Day by day passed.

Sui Yuxuan was tainted with the joy of Chungui's pregnancy, and the number of times he went to bed with Zhen Huan also increased a lot.

It didn't take long for her to catch up with Concubine Hua, who was regained favor in Yikun Palace.

An Lingrong heard that Concubine Hua was so angry that she almost threw something on Cao Guiren's face, which almost scared Wen Yi.

Therefore, after Concubine Hua became angry, Cao Guiren did not want to get along with her anymore. Instead, he took Wen Yi from time to time to Cunju Hall to chat with Meizhuang's precious daughter and Princess Hui.

On this day, the emperor and the empress brought the concubines of the Sixth Palace to the Queen Mother to pay their respects.

The Queen Mother deliberately comforted Mr. Chungui, and then ordered Zhuxi to bring a mahogany lacquer plate padded with bright red embroidered velvet.

There was a Qilin gold lock placed on it. She held it in front of Chungui. The Queen Mother said: "The Ai family is sending you a Qilin gold lock. I hope you will give the emperor a brother as soon as possible."

Chungui had never seen such a treasure before. He couldn't help but get up and thank him.

Concubine Qi smiled and stroked the emerald tassel pendant on her collar, and said with envy: "The Queen Mother's sincere and noble thoughts must be appreciated. In fact, it doesn't matter to the princess. As long as mother and child are safe, don't be as unlucky as the noble Yin."

The Queen Mother stretched out her hand to pluck the newly bloomed clusters on the tables at her hand to welcome the spring. The flowers were golden and green, the branches were graceful, and there was a warm and cool atmosphere of early spring.

The smile on the Queen Mother's lips was also warm and cool at first, and she looked at the Queen next to the Emperor again.

"The queen has always disliked luxury. Now that the Ai family has given a pure gold unicorn lock to the noble lady, the queen will not think that the Ai family is old and confused."

The queen was shocked, knowing that the queen mother was still thinking about Xia Dongchun's fetus.

She quickly stood up and said respectfully: "The emperor's mother cares about Chungui. How dare I think so? What's more, Chungui is pregnant. The emperor's love for Chungui is equivalent to protecting my concubine."

The Queen Mother smiled slightly: "The peace and tranquility in the palace are due to the Queen's virtue.

I heard that in order for the concubines in the harem to have more children, the queen asked the Taiyuan Hospital to prepare a lot of abortion pills and deliver them to the palaces every day. "

She turned to the emperor and said: "A few days ago, it was the day when the dragon raised its head on the second day of February. The Ai family ordered people to watch the sky at night and pray for good fortune. I wonder if the Qin Tian Jian told the emperor the result?"

The emperor showed a bit of joy and said: "Qin Tianjian said that the celestial phenomena are auspicious, especially the small star at the tail of the Northern Pleiades, which has been exceptionally bright for several months. This means that the harem woman is pregnant with a noble child. In my heart It’s also very comforting.”

And among the women in the harem who are pregnant, only the nobles are the only ones. It seems that this pregnancy is indeed a sign of great blessing. "

Saying this, Chungui was even more delighted and looked at Zhen Huan, An Lingrong and others with blinking eyes.

She still uses her youth and beauty to win the favor of the elderly.

Concubine Hua curled her lips in disdain and remained silent with a cold face.

After a few words of greetings, the Empress Dowager gave special instructions to Chun Gui about protecting the baby, and then they left.

Just after leaving the ceremony gate, the emperor said to An Lingrong in a low voice: "Yesterday Jiangnan paid tribute to some good tea, and I gave it to you. Now that you have some free time, how about you cook some tea for me to taste?"

An Lingrong lowered her eyebrows and smiled: "I am not afraid that the emperor will not come to taste tea, but you have not been to Jingren Palace for several days.

A few days ago, it was the first day of February. You were supposed to spend the night in the Queen's Palace, but you just went to sit for a while and then went back. "

The emperor was about to speak when the queen came up quickly and said, "Hail, Your Majesty."

The emperor's smile faded and he said calmly: "It's a cold spring, why won't the queen return to her palace?"

The queen looked quite embarrassed, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Your Majesty, you have not been to my concubine's palace for many days.

I am ignorant. I wonder if the emperor is blaming me for the gossip about Yin Guiren? "

The emperor looked at the queen with a hint of warmth in his expression, and he said gently: "Queen, you were just kind-hearted at the beginning, and the royal family's face should not be lost, but you accidentally missed it, and the evil in the palace started.

I can't help but think that this is the queen's fault. "

The queen stood in the wind, like a cold lotus withering in early autumn.

The queen bowed and blessed her, turning the cold tears in her eyes into a calm composure.

"It is indeed my fault that I made an oversight. I will think about my faults and reflect on myself again and again."

With that said, she knelt down and said, "Then, I will send you to the emperor respectfully."

An Lingrong stayed aside and watched the queen's performance quietly, then took the emperor's hand and returned to the Yongshou Palace.

After the emperor drank tea at An Lingrong's place, he returned to the Yangxin Hall to handle government affairs.

