The emperor put down his pen and sighed, and said with a wry smile: "Opening the orifices and dispelling filth, relieving depression and eliminating phlegm? I know you have good intentions, but I am depressed. How can a handful of styrax be used to relieve it?"

An Lingrong smiled and said: "Your Majesty, to tell you the truth, the children of Yin Guiren are really..."

The joy between the emperor's brows was like the color of a clear sky, condensing and lingering: "Is this true?!"

An Lingrong stretched out her hand, covered the emperor's hand, and said solemnly: "The doctors from the imperial hospital jointly treated him and used ancient prescriptions to prepare the medicine. Now the child's belly is about a circle smaller than before."

The Emperor Long Yan was delighted. He took An Lingrong's hand and said in surprise: "Rong'er, I am lucky to have you. Not long after you entered the palace, you have already helped me save two elder brothers and a princess!"

Holding the emperor's hand, An Lingrong sighed and continued the performance.

"I just have something that I want to tell the emperor. I don't know whether I should tell the emperor..."

Hearing this, the emperor said without hesitation: "But it doesn't matter."

"Although it is possible for the child to be cured, Yingui seems to be unfit to raise a child. There are rumors in the palace that she was unreasonable and unreasonable during her pregnancy, which led to the collision with the black cat and the child's unreasonable disaster."

An Lingrong knew that the emperor believed in ghosts and gods, otherwise he would not have liked the prayer dance she performed back then.

So when she said this, the emperor breathed out silently, and was about to ask An Lingrong what her plans were, when he heard two knocks on the door from outside.

An Lingrong asked, but Su Peisheng was outside.

"Your Majesty, the noble Yanxi Palace has sent something for His Majesty to see. Your Majesty, would you like to take a look?"

The emperor hesitated for a moment, then put down his pen and said, "Bring it to me and have a look."

Su Peisheng agreed and pushed the door in, but there was a pile of baby clothes placed on the red lacquered tray.

The emperor didn't understand for a moment, so he asked: "What is this?"

Su Peisheng said respectfully: "Yin Guiren said that he heard that my brother may not be able to save his life, so he asked me to bring these clothes to the emperor. The emperor will have a look at them to see if they can be sent to the child. Together..."

A hint of dissatisfaction flashed across the emperor's expression.

Why did his heir become a child that could not be saved when he reached the ears of Yin Guiren?

This made the emperor more and more dissatisfied with Yin Guiren's performance, and deep down he began to want to help the children with royal blood find a new mother.

An Lingrong, who was standing next to her, said the right thing: "Your Majesty, Yin Guiren is very fond of Yi'er. Although the news she got from unknown sources is a bit unfavorable, you should still fulfill her painstaking efforts."

The emperor nodded: "I'm sure. You tell her that after these clothes are exposed to the sun tomorrow, they will be brought in by the imperial doctor."

As he spoke, the emperor added, "But let her remember one thing. She will never allow such unfavorable words to be said in the future. My child is not dead yet. As the child's biological mother, how dare she curse my heir!"

Hearing that the emperor was angry, Su Peisheng lowered his head and raised his head tremblingly, and said: "Yin Guiren said that tonight at 11:11 is the time when my little brother was born half a month ago. I hope the emperor can come to Yanxi Palace in person to accompany him. The noble people of Yin worship the Buddha together."

He took a few steps forward and turned over the clothes on the plate: "These clothes are all made by Yin Gui's own hands. Your Majesty, look at the needlework. It must have taken a lot of effort. Yin Gui's motherly heart is admirable." ah!"

He flipped it up casually, revealing only the picture of a baby playing with many children and many blessings on the bottom of the plate.

The emperor's eyes moved, and he was already soft-hearted, but when his eyes touched the innocent baby pattern on the bottom of the plate, a layer of misty tears flashed across his eyes. The tears seemed to be covered with a thin layer of broken ice, condensing layers of cold air.

The emperor asked: "Where did this tray come from?"

Su Peisheng smiled apologetically and said, "Where else could it come from? It was sent from Yanxi Palace together with the clothes. If the emperor doesn't believe it, the young nobleman who sent the clothes is still waiting outside the palace."

The emperor's eyes were slightly cold, and he no longer looked at the clothes: "Go and tell Yin Guiren that she is still in the middle of the month and it is not suitable for me to visit. She, the mother-in-law, can do these things with her own strength."

Su Peisheng obeyed the order, and the emperor temporarily lost his mind to chat with An Lingrong and left soon.

An Lingrong had no intention of retaining the emperor. After returning to the Nuan Pavilion to freshen up, she handed the news to Concubine Duan in the palace with Baojuan.

After the moon came out, the emperor still did not allow Yin Guiren to leave Yanxi Palace for even half a step. Even the mage who was praying for his elder brother in the side hall returned to Baohua Hall.

There is only the echo of the lonely wind and snow, accompanied by the equally lonely and sad Yin Guiren.

