I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 242 Chapter 241 Battle

Chapter 242 Chapter 241 Battle

Now that someone is willing to stand up and take the lead, these survivors are naturally willing to follow.

After all, judging from the letter they seized, there are a lot of supplies in the federal company's research institute.

If they can take the materials in these research institutes as their own, it will be very beneficial to them.

It’s just that no one has been willing to take the lead in doing this before. After all, if someone is willing to take the lead, they will definitely be regarded as the number one target by the federal company.

They also know that the federal company is very strong.

If they are targeted, I don't know what will happen in the future. Maybe there will be a special attack on them in the city.

It is precisely because of such worries that they did not immediately stand up and be willing to take this lead.

But now someone has come forward to take the lead, which is also a very good thing for them.

It's just that the rich and powerful man in front of him actually demands to take most of the resources for himself, but this is not non-negotiable for survivors like them.

But this discussion took a whole day.

After all, things related to the distribution of interests are very sensitive. If it is not made clear at the beginning, everyone may fight over it when the distribution is carried out later.

In many cases, you have already distributed the benefits in the early stage, but if the situation changes in the later stage, for example, if one party's strength weakens, it may also cause conflicts and contradictions.

So it is a very good thing to agree in advance now. The leaders of these survivors are here, and they are starting to argue about how to divide the benefits that have not yet been obtained.

Lu Cheng watched coldly from the side, but did not stand up and say anything. After all, the leader of the Success Shelter on his side, the village chief, did not speak either.

He obviously wasn't particularly concerned about these supplies. He just closed his eyes and said nothing.

And everyone obviously knows that the village chief, the leader of Success Shelter, has the ability to predict the future.

At this time, after they had discussed the profit distribution in detail, a person soon looked at the village chief strangely, and then asked him:

""Village chief, why have you been silent since just now? Did you foresee any future that you didn’t tell us? "

After this person finished asking, other people who were arguing over interests suddenly became quiet.

They all looked in the direction of the village chief. After all, for them, if they could get the village chief's prediction before birth, whether it was failure or victory, it would be a matter of psychological preparation.

However, the village chief's prophecies about battles never seemed to happen often.

Because what the village chief predicts is often the life and death of certain people, or some sudden incident, etc.

But he didn't have any special opinions on the future direction, whether it was good or bad. This time he shook his head, and then said to the others:

"You guys should also know my abilities. I didn't foresee the outcome of this battle, but I could see that this battle was indeed fought.

Moreover, the fight is still very fierce, and both sides have invested a lot of people, so don't have any worries, just prepare to fight when it's time to fight.

Give up all illusions, after all, the Federal Company is well prepared. "

After the village chief said this, other people also showed worried looks. They did not expect that the federal company would actually invest a large number of troops in this battle.

The combat level of the federal company and their combat unit equipment are obvious to everyone.

Many people in the federal company are mutants. Not only that, their equipment is also very sophisticated. Even ordinary people can be inseparable from a mutant with their equipment.

And when they heard that the federal company actually invested a large amount of troops, many people were actually frightened and retreated.

However, the tall and powerful leader slapped the table, stood up, and shouted:

"Damn thief, what does the Federal Company have to be afraid of? What if there are so many of them?

Are there still few people here? There are probably tens of thousands of us in total. No matter how many they have, they only have one or two thousand at most. What if they have advantages in weapons and equipment?

We hold small pistols and can kill them all with one shot. "

But after this tall and powerful man shouted like this, other people thought the same thing. Weapons are all hot weapons.

Even wearing a bulletproof vest is not completely bulletproof. It can only save one life.

But if you can beat the opponent until he has no power to fight back, that's fine.

If we talk about the number of mutants, there are indeed quite a lot of mutants in the Federal Company.

But there are a lot of mutants on their side, not to mention so many survivor shelters. The combined power is not something that the federal company can easily deal with.

After thinking this way, they felt relieved, and each of them became determined to fight to the death with the Federal Company.

Of course, the most important thing is because the materials written on the form about the Federal Corporation Laboratory are so abundant.

If they can get those supplies, they believe they won't even need to go out to search for supplies in the next half year.

They can support ten thousand of them.

I don’t know why the federal company put so many supplies in that shelter.

As for the authenticity of this letter, in fact, no one doubted it from the beginning. After all, this letter has the federal company's special mark on it.

In fact, Lu Cheng did not cheat on this letter, he just changed the time and place.

This letter was the first thing that Lu Cheng obtained information about the Federal Company. He would show it to these survivors, so there was no problem.

After they discussed and decided, they quickly went back to prepare, and then waited until three days to assemble.

Set off towards the federal company's shelter.

After all of them returned, the Chenggong Shelter also began to mobilize. The number of people in the Chenggong Shelter was about 3000.

There are fully 1000 combatants available, and nearly 1/3 of the village chiefs have put these people into the battle.