An Lingrong had nothing to do, so she took the fragrant silk thread and embroidered the handkerchief.

Baoping on the side took a baked fragrant cake and put it into the furnace, covered it with a mica separator to separate the charcoal fire, and dropped in one or two drops of condensation-like honey.

"Now that the house is dry, dripping honey when burning incense can clear away heat and moisturize dryness. Do you think it's good, Madam?"

"Now that your mind is calmer and your work is more appropriate, there is nothing wrong with it."

An Lingrong smiled slightly, thought for a while and then said: "Chungui loves sweets after she is pregnant. I remember that there is acacia nectar prepared last year in the small kitchen. It is the best for clearing away heat and cooling blood. You can give it to me later." Give her a jar."

Baoping smiled and said: "It's nothing else. Last year, I went to the outskirts of Beijing to find a large sophora grove, picked out the snow-white and clean blooming flowers, and added an appropriate amount of young mulberry leaves. Steamed sophora flower dew.

There are only so many ideas, and the empress wants to give them away. "

An Lingrong said angrily: "Now Chungui is the emperor's favorite. Even the Queen Mother thinks highly of her and doesn't give her many gifts. Outsiders think that I only like Sister Wan and Chungui is just a concubine. "

Baoping smiled and said: "What good is it for other people to be pregnant? In the past, noble people were not favored at all, and they were all in favor of noble people. Now that the emperor is pregnant, he praises her like this..."

An Lingrong smiled and scolded her: "You're talking nonsense more and more."

After saying that, An Lingrong saw that the sky was very beautiful, so she took the palace people and walked over.

It happened that Zhen Huan was taking someone to Meizhuang on the way. The two of them chatted for a while and then dispersed.

Because Chungui was pregnant, the broken jade pavilion was specially decorated. When he walked outside the palace wall, he saw the vermilion palace wall towering, and even the glazed tiles looked green.

An Lingrong took a closer look and said, "It's such a festive color. The wall must have been newly painted. It seems to be particularly bright."

The little palace maid who came to greet her smiled brightly: "No, the queen has told me that the color should be festive. This is auspicious."

An Lingrong held Baoping's hand and entered the rich doors. She saw the carved railings were colorful, painted red and covered with gold, and the flowers were unusually bright.

An Lingrong nodded secretly and said, "Sure enough, after Chungui became pregnant, this Broken Yuxuan is no longer the same as before."

She turned to the palace maid and asked, "What is Lord Chungui doing at this time?"

The little palace maid said: "Your Majesty is tired and is resting in the Nuan Pavilion. Concubine An invites you."

An Lingrong was about to enter the side hall when she suddenly heard a frightened scream from inside, which turned out to be Chungui's voice. Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what happened for a while.

An Lingrong woke up quickly and said immediately: "It's Chungui's voice, why don't you go in and have a look!"

Hearing this, An Lingrong immediately led people and rushed in first.

When he entered the Nuan Pavilion, he saw Chungui huddled on the couch in fear, and the brocade quilt on his body was curled up into a ball.

Chungui was shocked and turned pale. His whole face was pale and gray. He pointed at the embroidered carpet on the ground and shouted: "Save me! Concubine An, please save me!"

An Lingrong's eyes reached the ground and she subconsciously took a few steps back. The palace people couldn't help but exclaim.

It turned out that on the embroidered carpet, a snake with colorful gray flowers was coiled around it, spitting out its scarlet core and swaying unsteadily on the ground.

A little eunuch exclaimed: "Ah, this is a flower snake, it is poisonous! It is poisonous!"

Everyone was so frightened that they retreated ten steps away. Seeing the snake swimming closer and closer, Chungui was so frightened that he almost fainted.

An Lingrong thought for a while and asked the little eunuch beside her: "Do you have realgar powder in your palace?"

The little eunuch hurriedly said: "Yes, yes! This is always available in the palace."

An Lingrong ordered him to bring realgar powder, aimed at the snake and threw it at it.

The bold Baoping reached out and took a duster from the side of the Bisha cabinet, picked up the snake's body, threw it out at the door.

An Lingrong immediately said: "Quickly find someone to use a big stone to hit it within seven inches. It must be hit to death."

The eunuchs were originally frightened, but upon hearing An Lingrong's instructions, they hurriedly picked up the realgar powder and looked for stones to hit him.

It only took a moment to dispose of the snake.

Chungui looked at An Lingrong blankly for a moment, then burst into tears and threw herself into An Lingrong's arms with a corrupt expression: "Empress An, Concubine An, thank you very much for saving my concubine!"

An Lingrong hurriedly wrapped her in a brocade quilt and helped her into the bedroom to lie down. Fang asked, "What happened? How could there suddenly be a poisonous snake in your Nuan Pavilion?"

Chungui looked in a daze and said, "I was feeling sleepy. I was resting in the Nuan Pavilion without anyone waiting on me. Unexpectedly, a snake suddenly fell from the beam. I screamed in fright."

An Lingrong stroked her heart, a glint of unknown meaning flashed in her eyes.

