I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 241 Chapter 240

Chapter 241 Chapter 240

Lu Cheng didn't know much about other survivors in this city. Most of the information he heard from Captain Xiaoguang.

And this time, the leader and village chief beside him talked about the situation of other survivor shelters in the city.

It can be seen that the village chief in front of him really intends to cultivate himself as his heir.

I just joined the Success Shelter and haven’t had much time yet.

He actually planned to regard himself as his heir.

It has to be said that the village chief in front of him is really confident in his super power of prediction.

As for the accuracy of his prediction, Lu Cheng estimated that there was definitely no big problem.

After all, with his own strength, if anyone can protect the successful shelter in this doomsday catastrophe, then it is except himself.

Lu Cheng really couldn't think of any other candidates.

As for what you said about the Federal Company, Lu Cheng thinks that even though an organization as huge as the Federal Company has some strength.

But if you really want to say how much better he is than Lu Cheng, Lu Cheng doesn't believe it.

What's more, in terms of strength, there is no one in the federal company who is more powerful than himself.

Lu Cheng is very confident in his strength. If he can't protect the Success Shelter even with his own strength, then I'm afraid no one else can do it.

Lu Cheng, on the other hand, was not in a hurry and talked about these miscellaneous things with the village chief, the leader of the Success Shelter.

He quietly listened to the village chief talking to him about the survivors.

As for the survivor shelters in this city, the summary is that each of their shelters is very strong.

There is no such outstanding person as Lu Cheng in the central town who can stand up and take the lead and become the leader of a city.

The leaders of every shelter want to take the leadership position, and because of this reason, there have been a lot of frictions between them before.

There have even been wars among many shelters.

But for Lu Cheng, these are not uncommon things.

After all, wasn't the process of his rise in the central town accompanied by blood and fire?

Do you think that Lu Cheng can make other shelters listen to him because he is famous, so people in other shelters are willing to listen to him?

It's not just because of your outstanding strength. If you just have fame and materials and expect others to listen to you, it may still be possible before the end.

But there is absolutely no possibility after the end.

After all, if you don’t have the strength, if you only have supplies, then you are just hoarding supplies for others. If someone else is short of supplies one day and goes directly to your house with a gun, what should you do?

So Lu Cheng understands this very well.

It is natural for the leaders of other shelters in this city to want to compete for leadership. After all, they are all in doom.

If there is a chance to be the boss, who would want to be unknown in this world?

After all, people's desire for power is endless, but the village chief in front of him obviously has no such desire.

He just wants to manage his own successful shelter. After all, people always have some ideas and goals.

The village chief was obviously a disabled person who couldn't take care of himself before, but after the end of the world, he used his superpower to attract a group of people who were willing to follow him.

It can be seen that the village chief is still very happy inside.

And hopefully we can take this group of people to the end.

And while Lu Cheng was listening to the village chief's introduction about other survivors in the city, the village chief had already talked about everything else.

Then he said to Lu Cheng again:

"If I really unfortunately leave Mr. Lu in the future, can I lead Success Shelter to continue in this doomsday as I saw in the prophecy?"

After he requested this, Lu Cheng did not hesitate, but nodded directly.


"Success Sanctuary is my home, so I can't leave it behind."

Although Lu Cheng said this, he had no such thoughts in his heart.

After all, in Success Shelter, there were only two people he really valued, namely Xiaoguang and Xiaohong, who he had just had a relationship with.

As for taking Success Shelter to such a powerful height, Lu Cheng has never thought about it.

If we talk about the past, I might have been able to find a way to bring Success Shelter to my side as my own fighting force.

But now it is known that the leader and village chief has the ability to predict the future.

So if you still act according to the future he predicted, wouldn't it mean that you are bowing to fate.

Did you do what others predicted?

Then if another person comes out from the Federal Company and says that he can also prophesy, predicting that Lu Cheng will eventually be defeated by the Federal Company, let Lu Cheng surrender as soon as possible, so as not to waste his efforts.

Does Lu Cheng also want to listen to him?

Because of this, Lu Cheng was thinking so in his heart, but he already had a rebellious intention.

Regardless of what would happen to the successful shelter in the future, he had no intention of caring about it.

At most, just take Xiaohong and Xiaoguang away.

Here, the village chief also sighed, and then continued:

"Actually, my prediction was not particularly accurate. I just saw you and Success Shelter standing together and fighting side by side.

As for where you can take Success Shelter to in the end, the place I can see is actually not very far.

But no matter what, I always feel that you are the hope for a successful shelter,

Even if you have better choices and plans in the future and no longer intend to help the Success Shelter,

Or continue to stay here, and I hope you don't destroy this place with your own hands, okay? "

After the village chief finished making such a request, Lu Cheng was stunned. He didn't expect that the village chief would be able to say such a request.

I originally thought that the village chief wanted him to lead the successful shelter and become the leader here.

Leading these survivors to survive in this doomsday, they did not expect the village chief's intention. He just hoped that if there was any conflict of interest with the successful asylum in the future.

I can imagine what it would be like to be taken care of by Morning Light Shelter today.