As for other shelters, Lu Cheng estimated that there would only be four to five hundred people at most, and it was impossible to send out so many people at once like Cheng Cheng.

The village chief must have done this because he saw something, but Lu Cheng didn't ask.

The village chief seemed to attach great importance to this battle, and even spent his money on it, telling them to fight bravely together with Lu Cheng and the other captains.

Win this battle no matter what.

The village chief's meaning was a bit surprising to Lu Cheng. After all, Lu Cheng also hoped that Success Shelter could have more power.

He originally launched Success Shelter as the first bird.

If the Success Shelter can provide more strength, it can ensure that everything goes smoothly in this battle. The most important thing is to attract the vitality of the federal company so as not to doubt one's own.

The village chief's actions seemed to coincide with his own wishes.

Lu Cheng even suspected that the village chief might have encountered something, but he didn't say much.

After everyone was fully prepared, they all set off one by one. The team of 1000 people was still very large.

When people from other shelters gathered together, although there were not tens of thousands of people.

But it still has a strength of 5000 people.

Such a force would be incredible if placed on an ancient or modern battlefield.

Although they are not well-trained soldiers, nor are they battle-hardened veterans or mercenaries.

But more than a year after the end, they were living a life of licking blood every day. This time, both their fighting will and their own willpower were very strong.

No worse than those soldiers before the end.

The most important thing is that after fighting zombies for so many years, they can be said to be quite accustomed to fighting.

Although everyone still has the desire to survive, if a battle really breaks out, the adrenaline will be combined with the bloody stimulation of the scene.

Everyone can sacrifice their lives.

Of course, we have to wait and see how the actual battle will turn out.

After these people gathered together, they quickly elected several generals.

These generals are naturally the leaders of their respective sanctuaries. This time they are also ready to go, vowing to clear the Lianbang Sanctuary from the city.

And they quickly set off towards the base where the federal company was located.

The federal company here was naturally aware of the strange behavior of the survivor Ming, and on a cruise ship far away in the ocean, Major General Medusa was commanding other federal company organizations.

He also frowned and looked at the dispatcher who reported this situation, and asked strangely:

"What are you talking about? Is it true that the survivors in E City are uniting to deal with our survivor shelter in the city?"

After Major General Medusa asked this question, the dispatcher immediately nodded and said:

"This is indeed the case with Lord Medusa. We have already seen their army gathering, with a total number of more than 5000 people.

Although it has not reached 10,000 people, the scale is already very terrifying. "

Medusa also took a breath. He did not expect that the survivors of the shelter in E City were so united.

Even though there was a battle with the survivors, they had never been so united as they are now.

I don’t know what happened to them or what kind of gunpowder they used.

I just captured some alienated people in the city and didn't attack their shelter.

Why did they suddenly gather together?

And the most important thing is that they seem to know where the federal company's hidden base is.

We came directly in the direction of the base. You must know that the base is built in a valley.

And most of them are built by hollowing out the mountains. If it weren't for people with special intelligence, it would be impossible to know that there is a base for their federal company in this place.

Then this base was secretly established before the end.

It was only officially opened after the end of the world. There are indeed a lot of supplies here, but is it worth letting so many people take the risk to attack together?

Medusa didn't know what was going on behind this, but she always felt like something was wrong.

But now is not the time to think about this. After all, those menacing survivors have formed a large force and are heading here.

Medusa could only grit her teeth and order to the dispatcher:

"All the teams performing tasks nearby will return immediately and request the headquarters to send more manpower. Since they have 5000 people, we will need more than 2000 people to defend it."

After Medusa said this, the dispatcher quickly shouted in response, and then began to issue orders.

In fact, there are not many teams performing tasks nearby, mainly because those ordinary teams are not useful at all.

Only a team of aliens can play a decisive role in such a battle.

If we can use the alien team's tactics to behead the survivor leaders one by one.

So it is naturally very good for Medusa. As long as their leaders who give orders are killed, their combat effectiveness will be greatly weakened.

These 5000 people are just a mob.

And Medusa was indeed right, but she didn't expect that the next battle would be so tragic.

The teams of special agents who received orders outside also returned to E City one by one.

Or they are coming towards E City for support. It will probably only take two or three days to arrive.

If they are too far away, of course there will be a helicopter to pick them up.

Not only that, from all directions in other cities, scattered personnel from the federal company also rushed towards E City at the first time.

And news about the upcoming war in E City has also begun to brew on the Internet.

After all, with so many people active, it was impossible for the survivors to remain silent.

There must be some loudmouthed people who like to post some comments on the Internet.

And the remarks they made will naturally attract the attention of survivors in other cities.

Most of the survivors in other cities also have a lot of grudges against the federal company.

When they heard that so many survivors actually united to attack the federal company, they were naturally applauded.

(End of this chapter)

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