It was rare and fine weather for several days in a row, and on the tenth day, the concubines also went to Cining Palace with the emperor and empress to pay their respects.

Seeing that the hall was full of Yingying Yanyan, the Queen Mother smiled a little and said with a smile: "It has been raining and snowing in the past few days, so I don't need you to come and greet me. Today, the Emperor and the Empress are willing to bring you here together."

Everyone said: "It is an honor for my concubines to be able to pay their respects to the Queen Mother."

The Queen Mother said with a smile: "Yesterday Fujia accompanied the Aijia to the Imperial Garden for a walk. They said they were admiring the red plum blossoms on a sunny day. In fact, the red plum blossoms are in full bloom. Nothing can be compared with your flowers blooming. Not only the Aijia, but also the emperor was delighted to see them."

"Your Majesty, do you think so?"

The emperor smiled apologetically and said, "The emperor's mother is right."

The Queen Mother straightened the beaded tassels on her clothes and said slowly: "A hundred flowers are blooming. At first glance, it seems that if any one is missing, it is not obvious. But those who are familiar with flowers know that even if one is missing, it is not a beautiful spring scene." .

"Your Majesty, just think that the Ai family is always talkative. Yin Guiren is already out of the moon, why haven't you seen her go out to pay regards to the Ai family?"

The emperor did not speak, but glanced at An Lingrong.

The queen, who hated An Lingrong, quickly said with a respectful smile: "Yin Gui is not in good health. It is my son's wish that she should take more rest."

"It's Yingui's fault if he's too sad."

The Queen Mother sighed, and then said seriously, "For concubines, children are important, but serving the emperor is more important. This is why the ancestors' rules require that the children you give birth to should be given to your elder brother or someone with a high position." The reason for raising my concubine is that I am afraid that you will only focus on the child and neglect the emperor."

She glanced at the queen and said with concern: "Yin Gui is not blessed, but fortunately the child is still raised next to the Taiyuan Hospital. Your Majesty, you are still young, and your concubines are also still young. Don't be overly sad and get hurt." Dragon body.”

The emperor stood up quickly, taking the Queen Mother's heart into consideration.

"Son, thank you, Queen Mother, for your concern."

The Queen Mother sighed and said: "The Queen's care is just words. It's up to you to open your heart. The Ai family sees that you have lost a lot of weight these days. You are so depressed and unhappy. The Ai family is also worried when they see you."

The Queen Mother's tone was slightly dissatisfied, and she looked directly at the Queen: "Queen, I heard that you have been accompanying the Emperor most of these days, why haven't you properly explained and comforted the Sacred Heart? You are the Lord of the Sixth Palace. The trivial matters in the palace are important, but everything about the Emperor It’s even more important, you must not ignore the importance!”

This sentence was quite serious, and the queen looked slightly panicked.

"Your Majesty, I forgive you, but my sons and ministers are incompetent and cannot make the Emperor happy, so I have arranged for the concubines from all the palaces to accompany them during these days. Concubine An and Concubine Hua are also accompanied by many of them. If the Empress does not believe it, she can order the Ministry of Internal Affairs to Send the file for review."

An Lingrong and Concubine Hua stood up hurriedly and said, "Your Majesty the Queen Mother, my concubines are indeed serving the Emperor on the orders of the Queen."

The Queen Mother stroked a handful of purple jade Ruyi on her hand and sighed: "Your Majesty, you can feel at ease." The Emperor and the Queen looked at each other, then looked at An Lingrong, and then also lowered their heads.

The queen looked up and Shi Shiran smiled and said, "Actually, I have been arranging several concubines to accompany the emperor, and this is the plan."

She lowered her body and said with a smile to the Queen Mother and the Emperor: "Congratulations to the Queen Mother, congratulations to the Emperor, following the noble Yin, Chun Changzai is also pregnant for more than a month."

The emperor was shocked, then overjoyed. He held the queen's hand and helped her up, saying, "Is what the queen said true?"

The queen's smile was as warm as the spring breeze: "It is absolutely true that the child is in Chun Chang's womb. How dare I make false claims? Moreover, I have checked the records of the Jingsi Room and found that the child was indeed conceived by Chong Chong more than a month ago."

Chun Changzai's face was flushed, and her face was much less tender than before. She also stood up and said: "I am deeply blessed by the emperor and the empress. The empress is afraid of making mistakes, so she specially invited three or four imperial doctors to diagnose her pulse. Concubine I am indeed pregnant with a dragonborn."

Concubine Hua felt extremely sore from the bottom of her mouth to the bottom of her mouthpiece.

But that kind of sadness completely ignored her feelings and spread forcefully and wantonly, crawling into her internal organs.

Concubine Hua subconsciously pressed her belly. It was so flat, and she was still so unlucky to have no children of her own.

