I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 102 "Mr. Lu Cheng, do you want to come to my house as a guest?"

Chapter 102 "Mr. Lu Cheng, do you want to come to my house as a guest?"

As if sensing Lu Cheng's gaze as she leaned against the wall, Mrs. Wang, who was smoking slowly, turned to look at Lu Cheng.

"Who are these two?"

Mrs. Wang looked at Xu Jingqiu and Lu Cheng. They were obviously the leaders of the survivor base who had been invited.

However, Mrs. Wang does not know him and has never seen him.

Cai Yong on the side quickly introduced:

"This is Officer Xu, who was well-known in the past, and established a shelter in the west. This is Lu Cheng, who wiped out the Skeleton Gang before."

After Cai Yong finished speaking, Mrs. Wang's eyes suddenly lit up when she looked at Lu Cheng.

Before she could speak, Lu Cheng stretched out his hand first, smiled at Mrs. Wang and said:

"Hello, Mrs. Wang, I'm Lu Cheng. Nice to meet you."

Mrs. Wang smiled and stretched out her hand, took Lu Cheng's hand, tilted her head and said:

"My surname is not Wang, my surname is Guan, Guan Xiaoting."

"Oh, it turns out to be Mrs. Guan. Nice to meet you."

Lu Cheng smiled and had just finished speaking when he felt the palm of his hand that he was holding with Mrs. Guan suddenly being scratched by a finger.

This was naturally scratched by Guan Xiaoting, and as soon as he looked up, he found that Guan Xiaoting blinked at him twice.

Before Lu Cheng could react, Guan Xiaoting had already pulled her hand back, then placed it dignifiedly on her lower abdomen, nodded to Lu Cheng, nodded and said:
"They are all waiting in the conference room. Mr. Lu and Officer Xu should go in quickly. I won't go in because I won't disturb your meeting."

Guan Xiaoting twisted her slender waist and walked past Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng only felt that he smelled a very fragrant fragrance. He turned back and looked at Guan Xiaoting's pert buttocks and swaying waist, and became thoughtful.

When Officer Xu saw Lu Cheng staring at Guan Xiaoting, he couldn't help coughing twice, and then said:
"Since everyone is waiting for us, let's go in quickly, Lu Cheng."

"it is good."

Lu Cheng responded, Cai Yong led the way, and Officer Xu followed closely.

Lu Cheng followed Xu Jingqiu, and Zhang Xiaoyun, the custard bun behind him, took two steps closer and whispered behind Lu Cheng:

"Master, why do you keep looking at my wife? Do you have this kind of hobby? I didn't know."

"Nonsense, I'm obviously handsome and my wife seduced me."

Lu Cheng continued with a serious face:

"I'm a gentleman."

Zhang Xiaoyun stuck out his tongue and said:
"Originally tonight, I was thinking about transforming into Guan Xiaoting to make the master feel better. If the master says so, then forget it."

"Wait a minute, it's not impossible to discuss this plan."

The two were joking here, and when they walked into the door, they heard noisy discussions inside.

In addition to the sounds of discussion, there was an unpleasant smell of sweat, smoke, and various other unexplained smells in the conference hall.

Du Zi, a rough guy, couldn't help but frown.

Lu Cheng stood at the door, glanced inside, and saw a long table with eight people sitting next to it.

In front of everyone there is a triangle with their name written on it, and on the front seat, there is also a triangle with their name written on it: Congressman Wang.

The two positions closest to Councilor Wang's position are written on one by Xu Jingqiu and the other by Lu Cheng.

Naturally, everyone was empty at this time, and when Cai Yong led everyone in, everyone looked at Lu Cheng at the door.

Some people immediately started talking quietly.

"That's Xu Jingqiu. I've seen him before. Who is that next to him?"

"Do you still need to ask about the one next to you? It must be Lu Cheng."

"He is Lu Cheng. He doesn't look very strong. But the one behind him with a human shield on his right hand seems to be more powerful. That person is Lu Cheng."

