I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 101 It turns out to be Mrs. Wang

Chapter 101 It turns out to be Mrs. Wang

Lu Cheng listened to the noise at the door and was wondering who was at the door.

When he saw the door open, Lu Cheng originally thought it was Zhang Xiaoyun coming in, but he was a little surprised when he saw that the person who poked his head in at the door was Shen Xue.

Although Shen Xue has almost recovered her sanity, in terms of courage and lust, Zhang Xiaoyun's custard bun is still better.

Seeing Shen Xue's appearance, Lu Cheng was a little surprised.

However, he pretended to be reserved and hugged his chest and said ah to Shen Xue.

"Shen Xue, why did you come in without even saying hello? I'm taking a shower."

Shen Xue's face turned slightly red. After closing the bathroom door, she walked leisurely to the edge of Lu Cheng's bathtub.

He reached into the water, stirred it, and said.

"Master, are you taking a bath? Why are you taking a rolling pin with you?"

"Haha, you just don't understand men. This is to ensure that every inch of skin is fully clean. Only men can understand this."

After Lu Cheng finished speaking confidently, Shen Xue took off her clothes and got into the bathtub without saying a word.

"Then master, please give me a good cleaning."

I don't know why, but I always feel that Shen Xue is much more enthusiastic than usual today.

Shen Xue sat on Lu Cheng's body, her posture unexpectedly dignified and elegant.

Her body was turned slightly sideways, allowing her bunny curves to be on full display.

Her waist is slightly twisted, showing a soft S-shaped line.

One of her hands gently went around Lu Cheng's neck, and the other hand gently rested on her thigh, with her wrist slightly raised, making the lines of her hand very graceful.

She straightened her back and looked at Lu Cheng's smiling face. Shen Xue's neck was straight and her head was slightly tilted towards Lu Cheng. Her breath was like blue from her red lips, which made Lu Cheng feel itchy inside.

Her legs were folded together gently, and her toes slightly touched Lu Cheng's calf, giving Lu Cheng a feeling of electric shock all over his body.

Lu Cheng had an illusion. Why hadn't he noticed that Shen Xue was so provocative before?

"Xiaoxue, if you sit on my lap again, it's really a crime. I'm on fire. I don't know if you can bear it."

Lu Cheng was still pretending to be reserved and smiling.

But in fact, he had already put his arms around Shen Xue's Xiliu waist.

Shen Xue leaned entirely on Lu Cheng.

He said while drawing circles on his chest with a hand.

"Master can do whatever he wants?"

Just as he was about to start punishing Shen Xue, he suddenly heard another sound from the door.

"Master, I've brought you some clothes."

Lu Cheng was startled when he heard this voice.

No, it was Shen Xue who was talking outside.

Then who is this Shen Xue underneath?

Lu Cheng was a little confused and looked at Shen Xue who was pressed by him on the edge of the bathtub. Shen Xue tilted her head and said with a confused expression on her face.

"Well, the one outside must be fake."

Lu Cheng reacted immediately and sensed it carefully.

Good guy, this isn't Shen Xue in front of me, it's just Zhang Xiaoyun using imitation skills.

Lu Cheng directly raised his hand and patted the fake Shen Xue's butt in front of him.

"Ah, master, why are you beating me? It's obvious that the one outside is the fake one, so take the one outside and beat him up."

Lu Cheng didn't say anything and slapped him a few more times.

"Well, you custard buns, forget it if others can't tell them apart. You think I can't tell them apart either, but don't forget that I am your master."

Lu Cheng chuckled, and Zhang Xiaoyun knew that he had been betrayed.

Her imitation skills can deceive anyone, but they can't really deceive Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng actually couldn't tell whether it was true or false, but if he calmed down carefully, he could still feel the subtle connection with the servants.

It was through this connection that Lu Cheng was able to discover that the person in front of him was actually the real Zhang Xiaoyun.

Zhang Xiaoyun did not cancel the imitation skill immediately, but stuck out his tongue at Lu Cheng in Shen Xue's appearance.

