I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 95 Wei Yan: A brilliant military strategist!

Chapter 95 Wei Yan: A brilliant military strategist!
March 22, Zhaojiawu Fort, Hebei County.

"Stand over there and lift up the hem of your skirt, yes, lift it up like this." Zhao Jun was painting enthusiastically.

"Father, this is the last batch of paper." Zhao Ling said.

"The last batch again?"

Zhao Jun frowned slightly.

How can it be used so quickly?
He glanced at Zhao Ling and asked, "Did the Shu army send anyone to reply to us?"

"I haven't received any news yet, but father doesn't have to worry. The Shu army has no choice now."

Zhao Jun said while painting: "You can't say so absolutely. Kong Ming is a very human being after all. Sima Zhongda was defeated by him in the battle of Lucheng four years ago."

"Why should my father be afraid of Zhuge Liang!" Zhao Ling said with a smile, "I went to his camp to talk and put forward conditions, but Zhuge Liang did not dare to refute!"


"He is old!" Zhao Ling continued, "Is it possible that my father, like my uncle, thinks that the Shu army can defeat me in Tianshui again!"

"Report! Report! Duke Zhao! Something bad has happened! Something bad has happened! The Shu army has captured Shanggui!" A man rushed towards the corridor in front and shouted loudly.

Zhao Ling turned around and looked with confusion on his face.

What did he say?

"Report! Duke Zhao! The Shu army captured Shanggui!"

The man ran over panting and handed over the paperwork.

The faces of Zhao Jun and Zhao Ling turned pale on the spot.

Zhao Jun hurriedly opened the letter, but the next moment he threw it out as if it was burned by fire: "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

Zhao Ling kicked the person who was delivering the message, knocked him to the ground, and angrily yelled, "How dare you deliver false information! Be careful, I'll chop you down!"

At this time, Zhao Jun received the news that Zhao Yu called him to the front yard.

By the time Zhao Jun and Zhao Ling hurried to the front yard, the Zhao family's tribe was already gathering.


Zhao Yu looked at Zhao Jun solemnly and said: "Zhuge Liang's army has already captured Shanggui, and they captured it in less than a day!"

Zhao Jun took two steps back and said in surprise: "Didn't Sima Zhongda's main force hold back the Shu army in Chencang?"

"I just received the news that Sima Zhongda's [-]-strong army has been defeated and fled!"

Zhao Ling on one side collapsed to the ground.

He suddenly remembered what Li Heng said that day: I hope you will say the same thing to me in half a month!
Recalling what he said in front of Zhuge Liang in order to show off, he was so frightened that he almost spilled some unknown liquid.

On March 23, the Han army came to Ji County.

At this time, the prefect of Tianshui County was Lu Zhi.

Who is Lu Zhi?
In one sentence: Have courage and strategy.

According to official historical calculations, after Cao Shuang came to power, he served under Cao Shuang.

Cao Shuang reminded Cao Shuang many times, but Cao Shuang never stopped.

After the Gaoping Ling Incident, Cao Shuang was hesitant to surrender, but Lu Zhi led the crowd to protect Cao Shuang. Lu Zhi said to Cao Shuang: You are in a high position, if you give up this opportunity, you will be a dog in the future. I can't even come out, let alone alone.

Cao Shuang refused to listen, so Sima Yi successfully gained power.

When Lu Zhi got the Han army to come to Ji County, he immediately began to organize troops and horses for defense and mobilized the people to fight together.

After the army arrived at the city, Li Heng observed the city in good order and asked Wei Chang: "Who is the prefect of Tianshui?"

"The governor of Tianshui is Lu Zhi."

"How is this person?"

Wei Chang said: "This person has quite a political achievement and reputation in Tianshui. It may be difficult to attack this Ji County. I suggest you go to Zhao's Wubao first and start from Zhao's Wubao. After capturing it, you can Obtain more people and food, and slowly besiege Ji County."

"That's too slow." Li Heng said, "If our army can capture Ji County in a short time, not only the Zhao family, but also other counties will definitely surrender after hearing the news."