"Have you ever seen a boss walking behind someone? The one walking in front is definitely Lu Cheng."

In addition to the leaders of the eight other strongholds sitting around the long table, there were also several survivors standing behind the leaders, who were obviously their close relatives.

Lu Cheng glanced around and found that there were several people inside, all transformed survivors.

However, their levels are relatively low, similar to Du Zi's level.

The highest one is only LV4.

Levels like Lu Cheng are already far ahead, and Xu Jingqiu has also been upgraded recently. The current lv9 is expected to break through the lv10 mark soon.

But except for the survivors of one or two strongholds, they were dressed fairly cleanly.

The survivors in the other strongholds were not very clean, and they all looked quite sloppy.

In fact, Lu Cheng could understand how they dressed up.

In addition to powerful survivor shelters like Xu Jingqiu, they are also relatively close to water sources, so they can often arrange for members to take a bath and change clothes.

In other places, there are no such conditions.

Even though there is no water supply in the city, it is not easy to take a safe bath and wear clean and tidy clothes every day.

Sound will attract zombies.

And those zombies are scattered in every corner of the city. Every day when you open your eyes, you have to fight zombies and go out to find supplies.

It’s too late to survive the hard times, so how can you have time to take care of your personal hygiene?
At least in the first month and a half after the end of the world, Lu Cheng's living situation was like this.

As for being invited to a meeting, do you need to clean yourself up before coming?
It was possible to do this kind of thing before the end of the world, but now it is very precarious, so of course there will be no such leisure time.

Lu Cheng believed that if it weren't for the [-] kilograms of various supplies that Councilman Wang said, half of the leaders sitting here would not take the risk to come to participate in the meeting.

In fact, Lu Cheng was right, and it was indeed the case.

After Lu Cheng and Xu Jingqiu both sat down, Cai Yong walked to the back hall of the conference hall.

Obviously, Councilor Wang had already arrived at the conference hall, but he never showed up. Someone frowned dissatisfied and said:

"What kind of plane are you doing? Everyone is already here and you still can't get out?
Let's just sit here and wait. If there's anything we need to say, just say it.

How can you find the time to hold meetings every day? Have you not held enough meetings before the end? "

The survivor was wearing a suit, standing behind his leader, and complained dissatisfiedly.

His voice wasn't very loud, but it was loud enough for many people to hear.

As for whether the back hall heard it, that is another matter.

Judging from the survivor's appearance, he should have been a white-collar employee of the company before the apocalypse, and he probably had many meetings.

Although the others did not speak in agreement, they showed empathetic expressions.

Fortunately, Councilor Wang did not keep everyone waiting for too long, and soon walked in from behind.

All I saw was that Councilor Wang was a middle-aged man in his forties, with shiny hair.

Wearing a black and white suit and shirt, he is the standard dress of a successful person.

Although everyone had some dissatisfaction on their faces before.

Others were whispering bad things about Dawn Sanctuary.

But of course after Congressman Wang came in, everyone became obviously quieter.

Saying something behind your back is definitely another thing than saying it to your face.

Especially after they saw Dawn Sanctuary develop so well along the way.

Everyone knows that Councilor Wang is probably the strongest among everyone here.

Xu Jingqiu’s shelter does not have as many people as Congressman Wang’s shelter, nor does it develop as well.

Of course, only Lu Cheng knew that there were all kinds of arms, weapons and ammunition in Xu Jingqiu's shelter, which was much more than what Congressman Wang had.

But Xu Jingqiu never cares about the superficial work of holding meetings with slogans.

More importantly, we should improve the living standards of survivors and consider future development.

She would definitely not be able to do something like taking out supplies and entertaining other survivors for a meeting.

Lu Ben originally thought that Councilor Wang would also be a survivor, but he gave up this idea after seeing him.

He has no rank at all, he is just an ordinary person.

However, as an ordinary person, he was able to lead so many survivors to build such a large base.

Lu Cheng still felt that this person was quite capable.

