I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 58 The meek Sima Zhongda

Chapter 58 The meek Sima Zhongda

The dead grass all over the sky was dancing everywhere under the gloomy sky.

The Han army stood in a circular formation, looking solemnly ahead.

The Wei cavalry approached quickly.

The impact of the cavalry in small groups was extremely shocking.

For ordinary people, let alone defense, when they see hundreds of cavalry charging together, their psychological defenses will immediately collapse and they will instinctively run away.

Only well-trained infantry will stand still when faced with a cavalry attack.

Because these elite infantry are experienced.

The halberd in his hand can block the attacking cavalry after forming a dense defense.

The dry air carried the stench of horses and the blood of dead villagers.

The Wei cavalry rushed towards them, but when they were only a few meters away from the Han army, they began to take a circuitous route to avoid direct contact with the Han infantry.

However, the momentum of the Wei cavalry did not weaken at all, and they waved their halberds in the direction of the Han army.

This is typical harassment.

The cavalry can quickly adjust direction with high mobility, while at the same time causing huge psychological pressure on the enemy.

Just think about it, a person is standing there calmly, and a horse rushes towards you, are you afraid?
Even if you know it won't hit you, you are still afraid.

Fear is a biological instinct.

Those war horses would not dare to come over unless they were constantly trained and made to believe that they were prepared in some way.

Yes, war horses get scared when they see something sharp and bright.

This is also instinct.

Therefore, in ancient times, cavalry would not be used to charge the spear phalanx head-on.

Not to mention that there were no double stirrups in this era.

In the era of queuing to kill, after firing a few rounds of bullets at the cavalry, the bayonet team would arrange their bayonets neatly. This is also the reason.

The Wei cavalry led by Zhang Hu is already considered elite and can intimidate ordinary troops.

It is useless to deal with the Han army, otherwise Sima Yi would have sent troops to fight Zhuge Liang.

But Zhang Hu didn't believe it. He felt that Sima Yi was too cautious and was actually frightened by the Shu dogs.

Today, I, Zhang Hu, will tell you with practical actions, Governor, you are wrong!

We only need to harass and intimidate like this a few times, and the Sichuan dog will immediately become like a chicken or a tile dog!
If you have the opportunity to be a forward in the future, remember me Zhang Hu!

Just after the Wei army detoured, the Han army's crossbowmen skillfully switched from the rear to the front, and even more skillfully aimed at the front to shoot.

In an instant, a dense rain of arrows slanted out and struck behind the roundabout Wei cavalry.

Suddenly more than twenty cavalrymen fell on their backs and whined continuously.

Dozens more horses were injured, and more horses were frightened.

The formation of the Wei army became chaotic.

"General, this Shu army has powerful crossbows!"

Someone shouted, but as soon as he finished speaking, the horse beneath him was hit by an arrow. The person was thrown away by the huge inertia and fell to the ground. His head hit the ground, his neck was twisted, and he spun around on the ground for more than ten turns, and his body was also twisted.

"Protect me quickly! Let me go first!" Zhang Hu exclaimed.

The Wei cavalry on this side retreated in embarrassment as soon as they met.

But before the cavalry withdrew 100 meters, the Han army was involved in three waves, causing sixty or seventy cavalry to fall off their horses.

The Wei cavalry on the other side did not get any good results and retreated in fear.

Ma Dai did not lead anyone in pursuit. His mission was to quickly assist the people in this area to evacuate.

After the Wei army conducted such a sweep, the stubborn villagers immediately became extremely cooperative and hurriedly followed the Han army.

He even wanted to carry the Han army on his back and run to the Han army camp.

It is said that Le Lin was not as unlucky as Zhang Hu when she was performing her mission. He solved two small villages before encountering the Han army.After Lelin met the Han army, she did not love to fight. Instead, she quickly evacuated and went to look for people elsewhere.

After Zhang Hu regrouped, he was ready to go back and get the place back.

But the people below became negative, and Zhang Hu could only give up.

When he returned in the evening, someone reported what happened today to Sima Yi.

Sima Yi scolded Zhang Hu: "Did I tell you not to confront the Han army head-on?"

Zhang Hu remained silent.

"You only brought cavalry, but you want to fight the Han army's infantry and cavalry head-on?" Sima Yi said angrily, "Fortunately, the Han army generals did not catch up! Take them down and beat them with thirty army sticks!"

In the next few days, Sima Yi continued to send out multiple groups of cavalry.

The two sides engaged in small-scale fighting at multiple points in the vast plains with a radius of dozens of miles, and each had its own victory or defeat.

But overall the Han army won more.

On the fourth day of September, Sima Yi was walking back and forth in the camp, and Xinpi couldn't sleep, so he arrived at Sima Yi's camp.


"Commander, what do you want?"

"The Shu army has long expected that we will send cavalry to kill people everywhere, so they have already taken action in advance. If we continue to disperse and eliminate them in all directions like today, our army can only rely on cavalry. However, the Shu army combines infantry and cavalry to have stronger defense, and we will suffer even more. !”

Sima Yi's eyebrows were also filled with sadness.

"Why did the imperial court issue an order to eliminate those who are unwilling to go to Chang'an, and at the same time ordered us to attack the main force of the Shu army?" Xinpi asked, "Don't the governors have no answer in their hearts?"

Sima Yi said: "I know that only by attacking the main force of the Shu army and consuming the Shu army can the foundation of the Shu army be shaken. But I also want to preserve the strength for the Wei Dynasty! Sun Wu is eyeing him with eagerness, and Gongsun Yuan is acting against the will. The Wei Dynasty not only wants Fight against the Shu army! Now that the weather has turned cold, can Zhuge Kongming with his weak body withstand the severe cold in Guanzhong?"

"The Governor is dedicated to serving the public, and I really admire him, but the current situation is forcing him!" Xinpi sighed bitterly, "After I returned to the camp, I carefully thought about what the envoy said when he came back a few days ago. It is very suspicious!"

"How do you say that?"

"I asked the envoy carefully later, and he said that he heard what was said inside the camp outside the camp."


"With Zhuge Kongming's caution, would he still let our envoy know if he knew that he was weak and sick?"

Sima Yi was shocked when Xin Pi reminded him.

"Could it be..." Sima Yi frowned, "Could it be that I fell into Kong Ming's trick!"

"Grand Governor, we have been delayed for several days. I am afraid that there will be many people going to Shu camp these days. Make a decision immediately!"

Seeing that Sima Yi was still hesitating, Xinpi said: "I have received news that His Majesty's imperial chariot will be marching in person. The holy chariot will arrive in Chang'an in a few days."

"Assemble the army tomorrow and I will fight Kong Ming to the death!"

Early in the morning of the fifth day of September, the autumn air was crisp. Li Heng finished his breakfast and went to Chencang County.

Dong Hong asked him: "Sima Yi's army has been arriving for several days, why has it been so late to take action?"

Li Heng replied: "Sima Yi wants to win."

"Lie down and win?"

"Just lie down and wait for the good news."

"Isn't this ridiculous!"

"Yeah, it's just ridiculous!"

"I've heard for a long time that Sima Zhongda is a rare all-rounder in both civil and military affairs in Wei. Is he really so ridiculous?"

"If the opponent were someone else, he wouldn't be so absurd, but if the opponent was the Prime Minister, he would be so absurd!"

"how do I say this?"

Li Heng smiled and said: "Sima Zhongda was extremely fierce when fighting elsewhere, but when he arrived in Guanzhong, he became very docile."

(End of this chapter)

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