You can also show mercy to Success Shelter.

Although the village chief didn't say it explicitly, that's what he meant. Lu Cheng thought about it for a while, but this time he didn’t hesitate. Instead, he nodded and said:

"Of course there is no conflict between me and the survivors, and they are not as crazy as the Federal Company.

So even if I am no longer in the Success Shelter someday in the future, I will definitely remember today. "

After Lu Cheng said this, the village chief in front of him nodded with relief, and then asked Lu Cheng to take him back to his house and villa.

And on the day when the meeting was to begin soon, the village chief led everyone towards the meeting place.

It was as if the chat with Lu Cheng today had never happened, and the village chief didn't even mention it later.

Of course, Lu Cheng couldn't talk about this matter everywhere, so he just pretended it didn't happen.

Hidden this matter deep in my heart.

Here Lu Cheng and other team leaders followed the village chief to the meeting place. The meeting was not held in any survivor shelter base.

Instead, we chose a middle area that is convenient for everyone. This area has long been cleared by everyone and is regarded as a safe area for the public.

Because there are no resources to search for here, and what is there are just some empty rooms.

Therefore, it is quite appropriate to hold a leader meeting here. In addition, there are many survivor shelters around, so there is no big problem in terms of safety and security.

When Lu Cheng and others arrived at the meeting, they found that there were quite a few leaders of the survivor shelters who came to the meeting.

In addition to the guards they brought with them, there were hundreds of people in total.

And when so many people gather together, not to mention their combat effectiveness, most of them are mutants.

It has been a little over a year.

If they have not evolved into mutants by this time, many survivors may not have much chance in the future.

Unlike most of the zombies that can become unified zombies, Lu Cheng estimates that the number of survivors who can become mutants is about 1/5.

At least from the current point of view, there is no problem that at least two out of ten people can become mutants.

But compared to the huge loss of alienation, this amount is still a bit insufficient.

After all, the number of mutant zombies is inherently crushing, more than ordinary survivors, and with this data share, the number of mutants is far lower than those of alienated zombies.

So this is the reason why Lu Cheng is not optimistic about the future of the survivors. As time goes by, the IQs of those evolved zombies will become higher and higher.

Their advantages will naturally become stronger and stronger.

Now Lu Cheng followed them to the meeting place and soon saw the survivors who came over. The leaders were similar to the arrogant and domineering images he had in mind.

There is not much difference. After all, most people before the end of the world, that is, ordinary people, have gained power and become leaders after the end of the world.

If you say you can't float, then it is naturally impossible.

But this time, Lu Cheng watched them discussing how to deal with the Federal Company, and he was not in a hurry to speak.

Most of these people had been attacked by the Federal Company. Naturally, the crowd was very angry and they were all saying bad things about the Federal Company.

It's just that they want to retaliate against the federal company, but there is no particularly good way.

On the one hand, it is true that no one from the federal company can be found. They will not establish their own stronghold or shelter in the city at all.

If they had their own shelter, it would have been destroyed by the survivors long ago.

The federal company seems to have already anticipated this.

So the place where they gathered was obviously somewhere else, and they were unable to find a place to give orders.

And while these people were discussing how to deal with the federal company, a person from the other side had already walked in.

Then he said in a panic:

"Oh no, I seem to have found a hidden stronghold of the federal company."

Everyone in that person looks relatively invisible.

But no one thought much about it at this moment. After all, on this occasion, this person would come to report, and he must be someone under one of the leaders.

Besides, the other party brought information about the federal company's stronghold, so naturally no one would doubt anything.

And he must have passed the identity verification before he could come in, otherwise the gatekeeper wouldn't have been able to let him in.

Not long after, the man took out a letter and handed it over, and soon a powerful and powerful leader took the letter into his hands.

Then he unfolded it and read it.

It didn't take long for everyone's eyes to change.

Because they saw that this letter seemed to be about the transportation of materials in the federal company's laboratory.

If they just knew where the federal company's laboratory was, they wouldn't be particularly excited. After all, despite their words, they were all clamoring to do something to the federal company.

But if we really want to fight, I'm afraid most people will cherish their own feathers and strength.

We don't want to have a direct conflict with such a powerful force as the Alliance Company.

If possible, letting others go first and using up their strength is their best choice.

But this time is different. If the federal company really has so many supplies in this shelter, then it will have to be done by itself.

Otherwise, it would be bad to let others take the lead and occupy the prophet's words.

Although they were thinking this, they really couldn't say it out loud. They all looked at each other nervously.

They seemed to be waiting for someone else to stand up, but after waiting for a while, no one had the intention to stand up.

The strong man holding the letter in his hand bit his teeth and shouted loudly:

"This thief, the federal company is actually transporting supplies under our noses. This can't be tolerated.

I'm the first one not to agree. If any of you are willing to join me, I'll be the one to take the lead.

But let’s make an agreement first. As a front-runner, I can go back and seize the federal company’s stronghold. After that, I will get an extra share of the supplies. "

After he said this, the expressions of the other leaders also changed, and some people immediately stood up to object.

(End of this chapter)

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