"Humph, anyway, the master likes other female zombies, but he doesn't like Xiaoyun. Then Xiaoyun will look like another female zombie every time."

Good guy, this custard bun is still jealous.

Lu Cheng chuckled in his heart, but instead held the other person in his arms gently and rubbed his body.

"Nonsense, your custard bun is my favorite. Change back quickly. I still like you as you were before."

Zhang Xiaoyun's mind wandered, and then she unlocked the imitation skill. Her figure transformed in Lu Cheng's arms and changed back to her original appearance.

Zhang Xiaoyun also has a very good figure, but is slightly inferior to Shen Xue.

But Lu Cheng actually likes any body shape.

Looking at the red-faced Zhang Xiaoyun in her arms, she touched the warm water next to her.

Lu Cheng knew that the bath water in this bathtub was probably not enough for him to take a bath this time.

Shen Xue outside the bathroom was still wondering why the owner didn't reply?
Then I heard some weird noises coming from the bathroom.

It's like someone is playing with slapping the water with their hands.

But that voice was very familiar to Shen Xue. She looked around outside and couldn't find Zhang Xiaoyun, so Shen Xue knew what was happening in the bathroom.

Don't give the master any clothes at this time. The master probably won't be able to wear clothes at night.


It has to be said that after regaining her rationality, Shen Xue's judgment was still correct.

Lu Cheng did not put on any clothes all night.

It's not that he has exhibitionism, it's mainly because he doesn't have the chance.

Early the next morning, I hurriedly put on a set of sportswear and walked outside to do some activities.

Although there was enough activity last night, there was fresh air outside.

Otherwise, the smell of hormones will always smell in the house, which is not good for the body. The main reason is that the blood is not flowing smoothly.

Lao Zhao had already gotten up and was outside the villa with Du Zi and others, counting the quantity and types of building materials.

This thing is a very important thing. After all, these building materials are needed for the subsequent reinforcement of defenses of the nursing home, the construction of new houses, etc.

As for the villa area, it will also need to be renovated later, so it is natural that it cannot be careless.

Du Zi and the others started working early in the morning, but Lu Cheng slept until dawn.

I felt a little embarrassed and walked over to say hello to them.

"Du Zi, good morning, Lao Zhao."

Everyone saw Lu Cheng coming out and greeted him one after another.

Du Zi, as if he had something on his mind, walked to Lu Cheng and said.

"Brother Cheng, I have something to discuss with you."

Du Zi rarely mentioned his requests, and Lu Cheng nodded without thinking too much.

"What's the matter?"

"Brother Cheng is like this, didn't we go to the construction site in Dongcheng yesterday?

I saw that two of my childhood friends were still alive. To be honest, I didn’t expect them.

They lost their cell phones after the apocalypse began, so they never contacted each other.

After meeting yesterday, they said they wanted to come over and join us. I thought that the nursing home was short of manpower, and they were completely trustworthy people.

I know them very well from playing together since childhood. If Brother Cheng doesn’t mind, I’ll let them come over some other time. "

After listening to Du Zi's words, Lu Cheng laughed, patted Du Zi on the shoulder and said.

"Since they are people you trust, Du Zi, of course there is no problem, but it may not be safe for them to come here. You can drive a car to pick them up later."

Du Zi knew that Lu Cheng didn't like too many people joining his team, but now that he could actually get approval, Du Zi never expected that.

Naturally, he was very happy and could even drive to pick up the two children. Du Zi immediately nodded and said:
"Brother Cheng, don't worry. I'll drive to pick them up later. I'll make sure I explain all the rules to them and won't cause any trouble to Brother Cheng."

In fact, Lu Cheng doesn't have any rules here. Just be obedient and don't come and disturb him if you have nothing to do.

Lu Cheng greeted them and went to the laboratory to visit Jiang Lei. Jiang Lei was still immersed in experiments these days, but there was no new breakthrough.

The main reason is that there are too few researchers. He does various experiments by himself and cannot keep up with the energy.

But Lu Cheng had no other choice.

Another research tycoon he knows is Liu Mengyang, but Liu Mengyang is now in Councilor Wang's team.