"The military advisor is so sure, does he have a good plan?" Wei Yan said.

"Of course, give me two days."

"What is the military advisor going to do?"

"Build a powerful siege weapon for Marquis Nanzheng."

Wei Yan and Wei Chang looked at each other.

Li Heng made arrangements that day, and he brought a total of one hundred engineers.

First they felled the wood, and then the engineers began to make the equipment according to the drawings.

Lu Zhi at the top of the city observed that the Han army was coming but did not move, which was very strange.

The next day, Lu Zhi arrived at the top of the city, but there was still no movement from the Han army.Zhang Rang, the chief official, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Master Fu, it seems that the Han army also knows that it will not be easy to capture our Ji County."

Lu Zhi did not express his position. He said to everyone: "Don't take it lightly. As long as we work together, we can stop the Shu army!"

Everyone was united and said: "Defend the city to the death!"

At noon, Wei Chang ran over.

"military adviser?"

"Don't rush it, it's ready."

Wei Chang looked at the big guy in front of him and wondered: "What is this?"

"Goose Cart."

"Goose carriage?"

"Yes, Goose Cart!"

"Can this attack the city?"

"You'll know if you go in and take a look!"

Wei Chang went in curiously, and came out after a while. He was shocked and said: "Connect the ladder with a rope!"

"Yes, if the soldiers drill inside, they can block the opponent's arrows and even the wood falling from the city."

"Okay!" This was the first time Wei Chang saw this kind of siege equipment, and he was overjoyed on the spot.

As for the goose chariot, it only appeared in the Tang Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, siege battles became more brutal.

In the Southern Song Dynasty, when Huihui artillery came out, brick cities like Xiangyang were smashed by you.

It's just that I definitely can't retaliate right now.

There is no technical content in Hui Hui Pao.

The Wei State has a large number of people. If Wei Guo learns from it, the Wei army will attack Yizhou from all directions, and the city will not be defended at all. Instead, it will help the enemy.

In the afternoon, about forty goose carriages were completed. They were all made of wood and were not difficult to build.

But this thing made even Wei Yan's jaw drop when he saw it.

As promised, the Han army immediately dispatched the vanguard.

More than forty goose carts pushed toward the city wall of Ji County. The Han army's drums beat loudly, and soon a batch of arrows rained down from the top of the city.

The arrows either hit the goose cart or fell to the ground.

When the goose cart arrived at the city, the soldiers inside pulled the rope, and the ladder was raised by itself, leaning against the city head.

The Wei army on top of the city was also stunned.

Even Lu Zhi was confused.

It was also the first time for him to see this kind of siege equipment.

The Wei army itself was not very effective in combat, so it had a great advantage to defend the city.

But as soon as the goose cart came up, the advantage of defending the city was greatly reduced.

If the Wei army in Hebei County had good field combat capabilities, even if the Han army had goose chariots, it would be difficult to capture them, but their field combat capabilities were not strong.

Soon, Han troops attacked the city.

Then one group after another entered the city, and the city's defenses were breached before dark.

Lu Zhi was captured and escorted to the front of the battle.

Wei Yan smiled so much that he couldn't help but said to Li Heng, "The military advisor is brilliant!"

"Not enough."

Before dark that day, Zhaojiawu Fort.

Zhao Yu asked Zhao Jun: "Are you all ready?"

Zhao Jun said: "All defenses are ready."

"I'm worried."

"Brother, don't worry, Lu Gong is a well-known figure." Zhao Jun said, "And our Wubao is extremely strong, and the prefect will definitely resist with all his strength. It will not be easy for the Shu army to capture Ji County."

"This time, Sima Zhongda will not come to help us again."

"The Shu army has come all the way, so food and grass must be a hidden danger. It's spring now, and there are no crops in the fields. It's impossible for them to supply supplies!"

 Hey guys, it will be on the shelves tomorrow at 12:00 noon. You are welcome to come and support me.

(End of this chapter)

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