"That flower snake is poisonous. If it bites you, not only you, but also the child in your belly will suffer disastrous consequences.

It's just a good thing, how could there be poisonous snakes in the palace? "

Baoping brought tea for Lord Chun and said, "My Lord, please drink a cup of tea to calm down your shock. Today is the Jing of Insects. All kinds of snakes, insects, rats, and ants have come out."

Chungui took the tea and took a sip. He couldn't help but loosen his grip and the whole cup of tea spilled on the ground.

The next second, Chungui curled up into a ball, grabbed her hand with one hand, pressed her stomach with the other and shouted in pain: "It hurts! My stomach hurts so much!"

When the emperor and the queen arrived, the imperial doctor had already prescribed a prescription for Chungui to have a fetus.

People in Suiyu Pavilion were in panic, and An Lingrong couldn't escape for a while. While she asked the palace people to wait for medical treatment, she also ordered the eunuchs to spread realgar and lime all over the corners of the walls to drive away snakes.

The emperor came in hastily.

An Lingrong was guarding Chungui Ren's bedside. When she saw the emperor coming in anxiously, she hurriedly stood up and said, "Hail your Majesty, and my Queen."

The emperor hurriedly helped her stand up and asked with concern: "How is Chungui?"

The queen was also anxious.

"Has the imperial doctor already been here? How could it be that I encountered a snake again and suffered from abdominal pain? I was having heart palpitations all the way."

An Lingrong said hurriedly: "Today, a venomous snake appeared out of nowhere in Broken Yuxuan. Chungui was suddenly frightened and affected the fetus. The imperial doctor prescribed anti-fetal medicine and took it. Chungui had already taken a nap for a while. There should be nothing now." It’s serious.”

The emperor saw that Chungui still looked frightened in her sleep, so he couldn't help but pity and said: "Chungui is pregnant for the first time and is feeling unwell in all kinds of ways. Today, she encountered such a thing, it will really frighten her."

The queen looked around and said worriedly: "Your Majesty, this noble lady is pregnant with your precious child. It is really pitiful that she was so frightened this time.

The concubine heard that snakes and even poisonous things suddenly invaded Suiyuxuan, fearing that there would be some disadvantages. "

The emperor hesitated and asked: "What does the queen mean?"

The queen's face was full of concern: "Your Majesty, the ground in Broken Yuxuan is damp. What should we do if snakes, insects, rats and ants disturb the dragon fetus in the future? As I see it, it is better for Chungui to move to another palace."

The emperor was surprised and said: "Moving to a different palace? I have to clean up the palace garden all of a sudden. I think a noble person might not be able to get used to living there."

The queen said: "Some palaces in the six east and west palaces have never been inhabited, and it is inconvenient to sort them out temporarily. Besides, Chungui is pregnant for the first time, so it is best if someone can take care of them."

She glanced lightly at An Lingrong's face, and said with a smile: "Today's incident with Chungui, fortunately Concubine An was here, so everything was fine.

It would be better to let the Chungui people move to the Yanxi Palace temporarily, and then ask the Chungui people to move back after the Broken Yuxuan is cleared of all evil objects. "

The emperor hesitated slightly, looked at An Lingrong and said, "Concubine An and Hongli already live in Yanxi Palace. Will it be too crowded to move in?"

While hesitating, he heard Chungui groan slightly, and Youyou woke up and turned around.

Seeing the emperor beside him, he burst into tears and said, "The emperor is here. I was so frightened today that I'm really afraid that I won't be able to see the emperor."

The emperor hurriedly comforted him: "Don't talk nonsense. I still hope that you will give birth to an elder brother for me."

He pondered for a moment and then said: "It is better to let Chungui move to the Queen's Palace. With the Queen taking care of me, I can feel at ease."

The queen turned her face and wiped the corners of her eyes, and she felt a hint of sadness: "Your Majesty, Jianqiu caught wind and cold yesterday and is not in good health. I am afraid that the epidemic will return..."

The emperor stood up in surprise: "Epidemic? Is it important?"

The queen paused and said: "The imperial doctor has looked at it and said... As a result, the noble lady will no longer be able to live in the concubine's palace."

The noble man held the sleeves of the emperor's shirt and cried: "Reporting to the emperor, today I am fortunate that Concubine An is calm and helps me drive away poisonous snakes, but this place..."

She looked around at the broken jade pavilion with carved railings and painted buildings, a look of horror flashed across her face: "I definitely don't dare to live here anymore."

The emperor pondered for a moment: "Then Concubine An, I have no choice but to ask Chungui to stay in your Yanxi Palace temporarily."

An Lingrong knew that there was no excuse, so she said: "When I go back, I will clean out the two Dongnuang Pavilions in the side hall for Chungui people to live in, but please Chungui people don't dislike the simplicity."

Chungui's face showed joy and he said bluntly: "How could it be possible? I will bother Concubine An in the future."

The queen also smiled: "Now the emperor is most concerned about Concubine An and Chungui in the palace. They live together, so it is more convenient for the emperor to visit." (End of Chapter)

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