I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 86: Promotion to Western Expedition Military Advisor

Chapter 86: Promotion to Western Expedition Military Advisor
"What's the current situation in Bei'an New City?" Zhuge Liang asked.

"all the best."

"How are you prepared, Chief Wen?" Zhuge Liang asked again.

"It is expected that troops can be dispatched in five days."

Zhuge Liang stood up, walked to the candlelight, looked at the map with piercing eyes, and said to Fei Yi: "What do you think of Pai Jian heading west with Wei Yan?"

"Prime Minister, Ji'an doesn't know how to fight." Before Fei Yi could speak, Yang Yi spoke first.

Zhuge Liang said: "I am not asking Ji'an to lead the troops, but to assist Wei Yan. If there is an attack on the city, his engineering battalion can come in handy."

Fei Yi then said: "Ji'an's performance this time is indeed very good. It is a great achievement. The prime minister can reward him first and then send him to follow him."

Fei Yi knew as soon as he heard that Zhuge Liang wanted Li Heng to participate in the military more and cultivate Li Heng's military talents.

Just think about it, what level of general was Wei Yan?

Wei Yan is the highest-ranking general in Ji Han!

Asking Li Heng to follow him in the Western Expedition was not just for learning, but also for gaining military merit.

Yang Yi made it clear that it was jealousy.

Zhuge Liang said: "Pass on my order to promote Ji'an to the position of military advisor for the Western Expedition."

"Prime Minister..."

Before Yang Yi spoke, Fei Yi quickly said: "Here!"

What level is a military advisor?
It is equivalent to a chief of staff who is more senior than joining the army and makes suggestions.

In fact, it doesn’t have much real power.

This shows that Zhuge Liang has recognized Li Heng's strategic talents.

Zhuge Liang was a military advisor?
No, no, Zhuge Liang is the military advisor, Zhonglang General, and the focus is on the Zhonglang General.

is a completely different concept.

Zhuge Liang said again: "Let Ji'an come back first, and go and report it now."


Soon, Fei Yi came out.

Fei Yi had a gentle smile on his face: "Mr. Zhao?"

"Who's here?" Zhao Ling asked.

"A certain Fei Yi and Fei Wenwei."

"It turns out to be Fei Wenwei, I've heard of you." Zhao Ling raised his chin slightly with a smile on his lips, "Where is your Prime Minister?"

The other party was obviously contemptuous.

Fei Yi was Sima of the Prime Minister's Office and a core official of Ji Han. Although the Zhao family was from a prominent family in Tianshui, Zhao Ling was only of the younger generation.

Even if an envoy from Wei came and saw Fei Yi, he would not be so rude.

Fei Yi was not angry, and even had a smile on his face.

If it had been Yang Yi, it would have exploded on the spot.

This was an important reason why Fei Yi was able to kill Yang Yi later.

The more stupid a person is, the easier it is for them to be dominated by their emotions and be led by others.

"Zi Wei, please stop being rude." Another young man on the side said.

Zhao Ling restrained himself slightly.

"I, Zhao Xiang, have met Fei Sima."

Fei Yi said kindly: "It's getting late. I'll let you two rest first. The Prime Minister will meet you two early tomorrow morning."

Zhao Xiang and Zhao Ling took their people and moved into the house below Wuzhangyuan.

In the middle of the night, Li Heng hurried back and went to Wuzhangyuan.He walked into Zhuge Liang's military camp.

"I will see you, Prime Minister!"

"You're back, sit down." Zhuge Liang was happy when he saw Li Heng, and a smile bloomed on his face.

"Prime Minister, it's so late, you should rest early!" Li Heng advised.

"It doesn't matter, I just slept late for the past two days. I completed the construction of the city on the north bank. I was so happy that I couldn't sleep."

Li Heng couldn't help laughing, it turned out that Zhuge Liang also had this side.

It should be said that Zhuge Liang is a very pure person and a man of good temper. He should have such a side.

"Zhao Jun sent someone here." Zhuge Liang said.

"Xiaoguan heard about it. We just finished building the city not long ago, and the news probably hasn't reached Tianshui yet. They hurriedly sent people here, fearing that they thought we were being suppressed by the Wei army and wanted to take the opportunity to bargain with us."

Zhuge Liang nodded, obviously agreeing with what Li Heng said.

"Meet them with me tomorrow, and then you and Wei Yan will march west together. When we arrive at Tianshui, we will be more familiar with them."

Li Heng instantly understood that he was called back for this reason.

"Wei Wenchang is impatient and arrogant. There is absolutely no problem in fighting, but the aftermath is not his specialty. I need to hear your thoughts on how Tianshui will arrange it."

"It's enough to kill Zhao's majesty tomorrow. Zhao is a wallflower and will be beneficial to us in a short period of time. It is not appropriate to kill too many people in Longyou. We should use force to deter and lure with benefits to quickly rectify a group of combatable soldiers. At the same time, we get an objective war horse. In short, we cannot show off the courage of an ordinary man."

Zhuge Liang nodded. He felt more at ease. He almost didn't need to explain himself, Li Heng knew everything.

On the second day, the Zhao family followed all the way to Wuzhangyuan and entered Zhuge Liang's headquarters.

"I, Zhao Xiang, see Prime Minister Zhuge."

After saying that, he touched Zhao Ling next to him, and then Zhao Ling said: "I, Zhao Ling, have met Prime Minister Zhuge."

"No need to be polite." Zhuge Liang smiled and said, "Please sit down."

The two take their seats.

Zhuge Liang asked: "I wonder what important business you two have here?"

"We are here to discuss business." Zhao Ling spoke first.

Zhao Xiang did not stop him this time, but let Zhao Ling speak.

"I heard that the paper was made by the Prime Minister, and we want to exchange it for more paper."

"I did not make the paper," Zhuge Liang said, "but I did send the envoy there, and I do want to have further contact with Duke Zhao."

"In that case, let's make this deal." Zhao Ling stood up and looked at Zhuge Liang and said, "I am a sincere person and speak directly. Your paper is too expensive!"

"Watch your tone!" Yang Yi on the side jumped up, stared at Zhao Ling and said, "The person in front of you is the Han Prime Minister!"

"Hahaha!" Zhao Ling laughed, "Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty? Isn't the Han Dynasty dead long ago?"

"Don't be rude, Shuzi!" Yang Yi scolded, and then shouted outside, "Come here, take this man out!"

"Your majesty, don't be rude." Zhuge Liang stood straight in front of him with his left hand, his tone was calm and his face was calm.

"Prime Minister, this person actually came here and made rude remarks. If he doesn't teach him a lesson, where is the majesty of my great man!"

"The majesty of the great man?" Zhao Ling continued to sneer and suddenly scolded, "The majesty is not something that can be expressed in words, but the soldiers!"

Yang Yi said angrily: "Do you think my Han army is not strong enough to deal with your Zhao family?"

Zhao Ling said unceremoniously: "You should stop the Wei army first and then talk about it!"

Yang Yi was about to say more, but was interrupted by Zhuge Liang, who asked: "Are you two here to do business or to lower prices?"

At this time, Zhao Xiang stood up, saluted, and said: "Of course we are here to do business, but the price of paper is indeed a bit high, so I want to talk about it again."

At this time, Li Heng stood up and said: "We have reduced the price and gave you a batch. You don't think the price is high, but you think we are being restrained by the Wei army. We need you, so you come to take the opportunity to negotiate terms. "

As soon as Li Heng said this, Zhao Ling was startled. He was about to speak, but Li Heng beat him to it: "Really?"

(End of this chapter)

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