The emperor couldn't help but look at Chun Changzai and said, "Since Chun Changzai is pregnant with you, I will promote you as a noble man of Chun. What do you think?"

The noble man stood up with a smile, saluted, and said happily: "Concubine, thank you, Your Majesty."

But the Queen Mother's smile was still faint, like a thin and soft cloud of smoke on the hazy moon and a hazy bird. There was always a vague shadow, making it difficult for people to find out the real meaning behind the smile.

"The Queen will take care of Chun Guiren's pregnancy. You must pay more attention to food. You can't be like that Yin Gui Ren..."

The Queen Mother stood up holding her mother's hand: "After talking all morning, the Ai family is also tired. Let's go and have a rest. You can sit down for a while and then go your separate ways."

The queen stood up and took the order: "My son, I understand."

Everyone watched the Queen Mother enter the bedroom.

Seeing that the Queen Mother was gone, the Queen looked at Chungui Ren's belly with a proud smile on her face.

She spoke slowly to the concubines sitting below: "The most important thing in the harem is to spread branches and leaves for the royal family. We will be blessed for thousands of years. Our future generations will not be anywhere else, but here." On your bellies.

"If you can all be like a noble person, I will be able to wake up from my dreams with a smile."

She turned around with a smile and said, "Jianqiu, pack your things tonight. I'm going to Baohua Hall to offer incense and pray to express my gratitude to God."

The emperor patted the queen's hand happily and said gently: "Thank you, queen."

"Why does the emperor say this?"

The queen smiled and said, "Concubines give birth to children. Of course they are the biological mothers of the children. I am the legitimate mother of the children, and I am also a mother. This joy is not only for them, but also for me."

The emperor was quite moved, and a glint of moisture flashed in his eyes: "The queen is virtuous."

The queen looked around at the people seated: "I have always wanted to report something to the emperor. In fact, among the concubines, Concubine Hua and Concubine Wan have the highest number of flip cards, and they have served the emperor for a long time..."

When Zhen Huan heard the mention of herself, she shuddered unconsciously and looked at the queen.

When she raised her head, she caught Concubine Hua's eyes. They met for a moment, then turned their heads, each showing an extremely decent smile.

The queen looked at them both with a smile, her eyes full of warm concern.

After a few idle words, everyone dispersed.

The emperor paid special attention to Chunguiren's pregnancy, so he asked the queen to send her back to Jingyang Palace in person, and he returned to Yangxin Palace.

An Lingrong and Meizhuang walked out of the palace. Meizhuang smiled and sighed: "Chungui people never have much favor. The emperor only goes to her once a month, and he is pregnant."

An Lingrong also lamented that despite all the calculations, the queen did not expect that the queen would go behind Zhen Huan's back and steal Chungui to stand in her team.

"For good fortune or good fortune, having children depends not only on luck, but also on who is standing behind you."

After the words fell, Cao Guiren came from behind and pretended to be in love with Meizhuang, chatting about his daughter.

Concubine Hua took this opportunity to get close to An Lingrong and looked directly at An Lingrong.

"Concubine Hua is looking for me for something important?"

As she spoke, An Lingrong smiled secretly and waved her hand to signal the palace attendants behind her to step back.

"When the Imperial Palace leaves in a hurry, Concubine An, please listen to me. From now on, my sister will not be able to easily call on the two imperial doctors of the Jiang family. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

The clear and warm sunshine rolled up fine dust like broken gold, which fell on the body, and was also stained with that bright halo.

An Lingrong covered the dazzling light with her palms, looked at the dissatisfaction in Concubine Hua's eyes, and agreed with a smile.

"I thought that the imperial doctors of the Imperial Hospital were at the disposal of the concubines in the harem. I never thought that Concubine Hua liked the two Imperial Physicians Jiang so much. I will definitely pay attention in the future and find other imperial doctors to take care of me."

Concubine Hua gritted her teeth and pointed her armor at An Lingrong, "Don't think that I don't know. You gave Jiang Shen a bank note just to let him help you take care of yourself. You wanted to get the prescription for childbirth before I did. .”

An Lingrong's expression was calm and unfazed, "Hua Fei, the palace is no better than anywhere else. Such words cannot be said or spread."

Concubine Hua stopped her smile and snorted coldly.

"I don't want to waste any more words with you. You and your noble family owe me something, and I will definitely repay you double the amount in the future."

After saying this, Concubine Hua called Songzhi and left together.

At the same time, the news that Xia Dongchun gave birth to an unlucky child once again spread to everyone's ears.

There were always more gossips in the palace than snakes, insects, rats and ants scurrying around in the dark corners.

Hidden in the nooks and crannies under the red walls and green tiles of the palace garden, people are noisy, sneaky, whispering, and ready to move.

There is only added fuel and vinegar, no short words or sentences.

This is the gossip in the harem, and it never stops for a day, but is like the endless spring grass, growing endlessly.

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