I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 94 Sima Yi’s tactical retreat

Chapter 94 Sima Yi’s tactical retreat
The soldiers and horses in the Western Siege were not elite in themselves, and the main force retreated. Guo Huai felt that the battle could not be fought.

After all, the main responsibility lies with Sima Yi. I, Guo Huai, should preserve our strength and make a tactical retreat, right?

On the [-]th, when Wei Yan had reorganized his main force and marched westward, preparing to attack Guo Huai, he received information that only the main camp of the Wei army in the west was surrounded.

Faced with this situation, Wei Yan and Li Heng could only reluctantly accept it and speed up their westward march.

At noon that day, Sima Yi's main force had retreated twenty miles north of Chencang County, not far from Beiyuan.

On this battlefield, there is Xiahou Ba and Jiang Wei.

Twenty miles west of Chencang, there is Zhang Yi tribe.

The defeat caused by Zhang Hu's arrogant assertion caused the entire battle situation to quickly deviate from Sima Yi's original expectations.

This resulted in a strange pattern where the four legions were densely distributed around Chencang.

Moreover, in the area around the Western Siege battlefield, Sima Zhaoduan's cavalry was still roaming around.

Chen Cang: After all, I was the one who shouldered everything!

At this time, Sima Yi's main force had more than 6 troops, and Xiahou Ba had [-] troops.

They are all north of Chencang.

Jiang Wei has [-] troops and Zhang Yi has [-] troops. They are all located near the Wei River.

When Sima Yi's main force withdrew there, he stopped and set up camp.

Obviously, Sima Yi was not ready to give up, but wanted to rest for a few days, so as to wait until Sima Zhao's cavalry returned.

The summary of the battle report was not sent to Zhuge Liang's case until the [-]th.

This report included Zhang Hu's defeat, Sima Yi's retreat location, and Xiahou Ba's whereabouts.

It also includes the location of Zhang Yi's station and Jiang Wei's location.

"Sima Yi is stationed north of Chencang. It seems he doesn't want to give up!" Huo Yi said.

"Do we need to ask Wei Yan to suspend his westward advance?" Yang Yi said.

"No need, Sima Yi is just fighting a trapped beast now. His only purpose in doing this is to consume more of our army." Zhuge Liang stood up, with a relaxed smile on his face, walked to the map, and looked at it attentively.

"With the battle at this point, Sima Yi did not dare to advance further west. All he could do was restrain the Chencang front, but he was already a tired army." Zhuge Liang turned around, his eyes brighter, "Order Boyue to lead the attack and attack Sima Yi !”

Fei Yi said: "Prime Minister, there are tens of thousands of Sima Yi's troops. Will we attack now..."

"No, let Jiang Boyue send troops, and Zhang Yi will be ready to provide support."


"Report! Prime Minister!" At this time, a voice came from outside.

"What's the matter?"

"There is someone outside who claims to be Zhang Hu, Marquis of Jinyang of Wei State, and wants to see the Prime Minister!"

Zhuge Liang and everyone looked at each other, and Yang Yi on the side immediately said: "Well done, kill him to show the three armies!"

"No." Zhuge Liang said, "Bring him in."

Not long after, Zhang Hu was brought in.

He knelt in front of Zhuge Liang and cried bitterly: "The guilty general Zhang Hu pays homage to the prime minister!"

"Get up and talk."

Zhang Hu stood up and cried bitterly: "The guilty general has heard of the Prime Minister's virtuous name for a long time, so he came here to abandon the dark side and surrender to the bright side. If the Prime Minister does not give up, I am willing to wipe out the life of the great man!"

Yang Yi said: "You lost the battle and were afraid that Sima Yi would kill you..."

Zhuge Liang interrupted Yang Yi and said to Zhang Hu: "I am deeply pleased that the general can join the Han Dynasty."

Zhang Huyi cried sternly: "Prime Minister, the Wei thieves killed innocent people indiscriminately. The criminal general has long been disgusted with it. This time, the old thief Sima sent the criminal general to intercept Master Wang. The criminal general recalled all the past and couldn't bear to help the tyrants, so he We withdrew our troops at a critical moment, but some people in the army were unwilling to abandon the dark side and surrender to the bright side together with the guilty general. In the end, the guilty general could only bring some of his troops to join the big man!"

