Chapter 85 Cao Wei’s dilemma
Cao Shuang was speechless.

Ten days ago, he said that the Western Front was nothing to worry about. Now, not only are there problems on the Western Front, but the overall situation is almost settled.

"Even if the Shu army started making bricks last year, they still wouldn't be able to burn enough bricks to build a city!" Cao Shuang said with a gloomy look.

"Don't forget, Marquis Shaoling. Starting last year, the Shu Army first improved its papermaking technology and then made a curved shaft plow. According to intelligence from the Western Front some time ago, the Shu Army was able to give large quantities of cloth to the people last year because of a kind of New textile looms." Liu Fang said, "These are said to come from the city on the west bank of Xieshui."

“What’s so special about that city?”

Liu Shao said: "The county magistrate of that city is called Li Heng. He improved papermaking, made the curved plow, and the new textile machine is also his masterpiece."

Cao Shuang asked: "Who is he and what clan does he come from?"

"His father's name is Li Ruji, and he is the physician to the Lord of Shu."

"The son of a doctor?" Cao Shuang asked in surprise.

"Yes, the son of a doctor."

Everyone fell silent again.

The Three Kingdoms are very particular about family status. No one here is from a noble family or a powerful one.

Except for Sun Zi and Liu Fang, they came from poor families.

But a poor family is also a family, and a down-and-out noble is a hundred times better than a doctor.

Papermaking improved the Han army's internal governance, the Quyuan plow allowed the Han army to quickly open fields on both sides of the Xianshui River, and textile looms allowed the Han army to recruit a large number of people.

Cao Shuang said: "So, the current situation is all caused by Li Heng?"

Cao Rui's face was even more ugly because last year he said to his subordinates on the Western Front that "Li Heng is not important."

The crowd was silent.

"So, this brick also came from this Li Heng?" Cao Shuang suddenly realized this problem and couldn't help but ask.

"I can't help but be this person."

"Who is this person?" Cao Shuang took a deep breath.

Chen Qun suddenly said: "I even suspect that this person came up with the Shu army's strategy of defending and waiting for attack."

"Why did Chen Sikong say this?"

"Papermaking, curved-turn plows, textile looms, and brick-making are all completely consistent with the Shu army's strategy of replacing attack with defense."

Everyone became quieter now, and there was an indescribable heaviness in their hearts.

Even a little suffocating.

This strategy has been unheard of before, and it is even more incredible that so many unheard-of things can be created under this strategy.

They originally thought Zhuge Liang was difficult enough to deal with, but now here comes Li Heng!

After a long silence, Cao Ruicai said: "What should we do with the current situation?"

The ministers fell silent again.

After a while, Dong Zhao said: "We can only continue to increase troops on the western front as Sima Zhongda said."

"From last year to this year, more than 15 troops have been invested in the Western Front!" Cao Shuang immediately retorted, "Where else can we mobilize troops now?"

Silence again.


That may not be possible in a short time. You must know that ten days ago, Zhuge Liang sent an envoy to Soochow. There was also discussion in the court.

Although Cao Wei also sent envoys, they certainly could not expect Sun Quan to cooperate immediately after the envoys passed by.

On the contrary, once Sun Quan knew that Wei was disadvantaged in fighting on the western front, the probability of sending troops would be greater.

Instead, it messed up the whole situation.

"We can mobilize troops from the northern front!" Cao Shuang said.

"No, Gongsun Yuan has already had different intentions." Chen Qun said.

"Then are they transferred from the capital?"

Dong Zhao said: "Your Majesty, there are at least more than [-] elite troops available on the Western Front. Now we need to increase more logistics and heavy troops."

Cao Rui asked: "How much more?" "According to previous news, Zhuge Liang claimed to have an army of 50. I estimate that Zhuge Liang may have about 20 troops. If he captures Longyou..." Dong Zhao said, " We must mobilize another 15 troops, so that we can speed up the construction of the defense line."

Cao Rui asked: "Do you want Longyou to give up?"

"Longyou naturally cannot give up." Chen Qun said, "Sima Zhongda is on the front line, and I think he should make the decision on this matter."

Cao Rui nodded, and other ministers also agreed.

At such a critical moment, of course the responsibility must be thrown to Sima Yi.

After all, it is customary to take the blame when someone is not present.

Cao Rui is in trouble again, deploying another 15 troops?

Although they are not an elite force that can be fought, this number still puts a lot of pressure on Cao Wei, who has infantry everywhere.

And it's not that big.

This will directly change Wei's logistics and financial status.

"Chen Sikong."

"The minister is here."

Cao Rui said tiredly: "You will be solely responsible for mobilizing another 15 troops."

"The minister leads the order."

Chen Qun is the leader of the civil servants of the Wei Dynasty, so he is the most suitable person to handle it.

Luoyang is shrouded in heavy haze.

On February 25, a large number of Han troops began their second crossing of the Wei River north.

On this day, Xiahouba sent troops early to intercept, but was hindered by Jiang Wei's troops.

That evening, all Ma Dai's [-] soldiers and horses successfully crossed the river.

When Ma Dai entered the new city, military camps, houses, and granaries had already begun to be built inside the new city.

On the second day, the Han army increased its troops to escort the civilians to cut trees.

Logging speed is greatly increased.

And now that the city is being defended, most of Jiang Wei's troops and horses can be freed up to help, plus the troops and horses brought by Ma Dai.

The construction speed within the entire new city is increasing rapidly.

On the first day of March, Zhuge Liang made another decision. He transferred Wei Yan to the new city and led [-] troops to march westward.

Wei Yan, the main general in the attack on Longyou, is the most suitable!

Guo Huai was defeated by Wei Yan back then.

Wei Yan himself was naturally very excited. He went to Li Heng specifically and said, contrary to his usual attitude, "Ji'an, thanks to you this time!"

"General, thank you for the award. Everyone built the city together!"

"You kid!" Wei Yan laughed. He was itching to wait for the expedition, and now he finally had a chance.

In fact, what Wei Yanlai said surprised Li Heng himself.

Because Wei Yan is an extremely arrogant person.

But that afternoon, when Xue Liang came from the south bank, he mentioned something to Li Heng: "Lang Jun, before I crossed the river on the south bank, I heard that a caravan came from the west, and it seemed that they were from the Tianshui Zhao family. "

"Tianshui Zhao family?"

Li Heng was startled, why did Zhao send people here at this time?Have they already learned that our army has seized the initiative to advance westward?

At present, the people sent by Zhao Jun hurried to Wuzhangyuan.

In the evening, the request for an interview was submitted.

"People sent by Zhao Yu?" Zhuge Liang was also a little confused. Did he send someone so soon?

Zhao Ling waited outside the military camp for a while and complained impatiently: "Why haven't you seen me yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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