they rushed into the house.

But as soon as some people opened their legs, Wei Jun's arrows flew towards them.

The Wei cavalry fired arrows everywhere, and the villagers who had no time to escape fell to the ground one after another.

A mother protected her four or five-year-old child, who was hit by seven or eight arrows. She used her last bit of strength to desperately shout: "Run! Run!"


As soon as the child finished speaking, an arrow flew over and hit his left eye, directly piercing his head.

The child fell next to his mother.

The mother, who had not yet died immediately, saw this scene and instantly broke down and started wailing.

She struggled desperately, wanting revenge, but she could only struggle feebly on the ground.

Cao Wei's cavalry flew by quickly, splashing countless pieces of yellow grass.

Other villagers fled in a hurry.

"Report! General! The Wei cavalry is here, nearly a thousand of them!"

No one needed to report at this time, Ma Dai could see it.

Those villagers who were unwilling to leave before were already running in panic towards the Han army.

"Forward formation!" Ma Dai shouted loudly.

The forward infantry immediately moved closer, the ones at the front raised their shields and stretched out their halberds.

The Han cavalry behind was also ready.

The Han army came with not many cavalry, only a hundred, and not many infantry, only 800.

More people are running this way.

The Wei army apparently also discovered the Han army.

"Report! General, the Shu thief has been discovered!"

"I saw it!" Zhang Hu's eyes showed excitement.

He had long wanted to cause trouble for the Han army in order to gain military merit.

Didn't expect to see it here.

He ordered the entire army to assemble.

The Wei army's thousand cavalry quickly gathered and then quickly approached the Han army.

But when they were more than 300 meters away, the Wei cavalry's attack direction suddenly wanted to outflank them on both sides.

The formation of the Wei army's cavalry was very tight. Amidst the sound of iron hoofs, they followed each other closely, and then spread out, allowing the cavalry to have space to shoot arrows.

The formation of the Han army's infantry was also very tight.

Soon, the sound of countless bowstrings rang in the air, and bows and arrows poured out from the Wei cavalry group, impacting on the Han army's shields, making a clanging sound.

Several Han troops were hit by arrows and fell to the ground, but the overall defense of the Han troops was very strong.

After the Wei army's cavalry fired one round, they fired one after another.

Countless dense, thin black shadows roared past in the sky, impacting the Han army's formation.

However, Cao Wei's cavalry did not focus on mounted shooting, but on flanking assaults, and they soon ran out of bows and arrows.

There's a reason for that too.

It takes time to train a simple assault cavalry, and even more time to train an archer.

For a mounted archer who can continuously and skillfully fire a bow on horseback, it will take time and more time, making it even more difficult.

Most of Cao Wei's cavalry came from the Central Plains, and there was almost no habit of archery since childhood.

Seeing that he could not break the Han army's defense, Zhang Hu immediately ordered a flank attack.

He threw Sima Yi's words behind him.

After the Wei army gathered in the distance, the nearby people took the opportunity to flee in panic.

The Wei army's cavalry made a slight adjustment, divided into two groups, and attacked the Han army again.

This time it was a flanking attack.

The speed is faster than the riding shot just now.

The rumbling sound of iron hoofs stirred up countless pieces of grass and dust, followed by the wanton roar of the Wei army's cavalry.

When they were only 200 meters away from the Han army, the Wei army's cavalry began to accelerate, and the sound of iron hoofs became more rapid.

(End of this chapter)

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