Zhuge Liang nodded and said, "Okay, okay, you can settle down here."

Zhang Hu was overjoyed.

In the afternoon, Sima Yi inspected various ministries in the military camp.

Sima Zhao is back.

"Great Governor!"

Seeing that Sima Zhao came back safely, Sima Yi breathed a sigh of relief.Xin Pi asked: "Is there any movement of the Shu army?"

Sima Zhao replied: "The Shu army that defeated Zhang Hu's troops temporarily stopped by the Wei River twenty miles southwest of our army and made no movement."

Sima Yi said with a gloomy face: "Where is Zhang Hu?"

"Not found yet!" Xin Pi also said with a gloomy face, "We are searching everywhere. I suspect that he went to surrender to Zhuge Liang."

"Zhang Wenyuan's good son!" Sima Zhao said coldly.

At this time, another military report came over. After reading it, Sima Yi said: "Guo Huai has withdrawn his troops."

Sima Zhao said: "Guo Huai dares to leave his post without permission!"

Sima Yi did not want to mention Zhang Hu or Guo Huai, but said: "First arrange the cavalry to return to the defense and press the battle line to the vicinity of Chencang."

Xin Pi suddenly said: "Grand Governor, we are so close to the Shu army. Will the Shu army come to attack us?"

Sima Yi smiled and said: "Absolutely not. Our troops are several times larger than the Shu army. Zhuge Liang will act more cautiously now. As long as our army deploys defenses..."

As soon as Sima Yi finished speaking, the scouts rushed over: "Report! Grand Governor, the main force of the Shu army is coming!"

Half an hour later, Sima Yi's main force turned tactically.

At the same time, the Xiahou Overlord's main force advanced towards Jiang Wei's tribe to cover the Wei army's turnaround situation.

On the [-]th, Xiahou Ba's tribe and Jiang Wei's tribe launched a positional battle ten miles north of Chencang City.

The two sides fought from morning to evening. In the end, the Wei army was defeated in several rounds of attacks, ending with the collapse of the Wei army.

On the Guanzhong Plain at dusk, there were dead Wei soldiers everywhere, and even the water of the Wei River was dyed red.

The defeated Wei army dispersed like a tide.

A general who followed Xiahou Ba's defeat said: "General, the governor has retreated, we..."

Xiahou Ba immediately retorted: "Nonsense! The Governor meant that the main force intended to retreat. If the Shu army dared to pursue them, they would have fallen into the trap of the Governor!"

On March [-], Liu Zhi, the magistrate of Chencang County, opened the city gate and delivered a letter of surrender to Jiang Wei.

At this point, all the northern and southern banks of Chencang fell into the hands of the Han army.

Both the Shanggui-Weishui Road (Nanlong Road) in the south and the Beilong Road in Chencang Long County were both controlled by the Han army.

Only Beiyuan Shang participated in thousands of Wei troops, and he was no longer afraid.

Ji Han's strategy of cutting off Long was completed, and Chang'an completely lost contact with Long You.

On the morning of March 21, Liu Yu, the magistrate of Shanggui County, had just finished defecating and came out of the toilet, when he heard the following coming to report: "Ming Gong, Ming... Ming Gong! Something serious has happened!"

"What's the fuss!"

"Shu...the Shu army is coming!"

"What did you say!"

"The Shu Army is here!"

Liu Yu was stunned for a while before he came to his senses and said: "Close the city gate immediately and recruit warriors in the city to resist the enemy invaders!"

At noon, Li Heng rode his horse and followed Wei Yan's troops to the foot of Gui City.

The head of Shanggu City was already filled with defenders.

Not long after, Liu Yu personally climbed to the top of the city.

Wei Chang stepped forward and shouted: "General of the city, open the city gate now and welcome Master Wang. I will spare your life!"

Liu Yu was furious and cursed loudly: "I am Liu Yu, the magistrate of Shanggui County. Please retreat quickly, otherwise I will kill you with my sword!"

"I would rather die than surrender?"

"I would rather die than surrender!"

Wei Chang turned around and went back, and the Han army began to prepare to attack the city.

Immediately there were shouts of killing.

"What are you looking at!" Liu Yu shouted to the people next to him: "Hurry up and open the city gate to welcome Master Wang!"

(End of this chapter)

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