After leaving the nursing home, Lu Cheng received a text message from Cai Yong not long after.

[Cai Yong: Brother Lu Cheng, I have already discussed this with Councilor Wang.

Brother Lu Cheng was officially invited to attend the Survivor Alliance Conference the day after tomorrow.As long as you come to our place to participate in the alliance conference, you will receive one hundred kilograms of supplies.

I know that these supplies are nothing to me, but I hope that Brother Lu Cheng will not refuse. If you have time, please reply to me. Thank you. 】

Lu Cheng did not reply immediately after seeing the message. When he was considering whether to go there, Xu Jingqiu called.

"Hello, Officer Xu."

Lu Cheng quickly answered the phone, and Xu Jingqiu asked on the other end of the phone.

"Lu Cheng, have you received the invitation from Councilor Wang?"

"You are probably talking about the Survivor Alliance Conference the day after tomorrow?"

"Sure enough, Lu Cheng, you also received an invitation. Although I didn't join the Survivor League conference, they also sent me an invitation message.

I contacted several surrounding survivor teams, and they seemed to have received the invitation. Lu Cheng, what do you say, should I go or not? "

It seemed that Xu Jingqiu was also hesitating about this question. Lu Cheng thought about it and asked.

"What is the size of the group of survivors you contacted?"

“I contacted five, all with nearly a hundred people.

There are them in the east, west and north of the city. They didn't have much contact with Councilor Wang's team before, and they only got in touch recently.

It seems that the invitation scope of Councilor Wang's team this time is quite wide, covering almost the entire city. "

After hearing Xu Jingqiu's answer, Lu Cheng smiled and said.

"Since we are not invited there alone, there is no such thing as a Hongmen Banquet.

There are so many survivor teams, I think it is impossible for Congressman Wang to offend them all.

Since there is a gift of [-] kilograms, I have to go there anyway. This advantage is not in vain. "

After Lu Cheng finished speaking, Xu Jingqiu on the other end of the phone also laughed and said.

"I think so too. If that's the case, then I'll give them a reply."

"that is it."

Lu Cheng hung up the phone and quickly wrote a reply message to Cai Yong.

[Lu Cheng: You’re welcome, I’ll be there on time. 】

[Cai Yong: Brother is willing to come. That’s great. I’ll send the detailed time and address to Brother Lu Cheng! 】

Cai Yong then sent the time and address.

Lu Cheng took a look and then sent a text message to Xu Jingqiu to confirm that it was correct.

Then he took out the map, narrowed the originally drawn large circle to a fixed range, and then wrote the words "Congressman Wang's team".

At this time, he had drawn several circles on his map.

Each circle represents a team of survivors, which is mainly for the convenience of Lu Cheng and them to communicate with each other.

Although Lu Cheng is not a survivor, but an alienated zombie, Lu Cheng still counts on these survivor teams to help him fight the zombies.

As for collecting alienated crystal cores, this was the same idea when I went to Congressman Wang to attend some alliance conference.

Zhang Xiaoyun will have to work hard to make alienation orbs in the past two days. By then, each team leader will be given two.

Then let them help you fight zombies when they have nothing to do to speed up your upgrade.

It just so happened that Lu Cheng still had a lot of doubts about Councilor Wang's survivor team. He went there the day after tomorrow and thought of ways to see if he could investigate their secrets.


Two days later, Senator Wang’s survivor base.

The walls are covered with propaganda slogans, and the houses are decorated with lights.

Everyone in the neighborhood is happy because today there will be many leaders of survivor strongholds coming from outside.

Congressman Wang told the survivors at his base about this incident last night.

Naturally, some survivors didn't understand at first. As long as they lived well themselves, they didn't care about the affairs of other survivors' bases.

However, after Congressman Wang's impassioned speech, everyone cheered.

They call themselves the beacon of human civilization, so naturally they must hold high the banner of leadership and lead other survivor bases.

For today's Survivor Alliance meeting, Congressman Wang even gave his survivor base a nice name.

Dawn Shelter.

"Dawn Sanctuary?"

