I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 84 Zhao: It seems Zhuge Kongming is on his last legs!

Chapter 84 Zhao: It seems Zhuge Kongming is on his last legs!

Hu Zun sighed and said: "If the governor had listened to Duke Guo and built a city in the west, it would not have been like this."

Guo Huai smiled bitterly and said: "It's useless. In just twenty days, the Shu Army's new city has been built. If it were to be in the west, the Shu Army would have completed it before us."

Moreover, Guo Huai knew in his heart that the reason why Sima Yi put his main force in Chencang was because the Western Siege was too far from the commander's barracks.

Whether it is mobilizing civilians or food, the lines will be lengthened, making it easier to be attacked by the Shu army.

In the final analysis, no one is better than Guo Huai's strategy or Sima Yi's strategy.

There are two Long Roads.

One is from Chencang, along the Wei River to the west, and then to Tianshui.

Another route from Chencang goes northwest to Long County.

Qiaqiachencang is located at the intersection of these two roads.

That's why it is said that when Li Heng built the city in Chencang, he almost cut off the Long Road, and both of them were cut off.

This is also the reason why Sima Yi heavily deployed his troops in Chencang.

Guo Huai said that building the city in the west was nothing more than strengthening a line of defense.

Now Sima Yi asked him to go from Beiyuan to the west, focusing on defending the Wei River.

But Guo Huai will definitely not say that all his troops will be transferred to Western Wei, and he will leave some in Beiyuan to resist the Longxian Road.

On that day, Guo Huai led two thousand elite soldiers to the west, leaving three thousand soldiers and horses in Beiyuan.

There are still [-] troops and horses in Xiwei. If Guo Huairu reaches Xiwei, he will have [-] troops and horses.

Early in the morning on February 21st, after Guo Huai arrived in Xiwei, he began to organize his troops.

At this time, the report on the preliminary construction of the new city was also sent to Zhuge Liang's desk.

After reading it, Zhuge Liang stood up excitedly and walked out of the camp.

"Okay! Okay!" Zhuge Liang looked to the northwest on the other side. "The new city has been built. I ordered Ma Dai to lead another 2 troops across the river and enter the city. In addition, Wei Gong, you quickly mobilize [-] people to transport logistics and supplies. We are going to At the beginning of March, troops marched westward to Longyou!"


Yang Yi responded.

His expression didn't say anything, but his heart was extremely shocked.

In less than a month, Li Heng built the city!
He couldn't believe it for a moment.

"In addition, this year's spring plowing cannot be delayed."

"Prime Minister, don't worry." Fei Yi said, "Your Majesty will conduct inspections every day."

After Yang Yi received the order, he began to mobilize the logistics troops and civilians.

At noon on February 21st, Tianshui, Zhaoshi Wubao.

"How is the occupation now?" Zhao Yu asked.

Zhao Jun said: "The news just came back this morning. The Shu and Wei armies are fighting for Chencang. The Wei army has sent troops more than ten times."

"The Wei army sent troops more than ten times?" Zhao Yu began to think deeply, walked back and forth for a while and asked, "Where is the Shu army?"

"Always defended tenaciously."

"Was there an attack?"

"There was no attack!"

Zhao Yu's expression changed.

Seeing his brother's hesitation, Zhao Jun said: "The Shu army has obviously been restrained by the Wei army in this battle. With just one battle at Chencang, they will be unable to counterattack. This year's westward march to Longxi is empty talk."

"It's just starting, is it too early to make such a conclusion?"

"This is not the first time that the Shu army was repelled by the Wei army. Chencang is an important town, and Guo Huai is stationed in Beiyuan, echoing Chencang. Unless the Shu army can build a city near Chencang and store most of the main force there, but Sima Yi I will definitely not give the Shu army a chance!"

When Zhao Jun said this, Zhao Yu couldn't help but nodded. He really couldn't find any loopholes in his words.

"So you conclude that Zhuge Liang will be defeated this time?" Zhao Yu looked at his younger brother and asked. "Defeat is certain." Zhao Jun said, "There is no chance. Wei is far stronger than Shu. I heard that His Majesty personally conquered the army last year and left many elites for Sima Yi."

"So, there is no chance for our business with Zhuge Kongming?"

"At that time, you can go to Hanzhong and contact us privately." Zhao Jun said.

"So, will Zhuge Kongming still do business with us?"

"Their inability to enter Longyou is their own fault, so what does it have to do with us?" Zhao Jun said with a smile, "We can show our good will at that time. Zhuge Kongming's envoy said that we can cooperate with other families, but it is impossible. They can't even get out of Hanzhong, so what confidence do they have to negotiate terms with us."

Zhao Yu nodded, deeply convinced.

"So, we don't have to worry about the Shu army coming next?"

"Don't worry." Zhao Jun said confidently, "And now we can send people to find Kong Ming and take advantage of the Shu army's disadvantage to lower the price of paper!"

"Okay, just do as you say!"

"I'll make arrangements right now."

Zhao Jun left excitedly and immediately went to arrange people.

On February 22, Cao Shuang was woken up early in the morning.

Cao Shuang yelled angrily: "What are you disturbing my dream! If you don't give me a reasonable reason, I won't be able to spare you!"

"Mr. Cao, your Majesty makes an urgent statement!"

"Your Majesty?" Cao Shuang was stunned, and then asked, "When is it now?"

"It's just four quarters past ten o'clock (six o'clock in the morning)."

So early!
Cao Shuang looked outside, it was still dark.

Why is it so early today?

Not daring to hesitate, Cao Shuang changed his clothes and hurried into the palace.

When I entered the palace, I discovered that Sun Zi, Liu Fang, Liu Shao and others were all there, and even the two old guys Dong Zhao and Chen Qun were also there.

Cao Rui sat on the main seat, his face ashen.

Cao Shuang was stunned and quickly stepped forward.

"I see you, Your Majesty."

Cao Rui stared at Cao Shuang coldly and said, "Marquis Shaoling, Sima Zhongda has come to report to the army again."

Military report again?
Cao Shuang's heart skipped a beat, when did Sima Zhongda become like this?

Military reports come every three to five!
There is no end!

"The Shu army built a new city near Chencang!"

Cao Shuang was stunned again, a little unresponsive. He looked at the people around him. A group of people had solemn expressions. He looked at Cao Rui again, and then subconsciously said: "This is impossible! It's only been a few days!"

"A city built with bricks," Sun Zi said. "The Shu army prepared a large number of square bricks in advance and built such a city with bricks this month."

When he said this, the faces of everyone present became even more ugly.

The situation throughout last year was bad enough. It was so bad that Cao Rui's personal expedition still failed to shake the opponent, so he began to change his strategy and build cities and defense lines with the Han army.

Among them, the walled city from Chang'an to Mei County is responsible for protecting Chang'an.

The walled city on the Chencang front was responsible for containing the Han army's westward advance.

Here, the defense line in the direction of Chang'an is an important line of defense, while the Chencang defense line is an important and emergency line of defense.

Everyone in the Cao Wei court agreed that the key to this year was the battle for the Chencang defense line.

And more than half of the people believe that Sima Yi can rely on his strong military strength to restrain the Shu army on multiple fronts and wear down the Shu army, thereby achieving the purpose of occupying the Chencang defense line.

This time is probably around July this year.

But no one expected that in only February, the situation of the war would become clear.

(End of this chapter)

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