Jiang Wancheng then remembered that she had not yet met the two of them because she got up late!
She had intended to meet them after breakfast, but was delayed until now because Wen Chaoyan came back to talk to her.

Unexpectedly, they came here first.

Thinking that the two of them had come from afar and finally met her, but she ignored them, she suddenly felt guilty.

Jiang Wancheng suppressed his curiosity about the house and looked at Wen Chaoyan: "I'll chat with them. You can go to the front yard to watch Erlang read?"

What else can Wen Chaoyan do?
I had wanted to spend the next three days with my wife, but now it seems that is impossible.

Although he felt a little upset and frustrated about being driven out by her, Wen Chaoyan could accept it as long as his Cheng'er was happy.

"Okay, I'll bring Sister Ya and Erlang over to have dinner together later."

On the first day of the wedding, the family naturally has to have dinner together.

Moreover, the four of them haven't been reunited for a long, long time.

Jiang Wancheng's eyes were warm and he was looking forward to this event.

"it is good."

When Wen Chaoyan left, he nodded to Zhao Jingmo and Liu Jingniang who passed by him.

The two of them moved away and bowed slightly.

After he walked away, they came in together, holding hands.

Jiang Wancheng stepped forward and held them, "Sorry, sorry. I just had dinner and I have a lot of things to do. I wanted to visit you later, but I didn't expect you to come first. I don't know if they settled you down properly last night? Did you sleep well?"

Liu Jingniang covered her lips and chuckled.

"I know you have no choice today, so it's only natural that you sleep in and get up late."

Jiang Wancheng blushed and punched Jingniang: "Don't joke with me!"

Jingniang snorted and endured it, "Yes, how dare I. Now that the house is so big and your husband is a master of the Imperial Guard, I have to save my life."

Jingniang patted her chest while saying, "There were so many Jinyiwei yesterday, I was scared to death!"

Fortunately, men and women were seated at separate tables. Although the male guests drank a lot, they did not cause any trouble.

But seeing so many dazzling knives, Jingniang, who had never seen such a world before, was still frightened, and she still feels scared when she thinks about it now.

Zhao Jingmo was much calmer than her.

"We live very well. Tingfeng even settled us in a small courtyard, which is fully equipped and very quiet."

"We know you're busy, but we wanted to come and see you. Is there anything we can do to help?"

Jiang Wancheng: "We do have a lot of manpower, but as you know, I just came to this house yesterday, so I haven't sorted out anything yet. But it doesn't matter, we can just do it slowly."

The three of them sat down at the round table. Qingmei and Tingfeng had already cleaned the table.

After a while, Qingmei came over with some snacks and laid them out one by one.

"Ladies, please enjoy your meal."

Jiang Wancheng knew that they were not used to having people around them, so he let Fuxue and the other three go out and play first without having to wait around.

After the three maids had left, Liu Jingniang said "good boy".

"Your maids are more beautiful and well-behaved than each other. How did you do it? I feel like you have changed a lot now. How should I put it... Not only have your clothes and appearance changed, but your temperament seems to have changed completely."

Although Jiang Wancheng is still gentle now, her whole demeanor and behavior reveal the air of a lady from a noble family. It's as if she has become a completely different person.

Liu Jingniang only felt that they seemed to have some alienated and unfamiliar feeling...

Jiang Wancheng reached out and pinched her, instantly bringing her back to reality.

"What are you talking about? Am I not myself anymore? I used to be an embroiderer and a village girl, and now I have only had a few days of good life! Do you still want to leave me behind and not be with me?"

Liu Jingniang laughed, then she took Jiang Wancheng's arm and said with a smile, "Okay, I want to learn from you and be a dignified lady! By the way, have you seen the gift I gave you yesterday?"

Liu Jingniang winked at Jiang Wancheng mysteriously.

Jiang Wancheng then remembered that she seemed to have put it in the pile of dowry boxes.

"If I see it now, you must not be angry."

Liu Jingniang put her hands on her hips and said, "Well, you were so busy being affectionate with your husband that you didn't even have time to look at my gift, right? If I hadn't come to you today, would you have forgotten everything?"

Jiang Wancheng: "That's not the case. I'll remember it when I deal with the dowry anyway."

Liu Jingniang: ...

Thinking of what she had just seen when she entered the yard, with a whole yard full of large wooden boxes, Jingniang felt numb at the moment...

Well, the Jiang Wancheng now is no longer the same Jiang Wancheng as before, who valued even a hundred taels of silver more than his life...

Maybe my little bit of contribution is really nothing.

So, he was so emotional that he just threw the can down the drain and said, "Then you can wait and see. It's Miss Zhao, she has something to tell you. Her matter is much more important than mine."

Jiang Wancheng then noticed that Zhao Jingmo's mood seemed to be low.

Although she was a gentle and quiet girl, when she was with me in the past, she was not like she is now, as if even smiling was forced.

Jiang Wancheng looked at him more carefully and found that there seemed to be something wrong with Zhao Jingmo's eyes.

Not only that, she was also thinner than before.


"According to the date, shouldn't you have been married? Why are you still wearing your hair in a bun? Also, why did you come to the capital alone? Mo'er, what happened?"

Jiang Wancheng frowned, only then realizing that there was something wrong with Zhao Jingmo.

When asked this question, Zhao Jingmo seemed unable to hold back any longer, and the tears in his eyes kept flowing out as if the thread had broken.

"Cheng'er, I don't want to disturb you, and I don't want to mention this to you today, but I...but I really have no other choice. Only you can help me now!"

"Can you help me find a way, or tell Dalangjun to help me...help the Zhao family, clear the grievances, and settle my blood feud!?"

Jiang Wancheng was stunned for a moment before he reacted.

But he seemed a little confused, "What did you say? What happened to your family?"

Zhao Jingmo's body softened and he slid to the ground.

She covered her face with a handkerchief and cried so hard that she couldn't breathe.

"It's me... It's my Zhao family... Now, except for me, my nephew and niece, my grandma, parents, they are all dead! Wuuuuu... Wuuuuu..."

Zhao Jingmo cried and cried until he fell to the ground, as if all his energy and strength had been drained on the way to Beijing.

Those faces flashed quickly through Jiang Wancheng’s mind.

Mo'er's grandmother, Doctor Zhao, Madam, Mo'er's parents, Zhao Qinglang, and Mo'er's brother and sister-in-law...

The Zhao family, everyone’s voice, smile, and past events.

Zhao Jingmo is saying... they are all dead!? (End of this chapter)

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