Xu Jingqiu got out of the car and looked at the big sign hanging on the wall in front of him. The words Dawn Sanctuary were very conspicuous.

Lu Cheng also got out of his Land Rover, looked at the sign, and said with a chuckle.

"I will give my shelter a name later, and it will be called Jacky Cheung Sanctuary."

Xu Jingqiu knew that Lu Cheng was telling a cold joke, so he rolled his eyes at him and said:

“This Congressman Wang really has some leisure time, and he even named his own shelter.

Am I the only refuge in this world and am I living so hard every day? "

Xu Jingqiu sighed. It seemed that she was really worried about the development of the shelter.

Lu Cheng said comfortingly.

“As far as I know, Officer Xu’s shelter is developing quite well.

In this city, it should be among the top three.

At least the shelters I have seen are not as developed as Officer Xu’s shelter. "

Lu Cheng was not complimenting Xu Jingqiu. Judging from the actual situation he had seen so far, this was indeed the case.

It's just that the Dawn Shelter in front of me is no worse than Xu Jingqiu's shelter.

Not only was the outer wall protected by a ring of iron sheets, but the inner wall also had a wooden fence as a second line of defense.

There are guard towers in all directions, and the surrounding area has been cleared.

Many houses were knocked down by them, and the building materials were used to strengthen the defenses of their shelters.

Just looking in from the gate, you can see neat streets and cleanly dressed people.

There are also security personnel wearing police uniforms and so on.

At least in terms of order and appearance, Dawn Sanctuary is pretty good.

Xu Jingqiu and Lu Cheng arrived just in time, while the other leaders of the survivor base had already arrived at Dawn Sanctuary.

Many people looked like survivors of outsiders, standing in twos and threes on the street.

Looking around warily, some people had envy on their faces, as if they wanted to join the Dawn Sanctuary.

For various reasons, the number of people in each survivor base zone cannot exceed twenty.

Xu Jingqiu brought 20 people, but Lu Cheng didn't have that many, only Shen Xue and Zhang Xiaoyun.

The other survivor shelters also brought almost twenty people, and ten shelters were invited in total.

There were nearly [-] extra people in the Dawn Sanctuary, which suddenly made the shelter seem a lot more crowded.

What surprised Lu Cheng was that he originally thought that the aborigines in Dawn Sanctuary would be repelled or even disgusted by these new outsiders.

But what he saw was that the indigenous people in the brightly dressed Dawn Shelter did not treat these foreign guests in this way.

On the contrary, he waved and greeted everyone enthusiastically, not to mention asking for help, and even brought out drinks, coffee, etc. from home to entertain the guests.

When Lu Cheng walked through a small room, he saw a lady taking out a can of beer and handing it to him.

"Welcome to Dawn Sanctuary, I hope you have a pleasant experience here."

That kind of professional smile made Lu Cheng almost think that he was dealing with the stewardess on the plane.

After walking forward with Xu Jingqiu for a while, Cai Yong quickly led people to greet them. After seeing Lu Cheng and Xu Jingqiu, a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Mr. Lu Cheng, Officer Xu, you are finally here. Come on, come on, come with me to the conference hall. The other leaders have almost arrived."

Lu Cheng nodded, Xu Jingqiu also exchanged greetings, and then followed Cai Yong towards the conference hall.

But before entering the conference hall, Lu Cheng's attention caught sight of a slim woman standing at the door.

The woman was holding a cigarette in her hand, wearing a red mini-mama dress and heavy makeup.

The high heels on her feet were five or six centimeters high. They were leaning against the wall, and her slim figure was clearly visible against the backdrop of her little mother's skirt.

She looks just like those beautiful girls twisting and turning in Weiyin, but she is much prettier than the beautiful dancers in Weiyin.

"Who is that?"

Lu Cheng saw that this woman's dress and temperament were obviously different from other women in the apocalypse, and he looked at Cai Yong strangely.

Cai Yong was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile.

"That is our Congressman Wang's wife."

oh?It turned out to be Mrs. Wang.

Lu Cheng became interested.

(End of this chapter)

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