Councilor Wang sat down on the main seat with a warm expression on his face. He did not speak, but clapped his hands.

Soon, several girls in small dresses came out of the back hall carrying plates.

There are some dishes on the plate, which are quite beautifully made.

It’s hard to imagine that in such an apocalyptic world, you can still eat dishes that are as good as a five-star hotel.

The girls dressed like waiters placed stacks of food in front of the leaders.

Many people's eyes were widened, either looking at the delicious food on the plate in front of them, or looking at the beautiful woman serving them.But no matter what, Councilman Wang's move clearly demonstrated his strength and attracted the attention of the leaders.

Even the man in the suit, who had complained openly just now, obediently kept his mouth shut at this time.

At this time, being able to arrange a reception of this standard, regardless of whether he is trying to show off as a fat person, most survivor bases, even if their faces are smashed, may not be able to show off this fat person.

After all the dishes were served, Councilor Wang said with a smile:

“I know everyone is usually very busy, but calling everyone here this time is also for everyone’s future development.

I believe that we are not very familiar with each other, but after today, I think we can interact more often.

Let’s work together to build a better home for the future. Let me propose a toast to you all. "

After Congressman Wang finished speaking innocuous words, he raised his wine glass, and then someone else followed him.

Some people didn't move and just looked at Councilor Wang, wondering what he wanted to do.

Councilor Wang quickly took a sip of the wine, put the glass down, and then waved his hand.

Cai Yong quickly took a large map, placed it behind Congressman Wang, unfolded it, and then heard Congressman Wang say:

"This catastrophe has lasted for more than three months. If you can survive the catastrophe and establish your own stronghold, I believe that you all have rich survival experience.

And sometimes, in order to survive, we have to do things that we didn’t dare to do before and would never do. "

After Congressman Wang finished speaking, many people's expressions changed, and they were silently thinking about the meaning of his words.

Someone snorted and said:
"Member Wang, what do you mean by this?
Could it be that he wants to ask us if we have done any bad things and wants to judge us at this time? "

After this person finished speaking, everyone else looked at Congressman Wang. Congressman Wang smiled and shook his head and said:

"Please don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no intention of standing up as a policeman and judging everyone.

In this doomsday, it is already very difficult to survive. Even if you do something that goes against your conscience, it is for the sake of survival. Everyone has the right to survive. "

As for the dead, of course they have no such right.


Councilor Wang changed his attitude, raised his hand and looked at the leaders and said:
“I think it’s best to end this disorderly situation as soon as possible.

In this city, there are still many scattered survivors. They are either acting recklessly outside the law, or they are weak and struggling to survive.

Various human tragedies are being staged every day, and as people who have the ability to change all this, we should unite at this time to reshape this city. "

After Congressman Wang finished speaking impassionedly, the members of Dawn Sanctuary beside him also showed proud and joyful expressions on their faces.

However, compared to Cai Yong and other people around Councilor Wang, the leaders of other survivor bases did not have much reaction.

There are really not many good people who can live to this point and in this position.

A kind-hearted military member like Xu Jingqiu has also been cruel several times.

It can even be said that Xu Jingqiu has killed many people himself.

However, Councilor Wang did not care about the expressions on everyone's faces, but stood up on his own, holding a small stick in his hand, pointing in the direction of the map and saying:
“In the future, I plan to establish a survivor alliance, which will divide the territory of each stronghold in this city.

In this way, we can each collect resources in our own territories without having to go to the city to conflict with other survivors in other places. "

“After collecting the city’s resources, we can find a place far away from the city and build a large community.

This safe community can accommodate all of us, and accept those survivors who come to seek refuge, and reshape our society and civilization. The specific measures are..."

Councilor Wang kept talking, and some people had expressions of disdain on their faces.

Some people were still very interested, and Lu Cheng finally understood.

It's still the same old thing, they want to build a survivor alliance that unites all survivor bases, and the leader is naturally Congressman Wang.

Obviously, he wants to be the doomsday mayor of this city.

When Congressman Wang finally finished speaking, the people behind him, led by Cai Yong, immediately applauded warmly.

As for the leaders of other survivor bases sitting on the table, they only sparsely applauded him.

Next comes the discussion.

Congressman Wang asked the leaders of these survivor bases to express their opinions.

As a result, some people actually started discussing it.

"I'm afraid this is not something that can be done easily, right?"

"Besides us, there must be many other survivor bases."

"I think Senator Wang's proposal is a good one. If it can be implemented, everyone can actually save a lot of effort."

"As the old saying goes, unity is powerful."

"Ah, now you say that unity is powerful. When we raided that supermarket earlier, who was behind the sneak attack?"

"I'll carry out a sneak attack, why don't you still recruit people from our team?"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing. Let's put aside the past festivals."

"If it weren't for the sake of Councilor Wang and Lu Cheng today, I would have beaten you to death."

"Come on! Who is afraid of who!"

Lu Cheng didn't know why he was just looking at his own face, but he didn't say a word.

Fortunately, this discussion did not last long. Before everyone became more and more angry with each other, Councilor Wang patted the table and asked everyone to quiet down.

“It seems that everyone is still a little excited right now, so why don’t we take a break first.

Let’s decorate the chapel later, go watch the performance, and then we’ll continue the meeting and discussion. "

After finishing speaking, Councilor Wang stood up and left the conference hall.

Cai Yong quickly stood on the podium and announced that about half an hour later, everyone would gather in the chapel to watch the performance.

As for food, don’t waste it.

The survivor leaders looked at the untouched food on the table and hesitated.

One of the strong men said:
"Okay, let's take a rest and go to the show later. This food won't be wasted."

After saying that, he smiled and then ate happily.

Seeing this, the others lost their reserve and started eating too.

Lu Cheng looked at the pieces of meat in front of him and the delicacies paired with other vegetables, but did not touch the knife and fork in his hand, and the same was true for Xu Jingqiu next to him.

Lu Cheng not only refused to eat, but also secretly hid a few.

After all, they don't trust Councilor Wang very much, so they naturally won't eat the food here.

They weren't the only two who didn't move their chopsticks, there were also two leaders of the survivors who didn't move.

While they were eating in the house, Lu Cheng stood up and led Zhang Xiaoyun and Shen Xue out of the house. Xu Jingqiu quickly followed.

"Lu Cheng, do you think Congressman Wang can handle this meeting?"

"Officer Xu, what do you think?"

Xu Jingqiu shook his head:
"Judging from the confrontation between the leaders of the survivor base just now, it's a bit difficult."

“Actually, I don’t think Senator Wang cares whether it can be done or not.

He just wants to be the maker of the rules subtly. "

When Lu Cheng said this, Xu Jingqiu understood.

Councilor Wang provided a food venue and a platform for everyone to come together and discuss.

From now on, we will do this kind of activity every once in a while.

Even if some people disagree with establishing a survivor alliance, the final result may be the same.

That is Councilor Wang, who will become the rule maker of this city's doomsday era.

The two were talking when a loud noise suddenly came from in front of them.

When Xu Jingqiu took a look, he didn't expect that there was a conflict between Gu Ming and a middle-aged man.

"I gonna go see."

"Well, let's go."

She nodded to Lu Cheng and hurried over.

The people behind Xu Jingqiu naturally followed, and Lu Cheng picked a bench and sat down boredly.

Zhang Xiaoyun and Shen Xue were also sitting next to him, one on the left and the other on the right. Lu Cheng was looking at the crowds around the street, as well as those wearing various colors who came to the stronghold of other survivors.

Suddenly, a beautiful figure appeared in front of him that surprised him.

"Mr. Lu Cheng, do you want to be a guest at my home before the show starts?"

Guan Xiaoting, who had changed her clothes, said elegantly to Lu Cheng:

Boy, this outfit is even sexier!
(End of this chapter)

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